Recession & holidays

I need to go back to Marrakech - I wasn't prepared for the intensity and was too disorganised which meant I didn't appreciate it


early morning prayers at 4am - the wailing that sounded like old propellers starting
the smells, the narrow streets, the tangines
the riadhs were beautiful - the courtyards, the mad travellers we would have breakfast with on rooftops
people walking around the souks with monkeys on their shoulder
the wild scooters, nobody wearing helmets (stick that in your health & safety and smoke it)
the carefree conversations, the tireless porters


the constant begging, hassling - got really tiresome 'you Elvis, like?'
the lack of booze and (more surprisingly) hashish
the gender barriers - no women out at night!
the dodgy cash machines, account getting frozen, being stranded overseas with no money!
the police interrogation at the airport!

Where in Marrkech did you go drinking? Jad Mahal is one of the nicest bars I ever did see.

Loved the place & got engaged there. Re the H word, we spoke to the Riad owner who sorted within 5 minutes.
It's been pretend the recession is not here for me, despite working in the worst hit sector.

In the past few months it's been africa & dubai on honeymoon, just got back from 2 weeks in India.

Berlin end of March, Ibiza start of July & San Sebastian Sept. Former two are locked and loaded.

So long as i'm not increasing the debt pile for these & saving for them I see no problem. I'm kick starting the travel industry myself.
the only booze we had was at cafe arabe - not cheap and a bstd to find! - quite loungey, buddhabar style - very intimate, nice but not really somewhere to let your hair down

I think cafe des epices was where we went for elevenses in the morning - had a much more European feel to it
dunno, Morocco was weird - hadn't been to a muslim country before yet it felt quite western in places too. The chilled out cafes where all the lonely planet crew hung out didn't feel very arab at all but sometimes you just needed an escape from the intensity on the street. People never leave you alone and you could never be sure if people were out to con you or not. The first night, we got lost in some alley and this 'friendly' guy offers to guide us back to the main fna el-djemaa square - and so you get all the "Ingleesh yes. I speek little" blurb and then the sucker punch at the end. "I stop here. You give present, yes!" and then following a pause, a slightly more aggressive "PRESENT!" and so you freak out and think - am I actually being mugged? - is he gonna pull out a dagger? - or am I being rude or what?? so I just stuffed all the dirhams I had in his hand (not actually knowing how much was there) and that kind of initial introduction to the city leaves you paranoid and suspicious... which is all a bit sad - like I said, I should've done my homework better.
When I first arrived in Morocco I was a bit wary. Our Riad didn't send a taxi to the airport as promised, so we had to make our own way there, and it was slightly out of the main tourist area (in a bit of a ghetto!). We arrived in a taxi looking lost and a young lad took us to the Riad, which in was down several alleyways, we'd never have found it on our own! Jon gave him a few Dihrams, probably about 30p, he looked at it in disgust and said "this is nothing!" and pestered us until we gave him more, about £2 :eek: :lol:
Another night we were walking back to the hotel, and a guy about our age started walking alongside us, gesturing to us as if he would show us the way. We politely gestured as if we were fine and said "no" but he kept on walking with us! It got a little tense as we stopped off in a shop to try and deter him, and he came and waited outside for us! Obviously he wanted a tip for taking us there - even though we knew where it was! Eventually the shopkeeper came over and told him to get lost.... upon which made a rude hand gesture at us and swore (well, Im assuming he did).

I did feel slightly edgy at times in Marrakech. Most of the smaller hotels are in residential areas, down alleys etc, so you often are walking around on your own at night, in dimly lit places! Also, like Olly said, the majority of the Moroccan women dont go out after night, so for me I did feel a bit uneasy when walking past groups of men at night.

Having said that, there were loads of tourists in Morocco so I never felt out of place. Unfortunately it seemed like a lot of them were on these massive package tours where they stay in a 5* hotel and get ferried to and from the sights via a mini bus, and don't actually see the real Morocco.

