Moving to Ibiza

sweet sensation

Active Member
I know theres a whole forum about this but I just wanted to see what most peoples thoughts are.

Me and Pauly are seriously considering just upping and going before the year is out! We have thought out a bit of a plan but that isnt going to get us there before 2010 and we're getting impatient! :rolleyes:

Being there last week has made me realise that Im not going to be happy unless I give this a go and Im so unhappy in Manchester that I dont want to wait. Do you think we are being really silly and we really should stick to our plan, or shall we just think f*ck it and sell our house, pay our debts off and go over and rent until we get settled?

We both have pretty much got some work over there to tide us over for a bit :D

The only thing thats holding me back a bit is that my brother is going to live in Australia for a year from June and my dad is going to be on his own and hes getting on a bit and im a bit worried about leaving him here :(
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We have had "The plan" for ages and sometimes I get really antsy and wish it was NOW - other times i think its a good idea to wait and make sure we are financially secure enough to not to worry about stuff over there .....

Mostly my impatience is just after a visit to the Island so you are justified in feeling like this at the moment I would say ....

The parent thing would worry me, however, my parents upped sticks and moved abroad over 10 yrs ago now so I dont have that to worry about, but I know my parents will move back to the UK at some time and once I am ready to move abroad they will take offence at that .......:spank:
See I know planning stuff is the sensible idea, but Ive never been sensible in my life, so why start now!! :lol:

All my major moves have been done spontaniously, I moved to London on my own in 2001 with no job, nowhere to live and no idea what I was going to do! Ok it didnt work out exactly how I wanted and I am in debt cos of it, but Im so glad I did it cos I was sooo unhappy in Cardiff and it was dragging me down :(

But Pauly thinks like you and wants us to be more financially secure before we move there :confused: my issue there is that its going to take us years to sort our debts out and something always crops up that you have to pay for unexpectantly :confused: so why wait?! :D

My contract runs out in this place at the end of June and I dont want to get a permanent job in Manchester :confused: I just want to go NOW!!!!!!!
you going back out there again this year for a holiday?

We tried to work out just how much money we have spent "doing Ibiza" in the way that we do and for the length of time we have been holidaying there. Phil reckons we could have put that money towards moving out there and actually, we would already be living there.....

..... that's quite shocking really isnt it....:lol: :lol:
you going back out there again this year for a holiday?

We tried to work out just how much money we have spent "doing Ibiza" in the way that we do and for the length of time we have been holidaying there. Phil reckons we could have put that money towards moving out there and actually, we would already be living there.....

..... that's quite shocking really isnt it....:lol: :lol:

thats exactly what I said to Pauly!!! :lol: we are going again in August for the radio one w.e, not been in aug before and it was a way of checking out if we could handle the chaos of august before we move there!! :lol:

we're also planning on going back for the closings! plus all our mates want us to book the villa again as an anniversary or something!! :lol:

if all those happen that will make 10 visits in 2yrs, we could have bought that villa lol!! :lol:
honestly just go for it
life doesnt wait for us -
u could plan everything to last detail and sit in manchester depressed for the next 3yrs
:D:D:D im behind ya every step of the way
ive moved house well over 30odd times as u know, and every move has been fairly spontaneous, and every move has been about moving forwards on every level - at the moment you are frustrated coz you are living against the grain - listen to your inner voice - and follow it :D
so it looks like i could be doing 3trips out there this yr also! lol
time to get things in order!
Go when your contract runs out - it's ideal timing. You could just see how far you get for a few months, it's amazing how things become possible once you're actually doing it.

If it looks like working out - return home sell up and get over there, if not then you can regroup with a far better understanding of what it takes and regroup for another assault on the island later.

Too much advice can often give you too many reasons for not doing something!

Unless you take my advice - :lol: :lol:
honestly just go for it
life doesnt wait for us -
u could plan everything to last detail and sit in manchester depressed for the next 3yrs
:D:D:D im behind ya every step of the way
ive moved house well over 30odd times as u know, and every move has been fairly spontaneous, and every move has been about moving forwards on every level - at the moment you are frustrated coz you are living against the grain - listen to your inner voice - and follow it :D
so it looks like i could be doing 3trips out there this yr also! lol
time to get things in order!

see thats just how I think too, Ive never planned anything (well apart from my wedding!) I just get an idea and think yeah lets do it! I suppose thats what happened with the wedding really :lol: paulys more sensible tho and I guess I need that in my life!!
Go when your contract runs out - it's ideal timing. You could just see how far you get for a few months, it's amazing how things become possible once you're actually doing it.

If it looks like working out - return home sell up and get over there, if not then you can regroup with a far better understanding of what it takes and regroup for another assault on the island later.

Too much advice can often give you too many reasons for not doing something!

Unless you take my advice - :lol: :lol:

I wish it was that easy, but unfortunately it isnt :cry: I have 2 cats that I would need to sort out, I couldnt take them with me initially and Pauly would have to sort his job out, plus we would have to get someone to rent our house for while we were away cos we couldnt afford to pay for our mortgage and rent somewhere in Ibiza. Also I am more into the idea of going there once the peak season has gone cos that will give you a more realistic view of whether you can live there all year round :)

I like your way of thinking tho ;)
cant you rent your home out for 6 months to fund your first forays over there? if its not working after 6 months return home. do you have any cat loving friends that would look after them for you?

