Moving to Ibiza

I have moved to another country sans plan (Germany), it is a bit dodgy I would stick to my plan. If you take your time and look at it from all angles the transition will be smoother; plus with the extra time you can sort out all the little things you might want. The cats getting clearance to come into Spain for example. IMO Look three time before you leap, even if you love where you will be living. A vacation is one thing but living everyday is so different.:D
Irina and I moved to Moscow without a job lined up and only about $10k in the bank and more than that in debt (credit cards, student loans). We burned through the cash in no time, but I found a job in just a month and then got headhunted for a better job less than a year later.

Sometimes you have to just get up and go.

It helps if:
a) You have some idea of the work you want to do, and have talked to people around to find out if there are opportunities.
b) You know the language.

Robert Smith put it best:
"It's a perfect day for letting go, for setting fire to bridges, boats and other dreary worlds you know. Let's get happy!"
Oh well, nothing to loose.

Go for it - follow your heart xxxxx

You did say some things that made me think tho and it did knock me back down to earth a bit :( I know Im giddy at the mo cos Ive just got back and had an amazing wedding, but I dont want to fall back into the rut we were in in the winter and just get more and more depressed and end up booking more and more holidays we really cant afford!! :confused:

It might take us ages to sell our house yet!! :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:
Irina and I moved to Moscow without a job lined up and only about $10k in the bank and more than that in debt (credit cards, student loans). We burned through the cash in no time, but I found a job in just a month and then got headhunted for a better job less than a year later.

Sometimes you have to just get up and go.

It helps if:
a) You have some idea of the work you want to do, and have talked to people around to find out if there are opportunities.
b) You know the language.

Robert Smith put it best:
"It's a perfect day for letting go, for setting fire to bridges, boats and other dreary worlds you know. Let's get happy!"
I came 2 Spain with a job but no knowledge of Spain except Ibiza. It has worked out ok I think. You can make anything work if you put your mind to it.
"Do what you feel, feel what you do"

From some drunken guy I met in Kingston 8)
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how about u get out there this winter for a right good nosey round, housing, jobs etc and really check it all out properly
dont treat it like a holiday
go there and do the research :D go and get the out of season vibe too
it must be like living in the lakes, mental in summer, dead in winter (altho ive always loved living in the lakes in winter and hated the summer onslaught of visitors lol)

so get in gear for a research trip, save up like mad, sort finances out and go live there next year
that way you have a date in sight that is not too far away - but u can plan for in the reality realistic sense
Irina and I moved to Moscow without a job lined up and only about $10k in the bank and more than that in debt (credit cards, student loans). We burned through the cash in no time, but I found a job in just a month and then got headhunted for a better job less than a year later.

Sometimes you have to just get up and go.

It helps if:
a) You have some idea of the work you want to do, and have talked to people around to find out if there are opportunities.
b) You know the language.

Robert Smith put it best:
"It's a perfect day for letting go, for setting fire to bridges, boats and other dreary worlds you know. Let's get happy!"

Thats really good to know :D when we go we will have got rid of all our debt but probably wont have shed loads of cash, about what you had I guess, maybe a bit more (depends how much we sell the house for) but we dont speak the language that well at all. We can both speak pigeon spanish and I do kinda understand the verbs (dont know how much use that would be lol) but surely you would pick it up when you lived there? I picked up french really well just by speaking it to french people when I was travelling round France :D

In a few years I would like to be a freelance interior designer (im studying at the mo part time at home, but am way behind :confused: ) and I have been told by a few people that there is a call for them out there. That is what our original plan was, Id qualify then we would move over there and sort stuff out, but it just seems such a long way away :(

I think the hardest step is going, once youre there you can work it out? :rolleyes:

If you dont mind me asking what job do you do Morbyd? Did you have a career already?
how about u get out there this winter for a right good nosey round, housing, jobs etc and really check it all out properly
dont treat it like a holiday
go there and do the research :D go and get the out of season vibe too
it must be like living in the lakes, mental in summer, dead in winter (altho ive always loved living in the lakes in winter and hated the summer onslaught of visitors lol)

so get in gear for a research trip, save up like mad, sort finances out and go live there next year
that way you have a date in sight that is not too far away - but u can plan for in the reality realistic sense

This is what Pauly was saying at lunch, really start saving like mad once all our wedding stuff is over, even me getting a full time job :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: and like I said earlier it might take months and months to sell our house :confused: Im quite prepared to wait till winter, but I dont know if I can handle another January and February in Manchester :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :cry: :cry: :cry:
This is what Pauly was saying at lunch, really start saving like mad once all our wedding stuff is over, even me getting a full time job :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: and like I said earlier it might take months and months to sell our house :confused: Im quite prepared to wait till winter, but I dont know if I can handle another January and February in Manchester :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :cry: :cry: :cry:

well get a full time job
work yr ass off
save as much as poss
and make next jan/feb yr last winter in manchester
surely if u get a full time job, pauly will appreciate how serious and committed you are;)
You've just been through an expensive time I imagine getting married and all.

Sounds like you could be putting a little too much pressure on yourself at the mo'!:lol:

Just enjoy your newly married bliss!!!!! And start with small steps, such as:

How much do i need to clear my debts?
How much will my house sale cover?
How much will i need per week/month to survive in Ibiza.

Then at least you'll know what you're up against.

Like i said earlier, me and the boss want to spend half the year in India in five years time. I know how much i need and what chess pieces i need to move where to enable me to do it.

Grego is moving next year to Ibiza I believe, pick his brain.:p (won't take long etc etc)
I think the hardest step is going, once youre there you can work it out? :rolleyes:

If you dont mind me asking what job do you do Morbyd? Did you have a career already?
Overcoming inertia is always the hardest part.

I'm in public relations. I suppose you'd call it a "career" as I've been doing it for 12 years, I'm senior mgmt, and I'm more or less good at it. Still hard to think of it as a lifelong career though!

One note: I wouldn't put so much emphasis on paying off debt, if your montly payments aren't too big. Sometimes it's better to save up that money. While you'll obviously earn less interest than you'll pay, at least you can build up that minimum nest egg a bit faster. Then you can turn more of your current income to debt repayment.
I may be wrong, but I think that comparing Morbyd arriving to Moscu and getting a job with SS arriving to Ibiza and getting a job sounds a bit weird to me. I don't know the situatuion in Moscu but it looks like 31804710374013 time bigger and busier re business than Ibiza
I may be wrong, but I think that comparing Morbyd arriving to Moscu and getting a job with SS arriving to Ibiza and getting a job sounds a bit weird to me. I don't know the situatuion in Moscu but it looks like 31804710374013 time bigger and busier re business than Ibiza
Sil is correct. I had to move from where I wanted to live to where I could get a job when I moved 2 Germany(aviation safety). That could be the thing tha knock you back, I don't want to rain on your parade. If you drrag debt and have a job situation it puts alot of pressure on you. I almost went back to america.
I would suggest you stick to your boring and sensible as it seems it is the right thing to do.

If you have debts why don't you go and see about them with a debit agency? Also what work do you have lined up over there?

The winter season is hard for expats unless they have steady work of a proper kind

Like you I would love to get up and go but I too have debts and have 2 years left out of a 3 year debt program before I can even consider anything - I don't own my own home so I would be free just to go.

I would urge you to cut back on the trips out there, get some advice about your debts and save like hell - the more prepared you are financally the better.

Boring I know but it would be better in the longer term. I realise that you already have a plan and I maybe repeating things included in it but I think it's best that you stick to it.

As to your dad - I am sure he will support you in whatever you do and if you do go he would look forward to visiting you there!

Maybe a couple of years ago I would advise you to just go for it however due to my circumstances with money etc I have had to really tow the line and I can't just drop everything and go, so my views have changed on things.

For example I would love to go out and work for Manumission but what I would earn would not pay my debts and then when I come back would I be able to get a job again? I am just happy going out for my weeks holiday in Sept.

Its all very week saying just drop everything and go - but when you have things to pay and also you will probably be on a much lower wages over there you will possibly end up more in debt than ever.

Sorry for being down - I am just being realistic.

Have patience, get your debts away, get sorted out and then go.

Best advice so far :)

Thank You 8)

Just a shame we let this country get us into so much debt :cry:

On another note, how do I get 4000 records over there? :confused:
On another note, how do I get 4000 records over there? :confused:

lol that deserves a thead of its own!!!
god knows how ul do it, ship them? but i guess you wouldnt chance that hey, fly them? but that would be too heavy! umm do u need to take 4000? i guess the answer to that is do bears poo in the woods! :)
lol that deserves a thead of its own!!!
god knows how ul do it, ship them? but i guess you wouldnt chance that hey, fly them? but that would be too heavy! umm do u need to take 4000? i guess the answer to that is do bears poo in the woods! :)

Thinking I might have to ebay half of them to get some extra cash for the move :cry:
Thinking I might have to ebay half of them to get some extra cash for the move :cry:
sounds like a plan!
a difficult one im sure, but ya prob dont need 4000 of them! be ruthless pauly;)
yr records on ebay
sweet in a full time job
gosh u cud be there by next summer! :D
A bit of perspective from somone just coming out of their mid-life crisis!