As far as alcohol goes, we found it pretty scarce. A few of the tourist bars sell beers and wine. Moroccan wine is actually really nice, and cheap too.
When I first arrived in Morocco I was a bit wary. Our Riad didn't send a taxi to the airport as promised, so we had to make our own way there, and it was slightly out of the main tourist area (in a bit of a ghetto!). We arrived in a taxi looking lost and a young lad took us to the Riad, which in was down several alleyways, we'd never have found it on our own! Jon gave him a few Dihrams, probably about 30p, he looked at it in disgust and said "this is nothing!" and pestered us until we gave him more, about £2 :eek: :lol:
Another night we were walking back to the hotel, and a guy about our age started walking alongside us, gesturing to us as if he would show us the way. We politely gestured as if we were fine and said "no" but he kept on walking with us! It got a little tense as we stopped off in a shop to try and deter him, and he came and waited outside for us! Obviously he wanted a tip for taking us there - even though we knew where it was! Eventually the shopkeeper came over and told him to get lost.... upon which made a rude hand gesture at us and swore (well, Im assuming he did).

I did feel slightly edgy at times in Marrakech. Most of the smaller hotels are in residential areas, down alleys etc, so you often are walking around on your own at night, in dimly lit places! Also, like Olly said, the majority of the Moroccan women dont go out after night, so for me I did feel a bit uneasy when walking past groups of men at night.

Having said that, there were loads of tourists in Morocco so I never felt out of place. Unfortunately it seemed like a lot of them were on these massive package tours where they stay in a 5* hotel and get ferried to and from the sights via a mini bus, and don't actually see the real Morocco.

As far as alcohol goes, we found it pretty scarce. A few of the tourist bars sell beers and wine. Moroccan wine is actually really nice, and cheap too.

Some of the best bars i've ever been to are in Marrakech.

The hassle you get can be a bit annoying but like living underneath a flight path and zone it out.

Or pretend your albanian and speak a no eeenglish.
Luckily me and my better half still have our jobs/businesses, we actually had a decent 2009, which for Spain was almost unheard of.

So our plans this year are as follows. We've just got back from a week skiing in the French pyrenees (great skiing, very friendly and half the price of the alps), then her indoors is off to the Dam for a girlie weekend in feb. I'm off on a stag to Miami for the WMC end of March 8), Ibiza for the openings (second stag, same guy), then Ibiza for family hols in july, maybe South africa if England do well, then off to Florida in october to do Dysney and the parks.

The main reason I'm able to pack so much in is my best mate wotks for Virgin so I get great discounts, otherwise I'd be doing half that much.
Ibiza, Florida, South Africa... looks like we'll be shadowing each other, Liam :lol:
Your timing is all wrong though ;)
Perceptions are one thing, mate, but the stats don't lie.
Just googled '2009 uk inflation' and the first result up was the UK stats office. The consumer price index was an annualized 1.9% through November. Not zero inflation, but still pretty low.

Most indicators point to a recovery in 4Q 2009, fragile as it might be. Employment, however, usually bottoms out and recovers a couple of quarters behind the economy. Sorry to hear about your friend.

Morbyd, are you on another planet mate??? ''The consumer price index was an annualized 1.9% through November'' WTF??!?!

'Stats' don't mean sh!t in the real world - 5 of my close friends have been made redundant in the past 6 months without a chance of finding another job at the same level/salary. 3 of them have got kids and are finding it impossible trying to find work/pay for the mortgage. Even temping work isn't available anymore. It's alright for you in your little bubble you live in mate... Smell the Coffee!
you've certainly quoted enough stats to prove your point about them not meaning sh1t in the real world.
:lol: So true.

...but the guy has a point.

Far too much listening to stats, many of which come from the people who got us in this mess in the first place.

That coupled with the fact that when quantititive easing was introduced not one economist could say they knew the effect it would have.

Therefore everything else is speculation.*

* and things may well recover. (can't be ar$ed to debate this out so I'm going to run away now.)
Morbyd, are you on another planet mate??? ''The consumer price index was an annualized 1.9% through November'' WTF??!?!

