

8 more years of Bush?

yes please!
Absolute bollocks. America will still be america, a change of the President will change pretty much nothing...On an International level, anyway.

I really hope you are wrong. I hope I am right in saying that I really hope you are wrong. However, unfortunately I think you are quite right.

For those interested, I highly recommend reading the following books. They are all by Michael Scheuer. There is a saying that I learned in Pakistan which translates to: A dog’s tail will remain curved even if you put the tail in a straight pipe for 10 years. The books listed below will prove the point that Spikey M has made.

Through Our Enemies Eyes
Imperial Hubris
Marching Towards Hell
Just watching the Rep Con, and Cindy giving a speech......mostly gushing nonsense :lol:

Obama's got to win now though, you can't have a First lady called Cindy.

Absolute bollocks. America will still be america, a change of the President will change pretty much nothing...

On an International level, anyway. Which begs the question, why exactly are non Americans pretending to care?

Spoken like someone that obviously has no idea what they are talking about...

Living in England, you obviously may not notice any changes personally. Although you have lately been feeling the effects of your economy slumping. American and English banks borrow money from each other -- ALOT --- the war over in the middle east costs 12.3 BILLION per month....which gives US Banks less money to have (since a lot of it is government money)...that in turn gives less money to go around to lenders/borrowers, drives the prices of food/gas up, interest rates, and less money to lend your banks in England, which thus has the same domino effect on your local economy...so bottom line is that when our economy suffers, usually yours does too.

Non Americans ARE caring about this next election which is going to be HUGE for history, because we have such a huge international footprint. More of our men and women (than any other country) are over in the middle east fighting a war we are in too deep to get out of. All of our allies are with us there...fighting a losing battle...the longer we are over there, the more we are angering the iraqi's, afghani's and iranians...the iranians are becoming more nuclear powered day by day...and you don't see this??

the next president will have the oppurtunity to try and bring more order to the situation in the middle east, along with our sinking deficit, and many other issues, beginning hopefully with the return of many of our troops...

and not for anything LagunaBeachCA, it's people like you who I'm scared will make the wrong decision when they step inside the voting booth in November. I encourage you to stop reading your "scare tactic" war books and become a little more educated on politics and the US economy.
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Just watching the Rep Con, and Cindy giving a speech......mostly gushing nonsense :lol:

Obama's got to win now though, you can't have a First lady called Cindy.

OK people, let's not get personal here... friendly discussion and all that!

N8, if you think the convention is fun, check out this clip from the Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart. he's got clips of Republican pundits and surrogates making the case for Palin, and the same people (in some case, just a few weeks ago) saying the exact opposite things. Pure comedy! The 'money shot' is Palin herself at the end!
I watched the Daily Show last night with that stuff on. Absolutely great. The man is awesome.

Watching McCain just now, I was struck by how civil, gracious and thoughtful he is. He fully deserves to be president. Its just a shame that his time was 8 years ago when Bush lied and cheated his way the nomination (just before he lied and cheated his way to the presidency!)

Chewie, that is probably your finest ever post sir
Watching McCain just now, I was struck by how civil, gracious and thoughtful he is. He fully deserves to be president. Its just a shame that his time was 8 years ago
Agreed. I might have actually crossed the aisle to vote for him then, as Gore was uninspiring. Too bad he's abandoned everything he stood for back then in order to get his chance this time around.
McCain is one of the most hot headed conservatives there are in government....

He will keep the war going for as long as he can so the good old boy betwork can get more rich while the rest of America is left in the dark......he's also anti abortion, LESS gun control, and anti-gay marriage....

His values would have been the norm back in uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1852???????????

You people that think hes civil and gracious do not know all the facts.. :roll:

First of all the decision that I will make in November will be based on how things will impact me. It will not be based on how it looks to anyone else.

I would recommend that you do at least doing some research before starting to rant. Even the simplest version of research, Wikipedia, will offer you some insight on what Scheuer's books are about. Guess what; most of the points that you made in the third paragraph are the exact ones that are brought up in the three books that I mentioned in my previous post. In addition, having lived in S. Asia and the ME, I cannot think of any other author that captures the sentiments of the common man in that part of the world. By common man I do not mean the Fareed Zakarias of the Muslim world.

With regards to the next president having the opportunity to bring more order to the situation in the ME is concerned that statement is true. However, nothing will change as long as the following is maintained:
  1. US Foreign Policy, especially, the double standards towards the Muslim world
  2. Our addiction to oil
  3. Failure to understand history or ignore it completely (knowingly/unknowingly) by the political elites
  4. Failure to place America First over interests of other countries, rulers, activist groups and their own image in the media and world community.
The first two issues are inter-connected and are national security concerns. Now I am not saying that we should change any of the first 2-points. However, there has to be at least no-holds barred open debates on these issues. At least it would give the populous an opportunity to decide for them whether they want to maintain the status quo or if they need to change. If the populous want to maintain the status quo then the US needs to be ready for a long fight or an extremely long fight if the leadership dictates to the boots on the ground to fight in a media friendly manner. Finally, as long as our political elites are hung up on Wilsonian idealism and their desire to be poster boys/girls for the media and rest of the world, and hence, continue to interfere in countries or regions where we have absolutely no strategic interests, the US will continue to make enemies around the world.

Unfortunately, right now, I do not see either McCain or Obama having the marbles to take on the various lobbies, media and various "rights" organizations and truly put America first and foremost and above all others.

Have a Good Weekend
just saw the mccain and palin speeches on the bbc rewind - god help us all if they get in... 8O this affects the WORLD not just the US

for all his talk of bipartisanship, everyone knows McCain appeals to right wing, creationist, flat earth believing, rape-victim abortion-denying, fundamentalist, warmongering, hick-supported, environment-screwing, inbred cretins and that is enough reason to run a mile...

any american with a brain, please vote democrat - they're not perfect but at least they're not downright scary...
just saw the mccain and palin speeches on the bbc rewind - god help us all if they get in... 8O this affects the WORLD not just the US

for all his talk of bipartisanship, everyone knows McCain appeals to right wing, creationist, flat earth believing, rape-victim abortion-denying, fundamentalist, warmongering, hick-supported, environment-screwing, inbred cretins and that is enough reason to run a mile...

any american with a brain, please vote democrat - they're not perfect but at least they're not downright scary...

You do not know how many people I hear are going to vote for McCain just because "Palin is hot", or "Hillary didn't get the nomination, so we want any woman that's on the ticket to be in the white house, no matter if her beliefs completely contradict Hillary's, or our own". It makes me sick to see how big of an uneducated decision that Americans can make like this...it may cost them their lives in some cases....

The very fact that McCain picked Palin - a woman - to be VP with her HIGH lack of experience - is a move that a gambler would make and not a formidable president of the United States. He wants America to love the Palin STORY...she has a 17 year old whos pregnant....she was a model....she has a son who has down syndrome....all very touching subjects but honestly this is the presidential election.....NOT AMERICAN IDOL JOHN.
The only way McCain can win this election is if the narrative continues to focus on Palin. If the public feel that she's getting a raw deal from the media, they will vote for McCain. Sad to say that this sort of thing tends to trump the real issues of the day.
ho hum, whoever gets in has got a bit of a mess to clean up!

kinda like what will happen here in a couple of years time.