Secret Santa

My work has just decided to do one, although you don't pick someone's name, just bring a generic gift (for either a male or a female) along. :confused:

Eh? How does that work then? I tried telling my boss that the idea was to pick someone's name so you could get something suitable but she wasn't having any of it.
Secret Santa update - we did our Secret Santas last night and you would not believe what I go - a funking jigsaw of the London Underground wtf :eek: Do I look like the kind of girl who does jigsaws in her spare time :lol:

I have to admit :oops::oops::oops:

I got one 2 years ago for a random Christmas present - and I was like WTF????

Anyway - in a gak fuelled evening - I spent hours doing the jigsaw - anyone who turned up I roped in to helping me - I became obsessed - and I mean obsessed - I hated it with a passion but couldnt put it away, couldnt walk past it without looking for another peace.....

I need certifying by the end of it.... but I bloody loved it by the end!! :lol::lol::lol:
I detest secret don't know that person, you have no idea what to get them, and will probably get a crap gift yourself in return.

We do the thing where everyone buys something, and then you pick numbers out of a hat, and go in order choosing gifts, and people tend to play the game and steal them from each other, but seriously, what I am supposed to get for them? Can't we all just try our best at making cookies and cakes like at home, it would be more fun. Stupid trivialized holiday. It isn't even thanksgiving yet, and I'm hearing these sales for the holidays, xmas is trying to take over the entire calendar.
I quite enjoy it. I think its only a laugh.

Except for this year someone doesnt want to do it, she cant afford £10 so would rather do £5 or not at all.

I mean I know there is a credit crunch but she is taking it to extremes.
We have to do them at work I think its a POO idea!!

Baby jesus butt plugs?
