Moving to Ibiza

I would LOVE to move to Ibiza. Realistically though, what kind of jobs could one expect to get? I mean, would you have to learn Catalan before even thinking about it?

perhaps one of the ex-pats can confirm this but my understanding is that you need to speak it (or at least understand it) if you work in a government/civil service/state-funded position (eg ayuntamiento) but not in the private sector. As a foreigner, spanish is normally enough and English an important bonus
I would LOVE to move to Ibiza. Realistically though, what kind of jobs could one expect to get? I mean, would you have to learn Catalan before even thinking about it?

This was main land Spain, but I spoke bar Spanish when I moved over and it was no problem at work. I learned as I went along. There is so many English speaker that come to the island I would bet that would be a chip in your basket. Companies have requirements for language skills, I didn't have to have a command of Spanish for work.
moved in the middle of worldwide financial armegeddon.

left steady eddie job behind to move out with nowhere to live, no jobs, no school sorted for the kids. (and all that despite years of planning it!!) whilst stilll having 2 mortgages.

now, can't ever imagine leaving and have no intention of doing so.

there is no luck involved in doing something like this, you either get your balls out and move and do it and make something for yourself or you spend your years thinking about doing it.

don't get me wrong, unless you do get lucky and somehow have a job to walk into, then you have to sacrifice and risk a lot to make it a reality, which is why so many people don't.

then after risking everything, you have to be prepared to give up any sort of expectations of nice, calm, relaxing, partying lifestyle for a few years to consolidate.

it's only when you're prepared to do both those things that you're likely to reap the benefits of living here, which make it all worth it of course.

Like anything in life, and after meeting you last summer - its easy to see you have a good head on your shoulders (regarding providing for your family) and Mrs Grego has also the same work ethic which proves you have the right frame of mind to both be a success. Your clearly living the dream but prepared to work your asses off to make it happen - good luck to you both - its great to see people making sacrifices in the short term for what will hopefully prove to be a long term satisfactory change for you both!!

Hats off to you El Grego - I think what your doing for yourself and your family is fantastic.....
Do your children learn Catalan / Castellano or both at school, grego?

in just over 2 years they are fluent in both. they are taught in catalan but castellano is linguafranca. their ability to switch between english, catalan and spanish never ceases to amaze me.

anyone who wants to make an issue of the catalan thing is a muppet, i'd rather not have to make the same point on that i've made before, but if it makes people happy, let them keep thinking it is in anyway similar to welsh.

@ bex - there are thousands of people here who not only don't speak spanish or catalan, seem to be not too bothered about learning either. i guess for most people's current jobs though, it would be necessary. so do what i and many others did and change career!

you're kind of looking at it the wrong way around too. you're unlikely to find your ideal job by chance or even asking or looking around, instead you have to decide what it is and then go do it/create it.

olly is right, catalan is required only for some public sectors jobs (schools, council, etc) everywhere else spanish will suffice, but remember most businesses here are small, family owned affairs. it's easier to create your own business/income.
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Bringing this thread back as we have finally decided to go for it after years and years of wanting to do it! :D :D :D

So any new thoughts on the matter? Any progress on other peoples moves?

I have posted a thread in 'Moving to Spain' if anyone can offer any help/advice :D

Was going to post on here to see what you were up to after seeing your FB post!
moved in the middle of worldwide financial armegeddon.

left steady eddie job behind to move out with nowhere to live, no jobs, no school sorted for the kids. (and all that despite years of planning it!!) whilst stilll having 2 mortgages.

now, can't ever imagine leaving and have no intention of doing so.

there is no luck involved in doing something like this, you either get your balls out and move and do it and make something for yourself or you spend your years thinking about doing it.

don't get me wrong, unless you do get lucky and somehow have a job to walk into, then you have to sacrifice and risk a lot to make it a reality, which is why so many people don't.

then after risking everything, you have to be prepared to give up any sort of expectations of nice, calm, relaxing, partying lifestyle for a few years to consolidate.

it's only when you're prepared to do both those things that you're likely to reap the benefits of living here, which make it all worth it of course.

I agree with Steph, full respect to you :) it was after meeting Alexis 2 years ago that me and pauly started talking about making it happen. Unfortunately its taken us this long to sell our house :( but now we have we have nothing really keeping us here. Our situation seems like it will be similar to yours.

I think thats basically it, you can talk and talk about it for years and years and there will always be a reason not to go, so we thought what are we waiting for?! If it doesnt work out then at least we tried :D I hope it does cos I wouldnt want to move back to the uk cos it hadnt worked!

We want a better life for ourselves and our babies :D we accept that living there will be nothing like holidaying there and neither one of us is afraid of working for it. We did get a taste of what it would be like to live there last year which is another reason why we have thought lets do it! It is scary and exciting at the same time! I cant wait, just dont know where to start!!!?
in just over 2 years they are fluent in both. they are taught in catalan but castellano is linguafranca. their ability to switch between english, catalan and spanish never ceases to amaze me.


Your story would make an excellent article by way of installments on the main site, a credit to you and all the family.