'Stats' don't mean sh!t in the real world - 5 of my close friends have been made redundant in the past 6 months without a chance of finding another job at the same level/salary. 3 of them have got kids and are finding it impossible trying to find work/pay for the mortgage. Even temping work isn't available anymore. It's alright for you in your little bubble you live in mate... Smell the Coffee!
What do stats on inflation have to do with the job situation??? If anything, prices growth is being held in check by the recession :rolleyes:

As for the job situation you describe, READ THE REST OF WHAT I WROTE. Emotional responses add very little to the debate. Let's stick to the realities of economics.
What do stats on inflation have to do with the job situation??? :rolleyes:

Are you for real?? lol - Just check what nonsense you wrote...:spank:

Originally Posted by Morbyd
Perceptions are one thing, mate, but the stats don't lie.
Just googled '2009 uk inflation' and the first result up was the UK stats office. The consumer price index was an annualized 1.9% through November. Not zero inflation, but still pretty low. Most indicators point to a recovery in 4Q 2009, fragile as it might be. Employment, however, usually bottoms out and recovers a couple of quarters behind the economy.

Now I really need to get this off my chest...

Being someone who lived in Ibiza for a while, I've been coming on this site for years now, for debates about dance music, the infamous party calendar, where to live in Ibiza, clubs etc etc...
But all you see these days is 'Morbyd's thinks this' 'Morbyd's doing that' 'Morbyd's opinion on a recession that doesn't effect him is this' - Do you ever think to yourself, people really don't give a sh!t about some rich bloke showing off about how amazing his life sounds, how much money he spends in Ibiza and how often he goes? - Give us a break! - This site USED to be really entertaining, full of like minded individuals, but alas no more! - All i see in the reviews these days is literally a full break down of Morbyd's existence - I think we even got a running commentary of a particuarly nasty sh!te during his last review in September...

Administrator's, ban me if you want as I know pally you lot are on here, I just had to get this off my chest: BOREmyd, YOU'RE ABOUT AS ENTERTAINING AS SIMON COWELL!

Don't take it personally mate, you just sound like a tw@t...
Now I really need to get this off my chest...

Being someone who lived in Ibiza for a while, I've been coming on this site for years now, for debates about dance music, the infamous party calendar, where to live in Ibiza, clubs etc etc...
But all you see these days is 'Morbyd's thinks this' 'Morbyd's doing that' 'Morbyd's opinion on a recession that doesn't effect him is this' - Do you ever think to yourself, people really don't give a sh!t about some rich bloke showing off about how amazing his life sounds, how much money he spends in Ibiza and how often he goes? - Give us a break! - This site USED to be really entertaining, full of like minded individuals, but alas no more! - All i see in the reviews these days is literally a full break down of Morbyd's existence - I think we even got a running commentary of a particuarly nasty sh!te during his last review in September...

Administrator's, ban me if you want as I know pally you lot are on here, I just had to get this off my chest: BOREmyd, YOU'RE ABOUT AS ENTERTAINING AS SIMON COWELL!

Don't take it personally mate, you just sound like a tw@t...

:lol: This poster reminds me of someone.....
Whoah. Didn't know I inspired such hatred :lol:

Probably shouldn't take the bait, but for the record:
- I'm not rich. Far from it. :lol: Just don't save very much and don't have a mortgage.
- I never said the recession didn't affect me at all, just that I'm lucky to still have a job and therefore not changing my travel plans. My salary is worth 30% less in dollar/euro/pound terms than it used to be thanks to the ruble nosediving. And like others on here, I've also not gotten a raise in over 2 years.
- I made 2 main points above - inflation is low (so if you still have your job at the same pay then you should be ok) and the employment situation bottoms out 1-2 quarters after the economy starts recovering. I still don't see anything wrong with those assertions.
- I'm not sure what this guy means about reviews and 'how often he goes' considering I only make it to Ibiza once a year, as opposed to the multiple visits of a lot of Spotlighters!

But aside from all his useless drivel, maybe DTLover has one point. With fewer regulars around here these days (damn that Facebook!) and me being the Internet addict that I am :)lol:) it probably does seem like there's too much of me around. If everyone feels that way, I'll try to cut back on posting.
Sorry, was that aimed at me?? - Check the old messages....
... you lot ...

... wait a second ... this mental bull**** reminds me of someone ...

... i smell a ****ing rat