More "delightful" antics on flights from the North of UK to Ibiza

They are slowly banning alcohol on flights to Ibiza. I expect this to continue.
Russian airlines did this years ago (Russians are as bad as Brits about getting trashed on planes, particularly charter flights to vacation hotspots). You're only allowed to drink booze offered by the flight attendants. They announce it right along with telling you to buckle up and not smoke!

Since when did the departure time of a flight stop a committed drinker getting bevvied? I always ensure I have a pre-flight bevvy, even if that means 5am pint at airport. :twisted: I always behave myself, though!
I'm the same. A few beers helps one properly pass out for the duration of the flight :lol:
nothing wrong with a few drinks to enjoy the flight
when you mix that with bams - thats the problem

my stag do in Ibiza case in point - 6pm flight from Glasgow
me and my mate were treated to one of Glasgows upstanding citizens clearing out the miniatures from the back of the plane
Just got this email. Its unfortunate that we have to be treated the same as the lowest common denominator, but it happens with most things now.

Dear Customer,

Your flight to Ibiza – Booking reference xxxxx

In order to prioritize the comfort and safety of all passengers, Ryanair will implement the following restrictions in place on your flight to IBIZA:

• Customers will not be allowed to carry alcohol on board and all cabin baggage will be searched at the boarding gates.

• Any alcohol purchased in airport shops or elsewhere must be packed carefully in a suitable item of cabin baggage, which will be tagged at the gate and then placed in the aircraft hold free of charge.

• If the bag is unsuitable for placing in the hold (e.g. plastic bag) then customers will be required to dispose of the alcohol in the bins provided.

• Boarding gates will be carefully monitored and customers showing any signs of anti-social behavior or attempting to conceal alcohol will be denied travel without refund or compensation.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation with these procedures which we hope will allow you to enjoy your flight with us to Ibiza.

Yours sincerely,

Ryanair Customer Services
Just got this email. Its unfortunate that we have to be treated the same as the lowest common denominator, but it happens with most things now.

Dear Customer,

Your flight to Ibiza – Booking reference xxxxx

In order to prioritize the comfort and safety of all passengers, Ryanair will implement the following restrictions in place on your flight to IBIZA:

• Customers will not be allowed to carry alcohol on board and all cabin baggage will be searched at the boarding gates.

• Any alcohol purchased in airport shops or elsewhere must be packed carefully in a suitable item of cabin baggage, which will be tagged at the gate and then placed in the aircraft hold free of charge.

• If the bag is unsuitable for placing in the hold (e.g. plastic bag) then customers will be required to dispose of the alcohol in the bins provided.

• Boarding gates will be carefully monitored and customers showing any signs of anti-social behavior or attempting to conceal alcohol will be denied travel without refund or compensation.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation with these procedures which we hope will allow you to enjoy your flight with us to Ibiza.

Yours sincerely,

Ryanair Customer Services

I got this one before flying in June. What it didn't say is you wouldn't be able to buy booze on the plane either, so if you like to get a wee bit tipsy for flying, I suggest you do so before getting on the flight.
I don't know enough about the reasons behind it to know whether blame either people like this or the airlines, but things are not good with Ibiza flights this year.

Nothing below £300 all season from the north of England, most quite a bit more. Easyjet have stopped flying Liverpool and Manchester (and possibly others, not sure) to Ibiza, so you're pretty much left with Jet2 and Ryanair.

I've no problem with Ryanair, 99% of complaints about them are the customer's fault, and I can't really have a go at them for capitalising on the situation and hiking their prices, but it means the days of cheap(ish) flights to Ibiza are over for now.

I must say though, I do think twice before having a go at "rowdy Brits" on Ibiza bound flights. There was that video of "disgraceful" behaviour on all the tabloid sites at the start of the season, and it was just a mild bit of singing as far as I could make out. It's not exactly the Wolf Of Wall Street.

