Pick one tune only that is Ibiza for you and post the link...

Stumbled into Pacha for one night for flower power heard a Bob Marley remix of No woman no cry. I met a friend for life during the song and no goto flower power every time I go to Ibiza.
that sounds mad - Bob Marley - a far cry from all the electro/minimal madness on almost every other ibizan floor.....

although I've read Bob Marley was big in Amnesia in the 80s....

I heard this as the last tune in Bora Bora '03...the rain was absolutely teaming down coupled with insane lightning blasts...but people were really goin for it on the tables...almost in a spiritual way
I think it was a Tue night...were any of ye there?? It was mad, best night in a ten-year clubbing history...(Berlin Love Parade 2000, Creamfields 2000, Sydney Mardi Gras 2006, The Gallery '04 etc...)

here's the tune:

^^ 8). Did a lot of driving round Ibiza with chillout tracks on the CD this week. Wish I'd managed to grab more of similar from the glove compartment before heading off !
So many GREAT tunes and even GREATER memories- seriously brought a tear to my eyes.:cry: God, I'm such a wuss! Anyway, here's a couple of tunes with great memories for me:

4Strings - Diving:
I woke up one afternoon to the strains of that drifting through the air with a nice girly from Exeter next to me in bed. One of the best moments ever:D

And this from the first time I ever went to Amnesia. I was dying on my feet and this tune hit me like a freight train and off I went again for several hours:D

Cosmic Gate - Back to Earth

I'm only 20, first went in 2008. Tune that always reminds me of Ibiza is Man with the red face - Mark Knight remix. Was played as the last tune at Space Sunday. At the time I didn't even know who was on. Think it may of been David Guetta?

Another tune that takes me back, in particular to 2010 where I done the summer is Butch - No worries. Literally heard it everywhere, in the car, in bars, heard it in cocoon, space sunday, cadenza at pacha. Everywhere.
David Morales - Needin u (the original without the vocals) just makes me think of Ibiza!

In 1998, the video for Morales’ seminal anthem Needin’ U captured the feeling of Ibiza as it was at that time.
“Ibiza was a hedonistic free for all,” he laughs. “It’s funny, I’d been on a major record label and made videos for over $100,000 but this one, we shot for just £11,000 and it went to the top ten.”

It was the authenticity, the true feeling of what Ibiza was to so many people, that was the key to its success. From arriving at the airport, queuing for the clubs, the OTT dancers and lasers, the camaraderie of the DJs, forming friendships on the beach, the blatant sexuality, the salt flats, the sunsets, the fashion and even the famous Pikes swimming pool. “Love, drugs, good times.
That video really represented Ibiza.” :)

Not as "Balearic" as some of the tunes I could have picked but I heard this on my 1st visit to amnesia as a young whipper snapper. It had such a massive impact and will be a moment I will never forget. I can still picture the moment now as I type.

Cream@amnesia 1999 - John Kelly was playing. The track builds up for the first 4 minutes and then drops before breaking down into a hands in the air moment towards the end. This was the first time I have ever experienced the ice cannon too. Beautiful.

Mauro Picotto - The Lizard (Megavoices mix)

Mory KANTEft Loverush - yeke yeke

First ever time in Ibiza, first ever club night. July 2011, We went to Eden Judgement Sundays . A decent line up back then, Marco V, Cosmic Gate etc

I dropped a VW 30 mins before i went into Eden was in a bar on the west end think it was capones. Never touched one before, but was absoloutley euphoric . . Colours of the lights was blurred, sounds was deeper and generally couldnt keep still. So we marched across the harbour into Eden where I saw a big looking bouncer just as I was walking into the que, panicking that i wont get in i got my ID and cards out to make it easier...no need!

He just waved me in as i flashed my ticket, teeth gittering, I rushed straight onto the dancefloor only to loose my mate for the rest of the night so ended up having ago on my own. Stood next to the side upper level so could see the dancefloor and everything else, this tune kicked in and a big flag dropped from the ceiling with everyone holding it and i thought what a place, simply taken a back. Still gives me goosebumps to this day hearing it
this always reminds me of ibiza. It was played non stop everywhere I went very first time I went to the white Isle in 2004.
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Brilliant SSA, not heard this for a few years.

Could imagine this back in the 90s at an after party in the morning. Everyone loving life and not a chav in sight.