Still on a mission I see !
From things I remember reading on this forum I would guess that Warren D eats good and healthy food which may include meat,think he understands his intake fully.
Also think this has gone into overload now,you risk alienating people in your hope of conversion (like all evangelists)
I may well agree with a lot you say,but this is not really the right place in the forum to continue this, especially as you started the thread with a wrong assumption...
With all due respect, Don Simon, I think we'll have to agree to disagree, at least on the above. As aside from your interest in tv aerials, I do not know where you stand.
For the sake of clarity, let's take Warren D's ridiculous assertion at face value and not for the sarcastic intent that it contained.
While we are on the subject of "fecal matter" Vegans and vegetarians tend to produce a lot of fecal matter because their diets are often very high in fibre.
When it comes to food there will always be waste produced in the production and the elimination. the waste doesn't finish when you shovel the food into your mouth. If people are really concerned then they could stop eating altogether.
First of all, starvation is obviously not the solution. Though vegetarians and vegans may have a higher fiber intake than meat eaters, it need not be so, as an omnivore could very well have the same portion of vegetables, grains, and other high fiber foods. The only major difference is that the main source of protein is substituted i.e. beans for cows, tofu for chickens, hemp for fish, and lentils for pigs. Dietary fibers move food through the digestive system, they alone do not determine how much waste is produced. That is determined by how much is eaten. Meat eaters could produce more waste simply by 'shoveling' in more than a vegan / vegetarian. A vegan / vegetarian would more likely digest it more efficiently.
As far as how much waste is created in order to raise, say, one cow for slaughter, take the average amount of waste it produces per year, and multiply that by the average life span. Now add some of the other major sources of waste i.e. all the herbicides and pesticides used to grow their feed, all the water to grow that feed, all the water it drinks, and all the acres of land deforested in order to allow for grazing. Now take all the cows, pigs, chickens, etc... that the average meat eater consumes per year... that's a lot of waste...
About this 'mission' you speak of, what mission? This is a public forum where anyone can post their opinion. I am not trying to convert anyone. This thread seemed concluded, when Warren D voluntarily decided to post what he did... though unlike animals in factory farms, he can speak up for himself.
And yes, I started this thread based on a misunderstanding, which once clarified, I retracted my initial statement. There are much worse wrong assumptions out there, such as 'milk does a body good', meat is essential for protein, or animals are clean and well kept on factory farms, for which proponents of those views blatantly refuse to acknowledge the reality of it.
There is a difference between activism and evangelicalism as there is a difference between diplomacy and pacifism.
I hope there was no misunderstanding about the terracycle link. It was an example of how it is possible to make a pretty "good living out of 'doing the bins'" and that manure can be reused as a fertilizer.
The problem is the conditions in which animals are kept in on factory farms and how much waste is produced by that industry.
Waste cannot be totally eliminated. It can be significantly reduced.
"Nature has enough for man's need, but not for man's greed."
- Ghandi