New York City - Help / Advice / Tips


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Hello strangers!

Hope you are all well.

Need tips / advice for everything New York people..

Thinking of going.. havent been before..

places to stay. places to visit. must see. must do. stay clear from etc etc..

Just wanted to get some other opinions from people who have been there before..

thanks in advance

Hi hon :D

things are ****. january blues are rubbish! hence me trying to fook off :eek:

hows things with you and Dom? Long time no speak! xxx
Hi hon :D

things are ****. january blues are rubbish! hence me trying to fook off :eek:

hows things with you and Dom? Long time no speak! xxx

Tell me about it, I hate Jan dispite the fact it's both mine and Doms birthdays. Rubbish month. We're trying to plan a break too, but a cheap and chearful one.

Who you off to NY with?
probably going to be going on my own


you've been before right?
Hoping to catch Francois K at a club (if new york still has any by the time I land)

want to see some jazz stuff as well 8)
Hello my lovely :D

It was 5/6 years since I went to New York so I won't be much help but just wanted to say hello :lol:

The city was amazing, I was happy to just spend days walking round pretending I was on a film set :lol: The shopping is rubbish tho unless you want to dress like an American gimp :spank: We went to Twilo which was ok but def not a patch on UK clubbing, everyone seemed so restrained :confused: Does Francois K still do his Body and Soul thing there??
Hey Sar.. :D

Just going through some threads..

You and and Tom married now???

Twilo would have been ace..

Yup - think Francois K still does the mind body soul thing on mondays :)
Hey Sar.. :D

Just going through some threads..

You and and Tom married now???

Twilo would have been ace..

Yup - think Francois K still does the mind body soul thing on mondays :)

We're getting married in June :D I'm finally going to be made an honest woman of :lol:

You know Si (onemore) he went to some Danny Krivit Body and Soul thing back in June - he said musically it was excellent but said same thing about atmosphere as I did. Francois K will be blinding :D When are you planning on going??

Congratulations!! xxx

Number one priority is that you are still going to Glastonbury though! ;)

Was thinking of going in feb.. last min? - flights are only £240 direct return from manchester all in. happy days..

im getting information in now so might leave it a bit and go when its a bit warmer?
or possibly when I find people that want to be my friend who will go with me:( :lol:-(meff)

Right now I really felt the urge to get immensley wrecked though. what is that about?! x
No not been.
You'll be fine on your own though, I'm sure there is plenty to do.

Get a pen and write it down Nishmeister! What more detail do you need?:lol:

Hello btw mate. It's about six years since my bite at the Big Apple. Didn't go to any clubs but the bars were ok and American really do like English accents. I went with a mate who got ill so spent a lot of time on my own but made friends easily enough.

The ferry over to the Statue of Liberty is a must and the view of central park from the Empire State is quite something - this huge sprawling metropolis with what looks like a forest in the middle.

Congratulations!! xxx

Number one priority is that you are still going to Glastonbury though! ;)

Was thinking of going in feb.. last min? - flights are only £240 direct return from manchester all in. happy days..

im getting information in now so might leave it a bit and go when its a bit warmer?
or possibly when I find people that want to be my friend who will go with me:( :lol:-(meff)

Right now I really felt the urge to get immensley wrecked though. what is that about?! x

Thankyou lovely :D No Glastonbury cos we are getting married in Ibiza that same time ;)

We went in December and it was really cold but I liked that cos we could do ice skating and stuff :lol: Tom has been more times than me and says that summer was worse time he went cos it was too hot and humid to do anything - autumn, winter and spring were all nice. I wanted to do some of the tourist things but it's the kind of place that you can spend hours just walking round.

I am feeling that same urge as well at the moment - January detox schmetox my ar$e :lol: ;)
but the bars were ok and American really do like English accents.

