Quick annoucement, Ladies and Gents.
As Ian posted yesterday, Ground Zero has indeed changed hands. As he also mentioned, Ground Zero will be open this season from May 8th so fear not! You can still pay us a visit for all your alternative musical needs or a sneaky Weedkiller or Jesus Juice. Don't worry, we're still here doing what we do best!
Just to introduce myself if i may, my name is Ian. Some of you probably know me as Beard. For any of you that don't know me, i'm the hairy one that's been behind the bar/at the door/downstairs or even DJing occasionally for the last 17 years, so if you were afraid that "Ground Zero just won't be the same", then please rest assured that we're not only going to be the same, but hopefully even stronger than before!
So if you were looking for an excuse to get yourself over to the white isle this summer, let this be it! Ground Zero under new, but recognizable management.
I can't end this post without thanking Ian for THIRTY SEVEN years of work striving to make Ground Zero the place that we all know and love.