Recession & holidays

[QUOTEG This site USED to be really entertaining, full of like minded individuals, but alas no more! - All i see in the reviews these days is literally a full break down of Morbyd's existence - I think we even got a running commentary of a particuarly nasty sh!te during his last review in September...

Administrator's, ban me if you want as I know pally you lot are on here, I just had to get this off my chest: BOREmyd, YOU'RE ABOUT AS ENTERTAINING AS SIMON COWELL!

Don't take it personally mate, you just sound like a tw@t...

I referred to them as a residents association once......

While I sympthize with your general point I think its unfair to single out any one individual for criticism

Most internet Forums form alliances between posters for whatever reasons and some are more active than others with their contributions.

Thing is, while some on here can be moody sh1ts at times most can back up their viewpoints with valid points and facts.
it isn't nearly as cliquey as some forums out there and I've been on a few... :lol:

*the two things that might put off lurkers though are the constant dregging up of old threads they wouldn't 'get' and those threads characterised by bouncing tit gifs - not exactly that enticing to female posters...
What do stats on inflation have to do with the job situation??? :rolleyes:

Are you for real?? lol - Just check what nonsense you wrote...:spank:

Originally Posted by Morbyd
Perceptions are one thing, mate, but the stats don't lie.
Just googled '2009 uk inflation' and the first result up was the UK stats office. The consumer price index was an annualized 1.9% through November. Not zero inflation, but still pretty low. Most indicators point to a recovery in 4Q 2009, fragile as it might be. Employment, however, usually bottoms out and recovers a couple of quarters behind the economy.

Now I really need to get this off my chest...

Being someone who lived in Ibiza for a while, I've been coming on this site for years now, for debates about dance music, the infamous party calendar, where to live in Ibiza, clubs etc etc...
But all you see these days is 'Morbyd's thinks this' 'Morbyd's doing that' 'Morbyd's opinion on a recession that doesn't effect him is this' - Do you ever think to yourself, people really don't give a sh!t about some rich bloke showing off about how amazing his life sounds, how much money he spends in Ibiza and how often he goes? - Give us a break! - This site USED to be really entertaining, full of like minded individuals, but alas no more! - All i see in the reviews these days is literally a full break down of Morbyd's existence - I think we even got a running commentary of a particuarly nasty sh!te during his last review in September...

Administrator's, ban me if you want as I know pally you lot are on here, I just had to get this off my chest: BOREmyd, YOU'RE ABOUT AS ENTERTAINING AS SIMON COWELL!

Don't take it personally mate, you just sound like a tw@t...

Well the recession (and the small matter of a wedding last year :rolleyes:) means that there will be no trips abroad for us this year :cry:

I work in recruitment and my salary (being commission based) has taken a hit by 2 thirds this last year (as in i'm earning 2 thirds less now). We are barely scraping by month to month right now as no one is recruiting. At all.

Ahhh well, still have memories of honeymooning in Mexico to see us through (have to admit, I missed Ibiza last year tho lol)
Slightly off topic ...

... but could you run us through this one again, morbs.
I must have missed it the first time round :lol::lol::lol:

what happened ? I'm all ears - do tell !

let me see - where exactly can i find the "particuarly nasty sh!te
during his last review in September..." ? :lol:
Holidays are one of my main things I like to spend money on. I found out I was getting made redundant last year, finished work then went to Ibiza the day after I finished. I had been looking for work without much luck but luckily started another job a week after we got back but on £2k less than I was on (which wasn't much in the first place).

I've already managed a weekend in Prague this year and have booked to go to Majorca and Turkey. Giving Ibiza a miss until next year as I don't have the money to pay the ridiculous prices that haven't bothered me too much in the past.

Will defo be back in 2011 though. Even if it's for 4 or 5 nights as opposed to the usual week.
If I go on holiday this year , it'll be a weekend in Ibiza and that's it. I'm going to uni part-time in September and I'll need to pay course fees , and I want to start saving more for a deposit at some point (renting ATM) .
its looking like september this year. will give me a chance to get some money together. i have sacrificed a lot over the last few months and will continue to watch the pennies but ibiza is a must! :)