The bars are funny aren't they, they're not like pubs/bars we know - everyone sat at the bar talking to the barman :lol: We had some kerrrazzy barman who kept insisting on talking to us so he could hear our 'cool English accents' and asking us if we knew his 'roomie' at University from when he spent a term in London :lol:
The bars are funny aren't they, they're not like pubs/bars we know - everyone sat at the bar talking to the barman :lol: We had some kerrrazzy barman who kept insisting on talking to us so he could hear our 'cool English accents' and asking us if we knew his 'roomie' at University from when he spent a term in London :lol:

Yup. The whole 'leave a dollar with each round and the barman will buy you a drink back' thing confused me. Although I was hideously p1ssed and the barman in the nearest bar to our place kept giving me free drinks in the hopemy accent would keep women at the bar:lol:
alright Buckley mate :p

I always hear about how the american people love english accents.

surely that will change when they hear my gay scouse one la? :lol:
hi nish,

i'd recommend staying somewhere near flat iron or lower, as the nearer to midtown your are (around empire state building), the more expensive it is.

the parts of the city i liked were around tribeca and soho/greenwich village. quite bohemian/arty, lots of cool little bars, etc, etc

the city does feel like a film set and you must do all the tourist things at least once. empire state, statue of liberty, flatiron, times square, china town, little italy, ellis island, macys, bloomingdales, 5th ave, central park.

one thing we did when we went was got to a knicks game and it was fantastic entertainment, really different from what i was expecting but quality. check out the other sports as well to see if there is something you can go to. you'll love it cos you feel a part of the city rather than just a visitor, like you're seeing it for what it really is.

lastly, when i went to NYC and came back, i had exactly the same emotions and feelings as the first time i went to ibiza. when you are there, you feel like you're in the centre of the world, like there is no more vibrant, buzzing, exciting place to be in the whole world than NYC. Needless to say, i fcukin love it!:D8)8)8)8)8)8)8)

enjoy mate
New York is cool (although not a patch on Dubai) i was there for Paddys Day in 2001 stayed @ a 5* Hotel in Manhattan had a great time but spent a fortune, will definitely go back though jaysus they are obsessed with the Irish:lol:, try and make it to Long Island that's cool, do the Empire state Building,Statue Of Liberty,Time Square,lots to see and do,etc,etc

Have fun8)
Hey Nish :D

New York is a blast. Closest thing I've seen to a definition of the word "city". You hear a hundred languages spoken around you as you walk down the street. It's faced paced, very tall.... perhaps a bit imposing which is why I'm still a little more partial to London.

The city is very walkable but you can hop in a taxi and it's not too expensive. The subway (i.e. underground, tube) takes a bit of figuring out, but it works all hours so you can always get around cheap.

Grego's listed all the must-see things to visit, except for maybe the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art (aka Moma), Harlem (most of it is not as dangerous as people make it out to be), Brighton Beach (aka little Russia. it's a bit far... ok, maybe only intersting for Rusophiles :lol:), Coney Island if you like amusement parks.

The shopping is actually quite good. Aside from the big department stores like Macy's and Bloomingdales, all the major European designers have flagship stores in NYC. The Prada store, for example, cost a small fortune to build and is interesting to visit just for the design. It's in the former SoHo branch of the Guggenheim museum. (I almost bought a shirt there... almost!). Unfortunately, the best stores to visit are not quite as concentrated as in some parts of London. Sales tax, while not refundable on departure, is a lot cheaper than UK VAT. The US in general is a great place to get inexpensive basic clothing (I just got back from Xmas with a load of t-shirts, socks, and ties :lol:) but you'll also find better fashions there.

Clubbing is a mixed bag. Some friends and I went to a place called Webster Hall back when it first opened in the early 1990s and it was one of the best club nights out I've had ever. Fun and mayhem. Went back to the same place with my brother and the missus in '98 and it was crap. Half of New Jersey must have been there!

When the missus and I went for New Years '04, we went out one night to a small club and accidentally stumbled into a back room where they had an open mike rap night. I generally hate rap. I loved that evening... university-aged white boys with rhythm improvising poetry over a live 3-piece band, joined by young ladies with jazz be-bop singing styles. It was like a poetry reading with music. Great stuff... NYC is full of little gems like that.

We went to a club called Centro Fly for NYE. Wasn't impressed with the design but the music was decent (Jimmy Van M headlined with some good progressive sounds). I did not find the crowd that night restrained... but the design of the club wasn't conducive to building atmosphere (except in a hard-to-access back room which was hopping but too crowded).

Twilo always gets mentioned among the clubs. Of course, you've got the NYC Pacha too. I wish I'd done more clubbing there, to be honest, but you're moving around so much in the day that it takes a bit out of you. The 3am drinks cut off is a travesty... unless you find a "private party" which is basically a club or bar where they shut the doors and keep serving.

Just a few thoughts. If I can think of anything else I'll post tomorrow.

Edit: The missus has some sources in NYC who say the best clubs at the moment are Cielo, Crobar and Pacha.
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