Sad day for Norway

I went to bed last night and the total was something like13, then this morning it was over 90 :( Absolutely horrendous, and so shocking that one individual could do this.

And there are still more missing :(
Only just seen this. Was wondering when the next bout of evil was going to unleash itself in Europe. Sick and disgusting, and as so often the case where people are least expecting it. Very :(.
Unbelievable.... they should find out why he did it, who was in on it and if he won't talk torture him then take him out the back of the building, put him on his knees and put a bullet in the back of his head.
That`s just too easy.. He should be put back on Utøya, and then the survivors could chase him around with their weapon of choice. An eye for an eye..
That`s just too easy.. He should be put back on Utøya, and then the survivors could chase him around with their weapon of choice. An eye for an eye..

Agree, let the family and survivors have him. He has destroyed hundreds of lives, jail would be too nice for him.

Edit: Ritters, please accept my sincere condolences for your country. Its heart breaking seeing it on the news.
Horrible - just shows that nutters are about pretty much everywhere.
In this day and age, no nation is immune anymore. Life is of little value to too many people on this planet no matter what their background, location, religion, etc.

Funny how we call Muslims maniacs "terrorists" but I've not yet seen that label applied to this "Christian warrior". But make no mistake - he's a terrorist, plain and simple. No less one than my home country's Timothy McVeigh of Oklahoma City bombing fame.

The presence of mind it takes to go around putting a shotgun blast in the head of everyone you've already shot with your other gun is chilling.

And you'd think someone would have checked this guy out when the store reported how he'd bought 6 tons of fertilizer :!:
I read it took them about 40 minutes (20 to drive to the coast, 20 to find a boat and get out there)

Either way, that's a lot of time.

Several people missing still, by the way. The fear is they drowned while trying to hide in the water :cry:
I read it took them about 40 minutes (20 to drive to the coast, 20 to find a boat and get out there)

Either way, that's a lot of time.

Several people missing still, by the way. The fear is they drowned while trying to hide in the water :cry:

Poor buggers:(
He owned a farm so its probably expected that they buy in bulk. If you live in the city it would be a different matter.
Even then, you'd think the police would want to swing by and check it out if, as reported, the sellers informed them of the massive purchase. :confused:
make no mistake - he's a terrorist, plain and simple. No less one than my home country's Timothy McVeigh of Oklahoma City bombing fame.
A quote from the killer's manifesto:

"Once you decide to strike, it is better to kill too many than not enough, or you risk reducing the desired ideological impact of the strike," the book said.
totally shocking.

i watched a prog about this once, actually it might have been charlie brooker newswipe.

the worst reaction to this though is to cover it and publicise it. maybe locally yeah but when it goes intl....that basically gives behaviour like this it's fulfillment, cos now the message the killer was trying to get across is being heard.

in a lot of cases, it's the cry for attention/fame through death thing. if it didn't get reported, then people wouldn't be inspired to be the next one to carry it out.

that said, not sure how you can censor something like this
Sad weekend...

This has been a very sad weekend here in Norway...
The whole country is in shock, and most of the clubs were shut down in respect.

I work in a hotel, and you can feel the sad vibe among the guests :cry:

My toughts to all the families...