I'm shocked at how people (on both sides) blindly follow their candidate/party, somehow convincing themselves to overlook the most overt, glaring contradictions on their own 'side', and the rapidly changing stances on issues due to political pressure, etc.
e.g. Obama, selling himself as a 'new' kind of politician, and picking the oldest whitest DC insider in politics; McCain, well, just being republican has a lot to answer for...let's face it NOTHING is going to change, both candidates are only about representing the almighty $$$ - if Obama was truly concerned with the poor the 64 million USDollars he spent in the past six months could have gone a long way to helping, rather than investing in red white and blue plastic maracas...
This election has me utterly discouraged, feeling very much like: (NSFW/language)
I bow to onone in my long held admiration for obama. However it does seem that the big mo has swung mccain's way. There is a long way to go but old john took a gamblers punt on his vp choice and the house seems to be paying out.
I think (hope?) that the bounce from the Republican convention and the VP choice has peaked. Now we'll settle in to the long 7-week road to the election when the lead will probably flip a dozen times.
Lots of fun yesterday, when McCain's camp accused Obama of using the folksy "If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" anecdote, spoken the day before, as an attack on Palin
Obama was, of course, talking about McCain's policies. Amusingly, McCain had previously used the same phrasing to speak about Hillary Clinton's healthcare plan. Oh, the hypocrisy
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