News of The World

All the above notwithstanding - I missed the NOTW last weekend and will again this week.

So it was trash - who cares It was entertaining trash and I liked it.

I now have no newspaper on a Sunday. Having been bashed repeatedly over the head Mon - Fri by the Times or Telegraph on how grim and hopeless the world is becoming (brightened only by the odd witicism by Giles Coren) I feel this is a tragedy.

Why couldn't the really terrible papers e.g. Daily Mail, Express or Guardian (the latter of which I have utter loathing for) have done some hacking - curse you Coulson and Brooks :twisted::twisted:
Word is there will be some revelations about the Mail and (unfortunately) the Mirror coming up.

Yeah hopefuly it will get Piers Morgan in deep crap, and then he gets sacked in America :evil: Apprently it was rife in the Mirror according to a BBC report. But then it was prbably rife with every tabloid. :rolleyes:
Yeah hopefuly it will get Piers Morgan in deep crap, and then he gets sacked in America :evil: Apprently it was rife in the Mirror according to a BBC report. But then it was prbably rife with every tabloid. :rolleyes:
Would love to see Piers take a fall.
I'd be sad to see the Mirror go down though as current editor Richard Wallace is a very decent fellow.
I actualy felt sorry for the little old man :oops:

Now I've heard everything - Darth Vadar more like. That power-crazed tyrant has a bunch of governments quaking in their boots and is behind a great deal of what's wrong in the "civilized world" .. George Orwell's 1984 springs to mind every time I see his name mentioned.. News Corp thought police anyone ???