No alcohol for two days....


Well-Known Member
..and I can really feel the difference already!

Got a union official coming in later, with two difficult employees - am I gonna bounce all over them!
Stu Hirst said:
I don't touch a drop during the week.

Only the occasional swift few if there's footy on the telly.

Yup, there's always some footy on if you've got satellite, eh Stu? :lol:
Mark Sun said:
Hardly ever drink during the week either.. my liver needs the rest!

(ignore the link name, :lol:)
Silvia - higado

I personally drink about a liter of beer a night (one pint with dinner, one after). I was going to lay off this week to detox after Ibiza... but that hasn't worked :lol: (though I have only consumed one pint on each of the past 3 nights)

Weekend consumption is scary, but I think I'm taking Friday off 8)
(before an all-day outdoor festival on Saturday :eek: :lol: )
2 days..? try 15 weeks!!!

I'm pregnant so the only alcohol I get is from my darling husbands breath!!! lol
I only have wine with meals in special ocasions and if the wine is good.
I do have beers here and there but I don't have more than 5/week.

I have zero tolerance to alcohol, it makes me feel sick if mixed with other substances and everyday I have worst and worst hangovers so I just don't do alcohol :D
silvia said:
I only have wine with meals in special ocasions and if the wine is good.
I do have beers here and there but I don't have more than 5/week.

I have zero tolerance to alcohol, it makes me feel sick if mixed with other substances and everyday I have worst and worst hangovers so I just don't do alcohol :D

You don't live here though Sil. Alcohol is how people socialise here, 100%.
Stu Hirst said:
I don't touch a drop during the week.

I'm the same. Rarely feel like drinking it during the week either. I had a few really bad all day hangovers last year (one in Ibiza) and decided that it wasn't worth it so even on a night out I don't over-indulge that much. I just end up feeling sick and my digestive system can't cope and I can't be bothered with that anymore. I had plenty of drunken nights as a student so I've not missed out! Having said that I will no doubt drink my fair share at T in the Park but it's usually spaced out over the day with meals in between so I don't feel ill. :)
I only drink during weekends, that's a rule i made for myself long time ago (and so far i live up to it). :p
During the week I never drink just if I go out, weekends I am more liberal as I allways go out once or twice . My drinks are wine, beer and cava. With the years I am less tolerant and I cannot have vodka or this sort of spirits, never drink them.
Also now that the hollydays in Ibiza are comming I would brake my rule of not drinking during the week because august is just once a year, and you go out more then usual. I think is just a question of equilibrum even so this days I have been quite paranoid as I learned that one guy I know is alcoholic, I had a real shock.
I've not had a glass (or bottle :) ) of wine in almost 3 weeks. Was getting through the stuff far to quickly, and I was scared it would start to show on my waistline :oops:

Since then I've stuck to vodka or gin with slimline tonic, or just bottles of Corona, since I can't drink so much of that.

Last year I stopped drinking during the week completely and found I was just making myself binge drink at the weekends, so now I'll happily have a drink whatever day it is, but in moderation, say one or maybe two a night.