possible London boat party - Sat 13th Aug

A shortage of reviews at this early stage.

1) Is anyone still going for it (Ferd:lol:)?

2) Any reports / pics?

3) Anyone/ thing end up in the soup?
1) Is anyone still going for it (Ferd:lol:)? he was last man dancin...

2) Any reports / pics? plenty

3) Anyone/ thing end up in the soup? only the contents of the of the male bladder.
Was good to see/ meet everyone! Sometimes I get in these anti-social moments when I'm out clubbing, I think a couple of people on here have seen me like that before! :lol:

I ended up walking from the roadtrip back to charing cross to get my train. There were some buses going past, but for some strange reason, I was in the mood for walking. Lots of other people out walking too! :lol: :lol:

Thank you for organising it Stu! It was great! :)
Best night out this year for me!!

Can we do this again before Xmas :lol:

p.s for anyone in Ibiza for closings there is a pool party / get together on 21st Sept at Es Vive
please please please, no pics on here...!!:oops:

I dread to think what state I'd be in, specially in the afterparty place. I've had a look on FB and I think I may have managed to avoid any cameras.

Great to meet all the people I hadn't met before and also great to catch up with some old faces.

As Buckley said, shame I didnt get a chance to chat to more people than I did. (Or maybe that should read shame I can't remember chatting to more people than I did)

All my non-spotlight mates who went have asked me when the next one is, so I definitely think it was a resounding success, even if I've not seen Stu so stressed in a while trying to sort everything out etc..:lol:
I have a pic of you at the afterparty Ferd. Luckily though it's of you and me and I look terrible so it won't be posted!