Ministry of Sound vs Housing Developers

it was pretty good - night at the black being played at the bar at the start was a highlight!

Good times - I quite like the club actually and the sound is ALWAYS good if a little too loud!
So the developers are ploughing through by saying " theres no problem with noise there wont be any complaints" then when there are complaints it will be MOS that has to do something about it when they opposed the building for those very same reasons in the first place. How frustrating!
There will be loads of complaints.

Ministry is LOUD - you can hear it on the approach from the subway to Gaunt St.

A very rare experience in this city nowadays. If it goes ahead, this is the latest in a long line of dominoes. London needs cultural investment, not more music venue closures.
Oakmayne will now push through there bid, as the other developer won theirs.

Sad day for MoS.
New venues need to be opened up. Even Tresor had to move ! Maybe looking East.. take advantage of all that infrastructure and transport development expenditure that's gone out for the Olympics etc ?