Looking forward to getting you both a drink in September 8)
cant you rent your home out for 6 months to fund your first forays over there? if its not working after 6 months return home. do you have any cat loving friends that would look after them for you?

Looking forward to getting you both a drink in September 8)

like he said! But cats do change things. haha :lol:

we are looking to spend half the year in india in 5 years time and we
coudln't take the cats with us if we did. :lol:
cant you rent your home out for 6 months to fund your first forays over there? if its not working after 6 months return home. do you have any cat loving friends that would look after them for you?

Looking forward to getting you both a drink in September 8)

that is an option, but we'd have to charge higher than the rental price to be able to cover our loans too and I dont think we would get that much for our house :cry: I think its going to have to be sell up and go! :rolleyes:
I have moved to another country sans plan (Germany), it is a bit dodgy I would stick to my plan. If you take your time and look at it from all angles the transition will be smoother; plus with the extra time you can sort out all the little things you might want. The cats getting clearance to come into Spain for example. IMO Look three time before you leap, even if you love where you will be living. A vacation is one thing but living everyday is so different.:D
I would suggest you stick to your boring and sensible as it seems it is the right thing to do.

If you have debts why don't you go and see about them with a debit agency? Also what work do you have lined up over there?

The winter season is hard for expats unless they have steady work of a proper kind

Like you I would love to get up and go but I too have debts and have 2 years left out of a 3 year debt program before I can even consider anything - I don't own my own home so I would be free just to go.

I would urge you to cut back on the trips out there, get some advice about your debts and save like hell - the more prepared you are financally the better.

Boring I know but it would be better in the longer term. I realise that you already have a plan and I maybe repeating things included in it but I think it's best that you stick to it.

As to your dad - I am sure he will support you in whatever you do and if you do go he would look forward to visiting you there!

Maybe a couple of years ago I would advise you to just go for it however due to my circumstances with money etc I have had to really tow the line and I can't just drop everything and go, so my views have changed on things.

For example I would love to go out and work for Manumission but what I would earn would not pay my debts and then when I come back would I be able to get a job again? I am just happy going out for my weeks holiday in Sept.

Its all very week saying just drop everything and go - but when you have things to pay and also you will probably be on a much lower wages over there you will possibly end up more in debt than ever.

Sorry for being down - I am just being realistic.

Have patience, get your debts away, get sorted out and then go.
Thank you djjaycool and SmokinBabe, I appreciate all your advice :) but I dont want to wait!!!! :rolleyes:

We are going to be moving from Manchester anyway towards the end of the year and starting afresh down south, so why would moving a little further south make that much more of a difference? :rolleyes:

Its going to cost us to move anyway and yes I know it will be easier to get jobs in the UK but why cant we make it work in Ibiza?

I have tried cutting back on my trips to Ibiza but I cant do it, neither of us can, we miss it so much :cry: I know its a cliche but it feels like our home :D we were both saying last night that it feels much more like home than Manchester ever has!

I cry when I leave and I smile when I arrive, surely happiness is much more important than any financial gain? :D
Thank you djjaycool and SmokinBabe, I appreciate all your advice :) but I dont want to wait!!!! :rolleyes:

We are going to be moving from Manchester anyway towards the end of the year and starting afresh down south, so why would moving a little further south make that much more of a difference? :rolleyes:

Its going to cost us to move anyway and yes I know it will be easier to get jobs in the UK but why cant we make it work in Ibiza?

I have tried cutting back on my trips to Ibiza but I cant do it, neither of us can, we miss it so much :cry: I know its a cliche but it feels like our home :D we were both saying last night that it feels much more like home than Manchester ever has!

I cry when I leave and I smile when I arrive, surely happiness is much more important than any financial gain? :D
You have to do what you feel, it was painful the first time I moved abroad. Cheers :D and good luck.
You have to do what you feel, it was painful the first time I moved abroad. Cheers :D and good luck.

He is right - if thats what feels right then do it.

I would suggest going for the winter season though - have you ever been then? If you can survive that then who knows?

I feel exactly the same everytime I come arrive and come home too so I can understand your need to be there and the love you feel for it. I just hope that doesn't overshadow the reality of life there.

if you go for it then I wish you all the best and of course I am just a tiny bit jealous! :rolleyes:

Maybe when I get my feet cleared I will take the leap too!
Well this is the first time that me and pauly both feel the time is right and we are trying to be as realistic as possible about it :)

At the moment we dont have any kids and neither one of us has a job that we want to stay in, well mine ends in 6 weeks! The only thing we have here is our house and our debts, if we sell the house and pay off our debts then we can start with a clean slate in Ibiza :D

I want to move there after the season cos I reck it will be easier to find somewhere to live (and hopefully cheaper - renting I mean) and it will give a true reflection on whether we can survive there. We have been in the winter twice (well you can hardly call it winter really!! :lol: ) and we both really like it then :)

Over the last year we have made some great contacts and friends who live out there and have been offered help in getting us settled (inc jobs) so I cant think of a better time to go. Staying in the UK will get us in more debt cos by god you need to get away a few times a year otherwise youd be sooo depressed! :eek:

I appreciate its not going to be easy, but neither of us are afraid of hard work if it gets us where we want :D