Plans for a “NEW” San Antonio

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Mcrackin when your sitting on the new 360° island at ibiza rocks thinking it can't get any better than this..:rolleyes: plenty of people will be at cap negret thinking they just found a little piece of heaven.. Its not as if sa trinxa, ashram or fish shack just magically appeared after a storm....

while I really get what you are saying, I disagree.

sa trinxa, sunset ashram and fish shack are all right next to the sea and in two of those three cases there is an actual really nice beach right next to the place. no proper beach for the fish shack, but you can still go swimming there and it is lovely.

the case of this new chiringuito is just that it is in a zone where there is nothing close to the place. you can't go swimming (too rocky and cliffs), and it really just stands there in the middle of nothing. I am sorry but I also think this place is 100% superflous there. this used to be an area where people would go fishing or just enjoy a bit of real tranquil and peace and I genuinely understand everyone that isn't amused by it. that said it seems I actually even know some people who are involved with it...but that doesn't mean I agree with it.
there's been problems for the bars in the west end EVERY weekend but I can't be bothered to continue putting the links to the articles... the police and the sniffing dog are busy-busyyy!


Really? sniffer dogs in bars now? unbelievable
This will only do one thing and that is put the price of narcs sky high.... back to paying 25 quid a pill in the clubs..:)
i know Brits who moved to IBZ years ago and have hardly ever set foot in The West End. I don't blame them. Why would you? You can score off more reputable sources elsewhere and don't have to step over someone's puke in the process. I might return one day but it will need a massive facelift and change in clientele first.
Last night around midnight...

Undercover police around west end, spotters with guardia and policia local
Right now by the Ship
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