Recession & holidays

Actually, I've just (this morning) started considering going back to work from now until May and then heading to Ibiza for the summer.........
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Buckers, does that mean you're no working at the minute. Are you living off the Buckley estate or what??
Buckers, does that mean you're no working at the minute. Are you living off the Buckley estate or what??


Been having a little break since the start of September mate. I always have a 'rest' at the end of each consultancy commission I do.
Thats not true in the Uk tho mate. Most things have still gone up year on year, Tube travel has gone up to 20pence on single journeys this year alone!

as a visitor to the uk i was immediately struck by the special offers on virtually everything from food to clothes to meals in restaurants - the wife even got a deal on having her eyes lasered! shame we weren't on a property buying trip.

it was like people wanted us to spend our money.
... heading to Ibiza for the summer.........

good - but watch your teeth
I'm very lucky and crisis (which is huge in spain) not only doesn't affect me but my salary conditions have improved in the last couple of years.
I am planning a week in New York in october to visit a couple of good friends and X-mas in South-America again, hopefully in Colombia, but everything would be decided last minute
Will be holidaying twice this year, one week in late jne to ibiza and one week with the kids in spain in august.
Maybe a cheeky weekend away or two thrown in for good measure.
... Will wear a gum shield if passing a certain shop!:lol:
still a suicide-commando -
you remind me of the "dangerseeker" (from kentucky-fried-movie):

... you will be easily spotted in a pedestrian zone without any pedestrians ...
and then: puff - bang - teeth gone - over and out
I'm also suffering with the ol' pay-freeze excuse. My work has been paying for all my studies though which have amounted to a few grand a year, so might aswell milk that while I can.

I've just got back from a week in Morocco. Got a week in Ireland in April for a wedding. Hopefully a long weekend in Ibiza later on in the year for Ferrdiiiii's 30th ;) Also would love to go back to Croatia in the summer, but it just really depends on money.

For now I really need to replenish the money I squandered over the festive period!
How was Morocco, Becs?

Really good thanks. It wasn't very relaxing but then we knew it wouldn't be. We wanted to travel around and see a few places. We stayed in Marrakech, Essaouira (on the coast) and went to the Atlas Mountains with the intention of doing a trek but unfortunately got stuck in a snow storm so had to abandon that idea!

I'd definitely recommend it though, loads to see and do.
I need to go back to Marrakech - I wasn't prepared for the intensity and was too disorganised which meant I didn't appreciate it


early morning prayers at 4am - the wailing that sounded like old propellers starting
the smells, the narrow streets, the tangines
the riadhs were beautiful - the courtyards, the mad travellers we would have breakfast with on rooftops
people walking around the souks with monkeys on their shoulder
the wild scooters, nobody wearing helmets (stick that in your health & safety and smoke it)
the carefree conversations, the tireless porters


the constant begging, hassling - got really tiresome 'you Elvis, like?'
the lack of booze and (more surprisingly) hashish
the gender barriers - no women out at night!
the dodgy cash machines, account getting frozen, being stranded overseas with no money!
the police interrogation at the airport!
Booked flights tonight to go visit my brother in San Francisco at the end of April to meet the new addition to the family :)