
Being the atheist that I am, can I request a rebate for my bit of tax money that is going towards the £1m policing costs of the visit?
Hmm... dilemma here.
Besides being a religious figure, he's a head of state, isn't he?
If you don't like Berlusconi, can you get your money back for security around his visits? :lol:
my spanish family are all lapsed catholics, and they all grew up attending convents etc and basically they will all verify that the priests (curas) were total rightwing arseholes. Basically it's the oldest protection racket on the planet and they are $hitscared of losing their influence and power. People say, oh look how they help the poor, but it's bollox, it's all tied in to mindcontrol. Spain has become a much nicer, more open, tolerant place since 1975 and it's no coincidence that the church's influence has waned in direct symmetry. They hate Zapatero because he's basically the best and most liberal leader Spain has ever had so to hear old Mr Hitler Youth complaining about secularism makes the stomach churn. The only regret is that nobody took a pot shot at him. Tim Westwood was shot for less. Right has he gone now? If so, good riddance.
Im a Catholic, baptised, holy Eucharist, confirmed etc. Educated within a Catholic controlled education system and part of a state that is still connected to the Roman Catholic church.

There are some excellent people within the structure of the Catholic Church and the faith does have many positive and enriching aspects.

At present, the Catholic Church around the world is in Crisis. Only 10 students enrolled in college to train as a seminarian in Ireland last year. Attendances in Irish Churches are falling dramatically. The majority of young Irish people, while baptised and confirmed, do not actively practice the religion any more.

Our educational system in Ireland is still controlled by the church. We have had to enroll our daughter in a multi demonational school as we did not want her to be educated in a state run and catholic controlled environment. Its going to make her different as the majority of kids go through the state schools but we feel we cannot have her indoctrinated with the present catholic ethos.

Its pains me to see this bureaucratic Pope represent my religion. Only recently during the whole sordid, pedophile investigation in this country did he instruct 2 Bishops NOT to resign over their involvement in the cover up.

Arrogant, out of touch, and lacking compassion, he is the wrong man to be in charge of a dying religion.

"your" religion is based on ancient earth practices which are perfectly in line with modern science. The story might not be something you want to align yourself with tho.

The original "Gods" are the sun and the moon and the four directions/elements which were used as maps to existence...i.e. real common sense existence, not santa claus for adults sat in the sky with a beard.

The original festivals based on the seasons were also ripped straight from indigenous traditions...ostara = easter (supposedly when Jesus was crucified. :rolleyes:) yule = Christmas (supposedly when he was born etc)

As the female symbolism (moon goddess) was shamed and renounced: depicted as sin by the Catholic church, the male deity (the sun) was made into a character who depicts everything that's bad about male energy out of control...and can be projected onto our society when you look at our current relationship with the planet and general attitude towards money.

This fear based mentality is a great way to control people - so long as we don't have to take responsibility for our own mess we'll feel like we're at least doing something with our guilt. Defaulting to God is an easy option which, like smack, involves shutting down the senses.

...and the story gets extremely dark during the inquisition (the pope comes from the this very same lineage). Hundreds of thousands of people were burned for so much as mentioning their connection with the earth. (People still ridiculed as 'witches' while so called sane people go to church every weekend.)

Catholicism in all its forms (regardless of Pope) represents mass murder & control and has feck all to do with experience, science or truth of existence. When truths are written they become dogma. Dogma doesn't mean sh!t...so Jesus was probably a fit crusty and all round nice bloke. 8)

Rant over. :lol:
"your" religion is based on ancient earth practices which are perfectly in line with modern science. The story might not be something you want to align yourself with tho.

The original "Gods" are the sun and the moon and the four directions/elements which were used as maps to existence...i.e. real common sense existence, not santa claus for adults sat in the sky with a beard.

The original festivals based on the seasons were also ripped straight from indigenous traditions...ostara = easter (supposedly when Jesus was crucified. :rolleyes:) yule = Christmas (supposedly when he was born etc)

As the female symbolism (moon goddess) was shamed and renounced: depicted as sin by the Catholic church, the male deity (the sun) was made into a character who depicts everything that's bad about male energy out of control...and can be projected onto our society when you look at our current relationship with the planet and general attitude towards money.

This fear based mentality is a great way to control people - so long as we don't have to take responsibility for our own mess we'll feel like we're at least doing something with our guilt. Defaulting to God is an easy option which, like smack, involves shutting down the senses.

...and the story gets extremely dark during the inquisition (the pope comes from the this very same lineage). Hundreds of thousands of people were burned for so much as mentioning their connection with the earth. (People still ridiculed as 'witches' while so called sane people go to church every weekend.)

Catholicism in all its forms (regardless of Pope) represents mass murder & control and has feck all to do with experience, science or truth of existence. When truths are written they become dogma. Dogma doesn't mean sh!t...so Jesus was probably a fit crusty and all round nice bloke. 8)

Rant over. :lol:

We wernt indoctrinated with that idelogy in school :)

Im christian first and Catholic second (not by choice....Thanks to the sad little state I live in) and to be honest, its the laity within the Catholic church that keep my thin alligence with them. I am aware of the dark history that you refer to.

Thing is, if you ever need an exorcism, who ya gona call????.............A Catholic Priest8)
I wouldn't call myself anything despite being indoctrinated by the usual CofE (Christian) methods.

I know where my ancestral roots lie and Christianity to me is meaningless tripe. It 'is' absolutely your choice which truths you take on as your own - the state has nothing to do with it.

'Exorcise' the right for yourself and divorce the church immediately.

It 'is' absolutely your choice which truths you take on as your own - the state has nothing to do with it.

'Exorcise' the right for yourself and divorce the church immediately.


When you are a 4yold kid you dont have much choice, you are told what to do. It then becomes normal and part of your life as you grow up in a society and culture that is so influenced by catholic dogma. To exist in that said society and community where friends, family, education, employment and the state are all symbiotic of each other (which ties into your mother earth theory) then it is hard to divorce yourself from it.

As you say its my choice as to which voice resonates and im happy to be open-minded and listen to a few :)

one thing I have learned in life is never to burn your bridges..........
Yep - you're right, your choice etc etc.

...but the church is the only institution that burnt any bridges. ;)
"your" religion is based on ancient earth practices which are perfectly in line with modern science. The story might not be something you want to align yourself with tho.

The original "Gods" are the sun and the moon and the four directions/elements which were used as maps to existence...i.e. real common sense existence, not santa claus for adults sat in the sky with a beard.

The original festivals based on the seasons were also ripped straight from indigenous traditions...ostara = easter (supposedly when Jesus was crucified. :rolleyes:) yule = Christmas (supposedly when he was born etc)

As the female symbolism (moon goddess) was shamed and renounced: depicted as sin by the Catholic church, the male deity (the sun) was made into a character who depicts everything that's bad about male energy out of control...and can be projected onto our society when you look at our current relationship with the planet and general attitude towards money.

This fear based mentality is a great way to control people - so long as we don't have to take responsibility for our own mess we'll feel like we're at least doing something with our guilt. Defaulting to God is an easy option which, like smack, involves shutting down the senses.

...and the story gets extremely dark during the inquisition (the pope comes from the this very same lineage). Hundreds of thousands of people were burned for so much as mentioning their connection with the earth. (People still ridiculed as 'witches' while so called sane people go to church every weekend.)

Catholicism in all its forms (regardless of Pope) represents mass murder & control and has feck all to do with experience, science or truth of existence. When truths are written they become dogma. Dogma doesn't mean sh!t...so Jesus was probably a fit crusty and all round nice bloke. 8)

Rant over. :lol:

Robder is another in a long line of people who think religion is bad and using the current media frenzy to denounce all forms of religion as bad and evil. There are obvious huge and real problems associated with religion worldwide, but not necessarily religion but the real problem is a lack of tolerance.

I'm clearly not defending the Islamic extremists, the perverted Catholic priests or any other depraved minority of any organisation..

Don't all jump on the religion is evil bandwagon please...99% of religious people, teachers, beliefs and values are GOOD. I suggest that there have always been problems in the Church and religion worldwide, but only the current advent of TV and the internet has exposed these tiny pockets of evil. The problem is that WE are all conditioned to make judgements on stories we see on the news, read about in the paper etc and make huge sweeping generalisations across the whole religion in question. This is a major contributor to the demise of the Church...

