News of The World

The company's share price has fallen some 20% since peaking at 850p earlier this month, and is now trading at a level not seen since News Corp first announced its bid plans in June last year.[/I]

The only language he will understand.
Imagine what fox news may get up to. Imagine if it got brought down!
*falls to knees and offers a prayer*

They twist the truth or out right lie on a daily basis I call them fake news. The sheeple hear it on fox and think it is true. I think news programs should not have a political agenda. Good news for the UK they are stopping the bid for BskyB.
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I see Murdoch has flown to London and given an unreserved apology.

Hannibal & Face were unavailable for comment and BA simply said

"I aint gettin on no plane, fool!

I am currently in LA and it is all over the news.

I suspect that todays editorial in the Wall Street Journal (a Murdoch publication)

essentially trying to pull the BBC and The Guardian into the sleeze ("The idea that the BBC and the Guardian newspaper aren't attempting to influence public affairs, and don't skew their coverage to do so, can't stand a day's scrutiny") will do their case no favours whatsoever, particularly given their apparent apolgetic overtures in the UK.
I am currently in LA and it is all over the news.

I suspect that todays editorial in the Wall Street Journal (a Murdoch publication)

essentially trying to pull the BBC and The Guardian into the sleeze ("The idea that the BBC and the Guardian newspaper aren't attempting to influence public affairs, and don't skew their coverage to do so, can't stand a day's scrutiny") will do their case no favours whatsoever, particularly given their apparent apolgetic overtures in the UK.

I did not realise quite how skewed Fox was until seeing some of their recent coverage - wowzers! No wonder (some) Americans (in general ;)) are a gang of mis informed nut jobs!
I watched some of the Murdochs' testimony today.

While recognizing the seriousness of NOTW's activities, I did find it somewhat amusing that the MPs felt Rupert Murdoch should have intimate knowledge of details and take personal responsibility for what went on at the paper. As he rightly pointed out, it was 1% of his media empire! I think the MPs have a slightly inflated opinion of how important the British market is!

(and yes... a defense of Murdoch was a very painful thing to type :()
I watched some of the Murdochs' testimony today.

While recognizing the seriousness of NOTW's activities, I did find it somewhat amusing that the MPs felt Rupert Murdoch should have intimate knowledge of details and take personal responsibility for what went on at the paper. As he rightly pointed out, it was 1% of his media empire! I think the MPs have a slightly inflated opinion of how important the British market is!

(and yes... a defense of Murdoch was a very painful thing to type :()

He should get life in prison for the crap he puts out as news. I'm only half joking
He should get life in prison for the crap he puts out as news. I'm only half joking

Completely get your point Morbs but have to agree with the above.

That $hit wouldn't be sold in my name.

Never bought a copy of the NoTW or the Sun in my life.
Here's a list of News Corps full holdings:

It's pretty extensive! NOTW was a drop in the bucket.

If there is any difference in how the company acts in the UK, I suppose it would be its political influence. News Corp was in bed with the Torries big time this election cycle.

However. I worry more about what they do in the US with Fox News. It's helping to dumb-down a whole nation.

I'm not saying Murdoch is beyond reproach... the type of journalism he has endorsed in his US and UK properties is appalling (except the Wall St Journal, which hasn't yet been ruined since the takeover). I'm just saying he can't be blamed for not being versed in the minutiae or for the actions of editorial staff in a group that large.
Here's a list of News Corps full holdings:

It's pretty extensive! NOTW was a drop in the bucket.

If there is any difference in how the company acts in the UK, I suppose it would be its political influence. News Corp was in bed with the Torries big time this election cycle.

However. I worry more about what they do in the US with Fox News. It's helping to dumb-down a whole nation.

I'm not saying Murdoch is beyond reproach... the type of journalism he has endorsed in his US and UK properties is appalling (except the Wall St Journal, which hasn't yet been ruined since the takeover). I'm just saying he can't be blamed for not being versed in the minutiae or for the actions of editorial staff in a group that large.

If you run a business you will have it go in the direction you want. You may not go over every detail but you will set the tone. Plausible deniability I use it my self. I do see your point, it is a slight chance he didn't know. The crazy reporter after a story won't hold water it was a tactic they used repeatedly.
While recognizing the seriousness of NOTW's activities, I did find it somewhat amusing that the MPs felt Rupert Murdoch should have intimate knowledge of details and take personal responsibility for what went on at the paper. As he rightly pointed out, it was 1% of his media empire! I think the MPs have a slightly inflated opinion of how important the British market is!

I thought it was amusing when they asked him about one of his employees and he didnt have a clue as to who he was, when they pushed it further telling him that they thought it odd he didnt know who this reporter was he told them that he doesnt know all of his 53,000 employees (or something along those lines) :lol:

I actualy felt sorry for the little old man :oops: oh and his much younger wife is a feisty one, the way she wacked the guy with the pie :lol: