Moving to Ibiza

I am one of those pesky people who always think " it" and chuck myself in at the deep end! I was worried about giving up my job and going travelling, but I done it anyway. I did, however, pay off most of my debts first. i left my car loan repayments running because I didnt want to sell my car, but obviously if I was moving somewhere permanantly I'd clear everything first.

I would say definately, definately go. Life is far too short to wait to do the things you want to do. You spend all of your life working and paying off debts then suddenly you're 50 and not able to do what you'd always dreamed of.

I'm 24 and I panic now about whether I can squeeze all my plans in before I decide to settle down properly!!

I would pay off your debts first if you can, then take the jump and give it a go! What's the worst that can happen? Things dont work out and you can come back to England and find work here instead.

Do it! 8)
What's the worst that can happen? Things dont work out and you can come back to England and find work here instead.

IMO if you take the decision that you want to move to ibiza, then you only do it when you have satisfied yourselves when the optimum time actually is.

too many people just "do it" and then fail, come home with their tail between their legs with their dreams shattered and never have the balls to "do it" again (or circumstances - job, kids, relationships, etc dictate that they don't).

SS/paul - if you feel you need a couple of years to sort out debt, improve spanish, think things through, whatever.............then wait. doing it too soon might make the whole thing unsustainable no matter how hard you are prepared to work for it in ibiza. if you moved out there next summer and it didn't work, it'd probably take you another 5-10 before you had the foundation, bottle, determination, desire to go through it all again.

we set a date to move a couple of years ago and everything in our lives since then has been considered/influenced/shaped by that timeframe.
I am one of those pesky people who always think " it" and chuck myself in at the deep end! I was worried about giving up my job and going travelling, but I done it anyway. I did, however, pay off most of my debts first. i left my car loan repayments running because I didnt want to sell my car, but obviously if I was moving somewhere permanantly I'd clear everything first.

I would say definately, definately go. Life is far too short to wait to do the things you want to do. You spend all of your life working and paying off debts then suddenly you're 50 and not able to do what you'd always dreamed of.

I'm 24 and I panic now about whether I can squeeze all my plans in before I decide to settle down properly!!

I would pay off your debts first if you can, then take the jump and give it a go! What's the worst that can happen? Things dont work out and you can come back to England and find work here instead.

Do it! 8)

Im exactly like you, so its really hard for me to be sensible and plan it all for a few years. Whenever I have tried to plan anything before something has always happened to change those plans :confused: for instance, I moved to Cardiff with an ex just as a stop gap till we were moving to Bristol to save loads of cash before we went off travelling, anyway we had nightmare neighbours who made our lives living hell, I got really ill cos of it. I ended up splitting with my ex and stayed in Cardiff for over 6 years cos all my plans had changed and I didnt know what to do! I wasted 6 years of my life in Cardiff, ok I did have some really good times and made some ace mates, but I was so unhappy. One day I just thought f*ck this Im off and upped sticks to London with no plan whatsoever! :D Ok, London didnt exactly work out as I wanted, but I lived there for 3 1/2yrs and the main reason I left cos my ex was a tight fisted b*stard and he wanted to go back to manchester! :x :confused: :eek:
IMO if you take the decision that you want to move to ibiza, then you only do it when you have satisfied yourselves when the optimum time actually is.

too many people just "do it" and then fail, come home with their tail between their legs with their dreams shattered and never have the balls to "do it" again (or circumstances - job, kids, relationships, etc dictate that they don't).

SS/paul - if you feel you need a couple of years to sort out debt, improve spanish, think things through, whatever.............then wait. doing it too soon might make the whole thing unsustainable no matter how hard you are prepared to work for it in ibiza. if you moved out there next summer and it didn't work, it'd probably take you another 5-10 before you had the foundation, bottle, determination, desire to go through it all again.

we set a date to move a couple of years ago and everything in our lives since then has been considered/influenced/shaped by that timeframe.

... but saying that I do think you speak a lot of sense and I know paying off our debt and learning the language more than we know can only be a good thing :D Im just worried that if we dont do it soon, we will get stuck in a rut and it wont happen, plus I am wanting babies sooner rather than later and think that that might change our plans drastically :confused:

Grego - you have kids, how old are they? Are you glad that you had them here first or would you have quite happily waited and had them in Ibiza? What have you been doing to make your move to Ibiza easier? :)
Grego - you have kids, how old are they? Are you glad that you had them here first or would you have quite happily waited and had them in Ibiza? What have you been doing to make your move to Ibiza easier? :)

they are (just) 2 and (nearly) 4.

there is a long story to us having kids that makes our situation v different but overall, i think in hindsight we will look back and be glad that whilst they were really young we had family around for support.

aside from the financial benefits (tax credits, child benefit, etc, etc) there is such a lot to that needs to be established in the first couple of years, which ultimately requires the knowledge that you will have a steady income.

nevertheless, the date we set to move was almost entirely based on the fact that we wanted to move before they started school.
they are (just) 2 and (nearly) 4.

there is a long story to us having kids that makes our situation v different but overall, i think in hindsight we will look back and be glad that whilst they were really young we had family around for support.

aside from the financial benefits (tax credits, child benefit, etc, etc) there is such a lot to that needs to be established in the first couple of years, which ultimately requires the knowledge that you will have a steady income.

nevertheless, the date we set to move was almost entirely based on the fact that we wanted to move before they started school.

so when are you planning on moving to ibiza?

