
So if some bigoted twat is telling you that you're going to hell because of your sexual preference, despite that being the way you're born (It's not a ****ing lifestyle choice) you'd just ignore it and go about your day?

Seems to me you need to grow a backbone... Which is a shame, considering the frock wearing overlords view on stem cell research.

If I were gay, and some religious twat told me I was going to hell, I would disconnect their head from their neck. Homophobes are no better than racists, and 'just ignoring it' is a pathetic stance to take.


...and relaxxxx.
I know - you're being put thorough the mill a bit ain't ya? :oops: :lol:

But... (I'm afraid there is a but)

The religion bastardised ancient earth practices in order to build a brand - this is fact, not speculation or a mere viewpoint.

Yeah fine - decent people are into God and stuff, granted...but start again as what? 'reformed Christians'?

If this is the case, then I reserve the right to be as lairy as possible about it. People need to have the true history of events rammed down their throat until they stop aligning themselves with this $hit...(because that's categorically what it is)


and sorry to be directing all this at you babber. ;) :lol:

No need to apologise, Im a big boy I can look after myself. I enjoy a robust debate on any subject.

Yes I would agree that for some peoples Catholicism is the distributor of the Christianity brand. But there is a spiritual and moral side to it as well which is unique to each person.

A reformed Catholic Church not reformed Christians.

You are of course entitled to your viewpoint as long as its not dictated or aggressive. We are all entitled to Freedom of Choice and its wrong to distinguish one group of people over the other. This is what leads to war and hate moreso than religion. when certain people think that they are better than others for some reason and feel that they have to "cleanse" those beneath them that when you start to have problems.

And sorry to be directing all this at you old son;):)
Loving the concilatory approach!

We've obviously been brought up well. That'll be the Christian values then. :lol:

I was dragged up........ not brought up.:)

Yes, its the christian classic "turn the other cheek" mix
As you can see Spikey, I have lost all motivation with this argument. Well done old bean you win.

Narrow minded cvnt

Your views make me feel sick. Yet you can't even see what you're doing wrong.

Hardly surprising though as that pretty much sums up your entire religion.

You have no idea what my views are?? Other than my willingness to open up in a small way to religion??

I admit some of the 'Catholic Churches' views are in dire need of reform (homosexuality, contraception etc...) but that in no way means I share these views.

My previous comment was trying to understand the reason why someone would have SUCH STRONG ANTI-CATHOLIC views, without ever giving it a try, and one idea came to mind as to the reason.

I think you are ASSUMING (again) that I share the views of the Church. Just like you ASSUME that in Latin America, the only thing to do there is go to Church (chuckle) and like you ASSUME all the other unjustified comments you are blabbering on about.

Yes Spikey, I think you are the narrow minded one here mate. ;)

Bye for now.
You have no idea what my views are?? Other than my willingness to open up in a small way to religion??

I admit some of the 'Catholic Churches' views are in dire need of reform (homosexuality, contraception etc...) but that in no way means I share these views.

My previous comment was trying to understand the reason why someone would have SUCH STRONG ANTI-CATHOLIC views, without ever giving it a try, and one idea came to mind as to the reason.

I think you are ASSUMING (again) that I share the views of the Church. Just like you ASSUME that in Latin America, the only thing to do there is go to Church (chuckle) and like you ASSUME all the other unjustified comments you are blabbering on about.

Yes Spikey, I think you are the narrow minded one here mate. ;)

Bye for now.

You asserted that Robder should just ignore any homophobia sent his way. You said that. You. So I'm not assuming that your views disgust me at all.

I'm not touching the rest of that horse **** with a barge pole.
Robder, an unreserved apology for my previous comment yesterday...as I explained just now to Spikey - not my views but one of many views the Catholic Church needs to address. Reading back it was not meant in the way it seems to convey.

This story is funny to me. If you talk to religious people of different stripes they have no clue about there own religious holidays or the origins of them.:eek::eek::eek: IMO you should know what the basic of your religion stands for and comes from before you condemn others to hell.
Below is another example of the church gone wrong. The jury is not in but where there is smoke there could be fire.


This story is funny to me. If you talk to religious people of different stripes they have no clue about there own religious holidays or the origins of them.:eek::eek::eek:
Interesting indeed! Especially the data on agnostics (like me) and catholics:

In this, the first major study of religious literacy among American adults, Americans as a whole flunked, answering correctly 16 of 32 questions about Christianity, the Bible and the world's religions - for an embarrassing score of only 50 percent.

Atheists and agnostics, however, got 21 right, better than both Jews and Mormons, who rounded out the top three groups of scorers. Although this result (67 percent right, or a D by my calculations) was nothing to write home about, it was 5 correct questions above the national average.

If nonbelievers were the thoroughbreds in this race for religious knowledge, Roman Catholics, with fewer than 15 right answers on average, were the mules. In results that will surely prove to be a thorn in the side of Catholic educators, fewer than half (42 percent) of the Catholics surveyed were able to name Genesis as the first book in the Bible. Ouch!
Sorry to interrupt this contentious debate, but this phrase conjured up images of people picking knitted sweaters out of fields :lol:

Sorry should have been sow............

How was Ibiza? (or do i need to ask)