Being a very late starter, I didn't discover Ibiza until I'd hit my early 40's. I immediately fell in love with the place, the people, the vibe. I'd only intended to go the once and although there's lots of other places I'd like to see, I still seem to end up going back there each year. I pretty much decided I wanted to move out there after that first holiday. It's easy to get that "never-want-the-holiday-to-end" feeling as you start to feel down about having to return home but this year it'll be 6 years on the trot and I still feel the same.

With a mortgage, family commitments from a previous marriage and some health issues, I know that's not going to be any time soon. I have a steady job (that I hate) with good pay but ridiculous amounts of stress that spill over into the home life. My focus now is is my 7 year plan to retire there by the time I'm 55. Yes I know that's old, and too late, and to long, so take heed.

If you're young, healthy, flexible, have no commitments and are prepared to sacrifice wealth for well being and overall quality of life, I'd say do it. I'm sure it won't be without problems, but if I had my 20's back I'd do it without hesitation.

Oh yes...... and you're all invited to my villa-warming party in 2014! :D
I may be wrong, but I think that comparing Morbyd arriving to Moscu and getting a job with SS arriving to Ibiza and getting a job sounds a bit weird to me. I don't know the situatuion in Moscu but it looks like 31804710374013 time bigger and busier re business than Ibiza
Maybe... but as large as this city is, there's a much much smaller niche for a foreigner to work here (in terms of percentages) than in Ibiza, and a lot more paperwork!

In any case, I wasn't making a direct comparison. Just pointing out that sometimes you've got to just jump in and "do it"
Thinking I might have to ebay half of them to get some extra cash for the move :cry:

Here is a sokution, you can have the feel of wax. You can have all of your music and next 2 nothing as far as weight, but you need a laptop that is only for serato. I started using this and at first I was not liking it. I got used to it and my back thanks me. It will take time put all your records in but well worth it. I have a portable hard drive just for music. You can still use wax if you like or the CD turntables. great product me thinks.8)
A bit of perspective from somone just coming out of their mid-life crisis!

Being a very late starter, I didn't discover Ibiza until I'd hit my early 40's. I immediately fell in love with the place, the people, the vibe. I'd only intended to go the once and although there's lots of other places I'd like to see, I still seem to end up going back there each year. I pretty much decided I wanted to move out there after that first holiday. It's easy to get that "never-want-the-holiday-to-end" feeling as you start to feel down about having to return home but this year it'll be 6 years on the trot and I still feel the same.

With a mortgage, family commitments from a previous marriage and some health issues, I know that's not going to be any time soon. I have a steady job (that I hate) with good pay but ridiculous amounts of stress that spill over into the home life. My focus now is is my 7 year plan to retire there by the time I'm 55. Yes I know that's old, and too late, and to long, so take heed.

If you're young, healthy, flexible, have no commitments and are prepared to sacrifice wealth for well being and overall quality of life, I'd say do it. I'm sure it won't be without problems, but if I had my 20's back I'd do it without hesitation.

Oh yes...... and you're all invited to my villa-warming party in 2014! :D

Brilliant post :D See I feel exactly like you do :D I felt like we had discovered Ibiza too late as I was 31 when we first went to Ibiza and like you fell in love with the place straight away. I was walking around Ibiza town and I felt like I knew where I was going! I even had to think if I had been there years ago and just couldnt remember!! :lol: I hadnt! :lol:

I have been to a few place in my life, travelled round europe in a campervan, new york, greece etc but nowhere has given me the feeling like Ibiza does :D and like you everytime I go there the feeling gets stronger. Its not just wanting to extend my holiday. We know a few people who live out there and just seeing what they do makes me think, why cant I do it too? One guy went out with nothing 6 years ago and now is a manager of a gorgeous villa!!

Im not a money orientated person (ok it would be nice to have a comfortable life) cos Ive never had money lol and its only cos of pauly that I have a house that we own, so Im not worried about renting again. I guess its easier for me to just up and go cos its what Ive always done, Ive always been a bit of a nomad lol :rolleyes: but for pauly whos had property and money for years its not so easy! Lol I think Ive skinted him but hopefully given him a better life!! :rolleyes: :oops: :lol: ;)

Come on baby, lets just get the house sold and be there by November! :D :lol: and spaceslug, we'll come to your house warming! ;)