Phat Pants in Ibiza

I'm pleased to report that since the original thread that I have now completed the transition to Hardstyle Shuffler.

Really pleased with the new direction my life has taken as a result.

To be honest, the moves are similar to the "chicken dance" I used to religiously do as a teenage, white boy, hip hop fan everytime I heard The Tribe called Quest or Monie Love at the local disco, just a bit faster.

As a 38 year old father of two, however, I shuffle cause it makes me feel good, not just because it's cool.
THIS is the website to go to.... - look at the prices :eek:

However if the cost puts you off - go here....

but dont forget to read this page first before you start ....

Question: when they talk about 'suspenders' on there do they mean braces? Or had I been missing the whole 'sexy underneath the phat pants' angle?:eek:
I'm assuming braces - but who knows what lurks deep in the mind of these strange shuffler types

MarkB - Sussies or braces - what do you prefer :D what brings the ladies to YOUR yard?