So I don't know if it's idiots having too much to drink, airlines being arseholes, the media over-hyping the issue, or a bit of all three, but it's seriously pissed me off.
^ Could never understand that easyjet move either? got good deal with Ryanair tbh (90 quid) but had to book at the start of last century to guarantee. Also flew with jet2 in july summer svhool hols and paid 260 a throw last minute ish too.
As for the ()some) passengers, its as if they think that it is expected that they behave loutish. And whats that f@ckin thing with scouse birds flying out wearing rollers in their hair, thats the level we are dealing with here im afraid.
^ Could never understand that easyjet move either? got good deal with Ryanair tbh (90 quid) but had to book at the start of last century to guarantee. Also flew with jet2 in july summer svhool hols and paid 260 a throw last minute ish too.
As for the ()some) passengers, its as if they think that it is expected that they behave loutish. And whats that f@ckin thing with scouse birds flying out wearing rollers in their hair, thats the level we are dealing with here im afraid.

:eek::eek: Saw three Scouse girls in velour shorts and rollers in hair at the Spar just along from Ushuaia back in July... What the actual fcuk!! Has no one enlightened them that they just look like massive a55holes!!?!! :rolleyes:
:eek::eek: Saw three Scouse girls in velour shorts and rollers in hair at the Spar just along from Ushuaia back in July... What the actual fcuk!! Has no one enlightened them that they just look like massive a55holes!!?!! :rolleyes:
or Hilda Ogden, or my mum in the early 1970's.
Well, people with rollers in isn't exactly a problem is it? I'm not having a go - but you'd think from the way the media are reacting these people are trying to blow the plane up or something.

I get that people get a bit rowdy on an Ibiza flight - as diver said too, I reckon it's typical male behaviour. Maybe I'm too old and too much of an amateur psychologist, but I bet most of these lads would secretly admit they only behave like that because they feel they have to in order to "fit in".

In terms of the "booking early" thing - I don't deny that some people, somehow, still get cheap(ish) deals, but for the past three years flight prices have been the same 6 months before as they were the day I fly out.
We flew from Glasgow Prestwick to Ibiza at the start of July. The Mrs went for a pre-flight piss only to be greeted by four policemen and two sniffer dogs. They searched both male and female toilets, went for a walk around the departure lounge and then were waiting at the door as you left to board the plane. Didn't see anyone get pulled.

They also took all booze purchased in duty free and stuck it in the hold.
Well, people with rollers in isn't exactly a problem is it? I'm not having a go - but you'd think from the way the media are reacting these people are trying to blow the plane up or something.

I get that people get a bit rowdy on an Ibiza flight - as diver said too, I reckon it's typical male behaviour. Maybe I'm too old and too much of an amateur psychologist, but I bet most of these lads would secretly admit they only behave like that because they feel they have to in order to "fit in".

In terms of the "booking early" thing - I don't deny that some people, somehow, still get cheap(ish) deals, but for the past three years flight prices have been the same 6 months before as they were the day I fly out.
Im just havin a laugh about the rollers thing. Same as i would be about the lads and lasses who fain that "croaky" voice at check in interjecting every other word with f@ck in conversation with randoms they met and having "how much have you not slept" showdowns whilst im stood there with teenage children. Then they pop off to burger king where they all use the term "can i get" when ordering food instead of "please may i have" then proceed to stretch out over 4 seats in departure because they are SO tired
Lets have a bit of decorum please in these situations. On the way out on Monday, cabin crew had to threaten that ALL passengers would be off loaded because a certain few (quite a few) wouldnt stay quiet for the safety briefing.
So it is happening, ive seen it quite a lot but more so recently.
then proceed to stretch out over 4 seats in departure because they are SO tired

This lot again ?

Speaking to a couple last night, there flight from London had to land at Toulouse to eject some rabble.
Our flight back to Luton on Saturday evening was delayed due to the Police having to escort someone off the incoming flight!
The stewardess described the flight as carnage....
The behaviour of numerous morons on our easy jet flight on the 11th September was appalling. It's no wonder the British are despised throughout Europe. Groups of 'lads' abusing female flight attendants is disgraceful. I'm pleased to say the guardia civil were there to welcome these scum bags to Ibiza. No surprises they became quite sheepish when they heard the GC would be there on arrival. Fingers crossed they stuck them on an unmanned flight and crashed it into the med.