see the difference with me is that I wont have family support anyway cos my family live in wales and paulys family live in north yorkshire and we dont intend on living in either one of those places! but I hear what youre saying regarding all the financial help :)

so what are you planning on doing for a career in Ibiza then?
so when are you planning on moving to ibiza?

see the difference with me is that I wont have family support anyway cos my family live in wales and paulys family live in north yorkshire and we dont intend on living in either one of those places! but I hear what youre saying regarding all the financial help :)

so what are you planning on doing for a career in Ibiza then?

we're moving may 2008.

we don't live that ear either of our families also but it has still made a massive difference having them a few hours away by car/train, etc

my career plan is to earn enough money so that my kids can go to school and grow up in ibiza. there is no plan beyond that.
we're moving may 2008.

we don't live that ear either of our families also but it has still made a massive difference having them a few hours away by car/train, etc

my career plan is to earn enough money so that my kids can go to school and grow up in ibiza. there is no plan beyond that.

well good luck with it all :D do you know where you are going to be living?

what do you do for a career at the moment?

I hear what youre saying regarding family ;)
Best advice so far :)

Thank You 8)

Just a shame we let this country get us into so much debt :cry:

Thanks Pauly. I have had my fingers burned getting into debt and it's just made me more cautious and would suggest to anyone that they sort things like that out first before they do anything else.

I wish you both well whatever you decide to do x
Any developments, SS?

I finally got my misus to agree on a date of May 2009 for our move to Ibiza :) This followed our latest trip to the island with our little boy (aged 2). A tough but acheivable schedule for us.

I hope your plans fall into place, life is far too short.
Any developments, SS?

I finally got my misus to agree on a date of May 2009 for our move to Ibiza :) This followed our latest trip to the island with our little boy (aged 2). A tough but acheivable schedule for us.

I hope your plans fall into place, life is far too short.

Not really in the physical sense yet, although this weather is making me want to just pack up and go :confused:

We have had some developments in other areas, pauly has had a pay rise and we have made lists of things we need to sell and do to make the move, so its a start lol! :rolleyes: Im job hunting like crazy at the mo trying to get a better paid job so I can pay my debts off!

Still trying to decide whether to stay in Manchester while we get sorted for Ibiza or to move down south so we are that little bit closer lol! :D

What are your plans when you get there?
What are your plans when you get there?

Good question!

At the moment, my line of work requires nothing more than a decent internet connection so I could continue to work from home in Ibiza. That said, I envisage my line of work having a finite lifespan and other options will be fully researched over the next few months. The misus is a nursing sister but we are at the very start of the language learning process so this would probably be quite a problem for Shelley. We both dream of running a business together as we get on like bezzie mates but realise this far easier to dream about than execute!

It sounds like you are both doing your bit to make the move happen :):)

Now I have a date from Shelley, I am going to setup the whole thing as a project using MS project. Over time, almost everything we do will help to hit the target.
Bringing this thread back as we have finally decided to go for it after years and years of wanting to do it! :D :D :D

So any new thoughts on the matter? Any progress on other peoples moves?

I have posted a thread in 'Moving to Spain' if anyone can offer any help/advice :D
in my case, it would probably have to be Barcelona - primarily for family reasons. I tried working there twice before (teaching English inevitably) but it didn't work out. I will have to move back at some stage though as my mother's health declines. Annoyingly, I have pretty good Spanish/conversational Catalan but the whole employment market (itself fcked) is about who you know - and I don't have the connections there anymore :confused: - a looming headache on the horizon
How time flies :eek:

Personally, worldwide financial armageddon in 2008 and the arrival of our second child the same year put the skids under our plans for a move in 2009!
it would have to be after a substantial windfall - cant imagine moving abroad and having to work..... :(

My plans to retire at 50 still stand - the house is paid for no debt and we live on the proceeds til pensions kick in ..... :lol::lol:
moved in the middle of worldwide financial armegeddon.

left steady eddie job behind to move out with nowhere to live, no jobs, no school sorted for the kids. (and all that despite years of planning it!!) whilst stilll having 2 mortgages.

now, can't ever imagine leaving and have no intention of doing so.

there is no luck involved in doing something like this, you either get your balls out and move and do it and make something for yourself or you spend your years thinking about doing it.

don't get me wrong, unless you do get lucky and somehow have a job to walk into, then you have to sacrifice and risk a lot to make it a reality, which is why so many people don't.

then after risking everything, you have to be prepared to give up any sort of expectations of nice, calm, relaxing, partying lifestyle for a few years to consolidate.

it's only when you're prepared to do both those things that you're likely to reap the benefits of living here, which make it all worth it of course.
moved in the middle of worldwide financial armegeddon.

left steady eddie job behind to move out with nowhere to live, no jobs, no school sorted for the kids. (and all that despite years of planning it!!) whilst stilll having 2 mortgages.

now, can't ever imagine leaving and have no intention of doing so.

there is no luck involved in doing something like this, you either get your balls out and move and do it and make something for yourself or you spend your years thinking about doing it.

don't get me wrong, unless you do get lucky and somehow have a job to walk into, then you have to sacrifice and risk a lot to make it a reality, which is why so many people don't.

then after risking everything, you have to be prepared to give up any sort of expectations of nice, calm, relaxing, partying lifestyle for a few years to consolidate.

it's only when you're prepared to do both those things that you're likely to reap the benefits of living here, which make it all worth it of course.

full respect due, Grego
I would LOVE to move to Ibiza. Realistically though, what kind of jobs could one expect to get? I mean, would you have to learn Catalan before even thinking about it?