Again, I'm playing devils advocate here, but you cannot say RELIGION IS EVIL without looking deeper into its positive effects.

Take your blinkers off people.
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I don't agree with the hole religion is evil view at all. It's a case of a few bad eggs most of the time.

In regards to the Pope, my issue is with the catholic church, not with catholics in general.
Robder is another in a long line of people who think religion is bad and using the current media frenzy to denounce all forms of religion as bad and evil. There are obvious huge and real problems associated with religion worldwide, but not necessarily religion but the real problem is a lack of tolerance.

I'm clearly not defending the Islamic extremists, the perverted Catholic priests or any other depraved minority of any organisation..

...what I am saying is that having spent a lot of time in Panama (my wife is Panamanian) I have seen first hand that an innocent belief in God and his teachings, whatever you're views on what or who God is (or if you even believe in one), has a HUGE positive impact on the lifestyle, family values, morals and general happiness of communities who not just go to Church but actively follow the teachings of 'God'.

Latin countries generally still hold Catholic values true and this current scandal, while damaging to the reputation of the Church, has not tarnished the image of the Church one bit in Latin Countries. Why? because all the evil perverted priests abusing children all happened in Europe - mainly Ireland. I'm Irish and the Catholic Church has basically almost disentigrated over the last 20 years..they were twisted men the 'Brothers' anyone taught at a Catholic school by Nuns or Brothers will testify to the whole experience as being a fvcking nightmare.

So to judge Catholisism and assume it is pure evil, I would suggest going to a latin country (Puerto Rico, Panama, Venezuala) and see fo yourselves the positive impact it's having on people's lives.

I go to Church once a month or so, whats the harm in having a few general life lessons taught, especially now that I have a son...be nice to your neighbour, respect your mom and dad, don't steal etc...It can only be a good thing can't it? To keep families together? We only have to look to England to see how a lack of religious beliefs or togetherness can have a negative impact on the family...

Don't all jump on the religion is evil bandwagon please...99% of religious people, teachers, beliefs and values are GOOD. I suggest that there have always been problems in the Church and religion worldwide, but only the current advent of TV and the internet has exposed these tiny pockets of evil. The problem is that WE are all conditioned to make judgements on stories we see on the news, read about in the paper etc and make huge sweeping generalisations across the whole religion in question. This is a major contributor to the demise of the Church...

Again, I'm playing devils advocate here, but you cannot say RELIGION IS EVIL without looking deeper into its positive effects.

Take your blinkers off people.

oh please. this isn't just about the odd nonce. It's a disgusting religion, propogated by disgusting hypocrites. Possibly the biggest confidence trick ever. People can quite comfortably develop a moral compass without any need to find God. It's called growing up. It's called social awareness. And it's called EDUCATION. Personally I worship imagination and humanity and I don't need some creepy guy in a dress to guide me. And if people in developing countries are so dependent on the church, that probably says more about their poverty and their lack of other options. All those people not allowed to use protection, all those raped girls forced to give birth, all those gays forced to live in denial, all because one fat kunt in the vatican says so.. hell, yeah!
Fair enough Olly - didn't mean to provoke such a strong reaction.

You must have had a disturbing personal encounter with Catholisism...I am very sorry for you if that's the case.

Because if you didn't - your apparent hatred for the religion is based on the DaVinci Code and the BBC, well...enough said really.

Fair enough Olly - didn't mean to provoke such a strong reaction.

fairly moderate, compared to most, I would say...

You must have had a disturbing personal encounter with Catholisism...

I know what you're insinuating... but even if it were true, my points would still stand - my points, incidentally, which you blatantly ignored and desperately tried to deflect by personalising the debate..

your apparent hatred for the religion is based on the DaVinci Code

not seen/read it, sorry

and the BBC, well...enough said really.

enough said? you haven't said anything. And in truth, I have more faith in the bbc (warts and all) then a discredited masonic mafia in fancy dress
Fair enough Olly - didn't mean to provoke such a strong reaction.

You must have had a disturbing personal encounter with Catholisism...I am very sorry for you if that's the case.

Because if you didn't - your apparent hatred for the religion is based on the DaVinci Code and the BBC, well...enough said really.


:lol::lol::lol: Nice try.

I've never had a disturbing encounter with a rapist, does that mean I have no right to despise them?