News of The World

It would be a tiny step in the correct direction though. Not heard anybody at my work talking about this, judging by the amount of Suns I spot on folks desks its hardly surprising.
If they've pulled the paper already, it suggests there might be more worrying things yet to be revealed...
cynical exercise to try to protect the future "acquisiton" of BskyB for the Murdoch tyranny (sorry, Empire)
I am honestly disgusted with the News of the World and I'm leaving a message on my voicemail just to let them know...
Can't believe the next generation won't be inheriting the legendary News of the Screws due to very amoral behaviour by journalists that's finally been fully 'rumbled' (none of which surprises me in the least and I'm sure all the other papers are just as bad and always have been).

Just amuses me how the axe falls on a couple of heads then a whole paper is fed to the wolves whilst an almighty cover-up and vow of silence falls over all the other papers in the industry, and the henchwoman ultimately responsible at the paper gets a promotion. No wonder Rupert Murdoch wants to control the lot ...

Chuck out your tellies and throw away the papers, guys - life's so much better without them both. Survived for 18 years on just BBC world service on the 'wireless' now and again - life then was just fine.
Brilliant move by Murdoch. Shuttering a century-old newspaper title rather than just firing the idiots under whose watch this all happened. How is Rebekah Brooks still employed!?!

At least, to a small degree, people power has spoken. I assume the decision was taken when it was apparent no one was going to advertise in that newspaper.

BUT... They already registered the Internet domains for Sun on Sunday a couple of days ago! As a friend of mine put it, it's like playing Whack-a-Mole.

Hopefully this little PR stunt won't reduce the pressure on News Corp, nor ease the way for the BSkyB deal.
An interesting cut and paste, methinks

Here's some News of the World news to spin the heads of American lawyers. According to British media law star Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent (whom The Times of London has dubbed “Mr Media”), Rupert Murdoch's soon-to-be shuttered tabloid may not be obliged to retain documents that could be relevant to civil and criminal claims against the newspaper—even in cases that are already underway. That could mean that dozens of sports, media, and political celebrities who claim News of the World hacked into their telephone accounts won't be able to find out exactly what the tabloid knew and how it got the information.

If News of the World is to be liquidated, Stephens told Reuters, it “is a stroke of genius—perhaps evil genius.”

Under British law, Stephens explained, all of the assets of the shuttered newspaper, including its records, will be transferred to a professional liquidator (such as a global accounting firm). The liquidator's obligation is to maximize the estate's assets and minimize its liabilities. So the liquidator could be well within its discretion to decide News of the World would be best served by defaulting on pending claims rather than defending them. That way, the paper could simply destroy its documents to avoid the cost of warehousing them—and to preclude any other time bombs contained in News of the World's records from exploding.

“Why would the liquidator want to keep [the records]?” Stephens said. “Minimizing liability is the liquidator's job.”

That's a very different scenario, Stephens said, from what would happen if a newspaper in the U.S. went into bankruptcy. In the U.S., a plaintiff (or, for that matter, a criminal investigator) could obtain a court order barring that kind of document destruction. In the U.K., there's no requirement that the estate retain its records, nor any law granting plaintiffs a right to stop the liquidator from getting rid of them.
Is everyone else getting more and more giddy the more that is revealed?

Can't believe how quickly this has moved in a week! Its amazing!
If he gets a push back from buying BskyB I will be even more giddy. Murdoch =:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::twisted::twisted::twisted:
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What's with the Potter thing? If you agree to do the job of 'Harry Potter Correspondent' at The Sun, the costume thing is par for the course no?

Or is just because of 9/11?
What's with the Potter thing? If you agree to do the job of 'Harry Potter Correspondent' at The Sun, the costume thing is par for the course no?

Or is just because of 9/11?

I think it would be like requiring your secretary to tart it up for the job:eek: