Manchester bomb...


Well-Known Member
Very sad scenes tonight in Manchester at the MEN Arena... 19 confirmed dead so far in what is looking like a suicide bomb at a pop concert full of mostly young kids...

Completely grim!!! :(
No child or anyone in that matter should ever have to experience what happend tonight in Manchester, my heart goes out to all of those affected by this tragic event.
As French I feel very concerned., and very sad.
All my thoughts go to the British People.
@stivi whats the stance on the island against terrorism; are there the resources to deal with the aftermath if something were to happen or stop it in it's tracks?

With the vast number of Brits and other Europeans congregated in the islands and it's clubs; it's always going to make the Island a potential target / risk.

Unfortunately it look like nowhere is safe in this day and age :(

Other than the fact that Police carry guns, I would suggest very little?
@stivi whats the stance on the island against terrorism; are there the resources to deal with the aftermath if something were to happen or stop it in it's tracks?

With the vast number of Brits and other Europeans congregated in the islands and it's clubs; it's always going to make the Island a potential target / risk.

Unfortunately it look like nowhere is safe in this day and age :(
Ive thought about it a few times tbh, but didnt want to put it in a public forum and give anyone any ideas
We mourn our dead, innocent children as Trump signs a multi-billion arms deal with the Saudis. The Saudis who - let's not forget - are the biggest harbingers of terrorists (as well as having the worst human rights records on the planet, but hey, they buy our guns, ammo and all manner of other nasties, so we'll give them a free ride)

We need to remember that there are extremists on both sides. Children killed on both sides. How many times have western drones bombed children's hospitals in the some of the poorest regions on the planet?

The media and the ill-informed will run with the same religion, anti-Muslim rhetoric. But the truth is these attacks are more politically motivated than they are religious.

This will cause a reaction, and the whole thing repeats. It's a vicious cycle of hate that will never end (and the people in charge don't want it to, because wars = money.)
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I know its so sad:( I also worry about it happening in ibiza. All the clubs there are so busy if it happened everyone trying to get out scary!
Seems to me that the more recent attacks in the UK (if not elsewhere) have been by impressionable loners who aren't necessarily practising muslims or even mosque regulars but who latch on to the extremist jihad sites online and turn it into reality in their heads. That coupled with excessive skunk use, and/or possible schiz/mental health issues and voila. Holiday destinations are a high risk target - boozing men and scantily clad women in discos - totally anathema to religious fundamentalists. It wouldn't be hard to get to certain islands. I've found in the past that ferry security is virtually non-existent.
the more recent attacks in the UK have been by impressionable loners who aren't necessarily practising muslims or even mosque regulars but who latch on to the extremist jihad sites online and turn it into reality in their heads. That coupled with excessive skunk use, and/or possible schiz/mental health issues and voila.

The IQ of these guys is generally well below average. They are merely tools, completely disposable to the bidding of their masterminds.

Throw in a hefty-dose of xenophobia and good ol' British racism, and it's little wonder these guys are lured into blowing themselves to high heaven. And if you're gonna get to feast on dozens of virgins once you reach paradise, it's starting to look like a very lucrative and honourable exit to a shitty life.
The IQ of these guys is generally well below average. They are merely tools, completely disposable to the bidding of their masterminds.

Throw in a hefty-dose of xenophobia and good ol' British racism, and it's little wonder these guys are lured into blowing themselves to high heaven. And if you're gonna get to feast on dozens of virgins once you reach paradise, it's starting to look like a very lucrative and honourable exit to a shitty life.

Amen to that
The IQ of these guys is generally well below average. They are merely tools, completely disposable to the bidding of their masterminds.

Throw in a hefty-dose of xenophobia and good ol' British racism, and it's little wonder these guys are lured into blowing themselves to high heaven. And if you're gonna get to feast on dozens of virgins once you reach paradise, it's starting to look like a very lucrative and honourable exit to a shitty life.
Nonsense, xenophobia and British racism, blame everyone apart from the people commiting the atrocities then
I think the Salafi leaders that are allowed to indoctrinate these young men are the ones we should be looking at. The same people who are being funded by Saudi money. Whilst we and the US supply Saudi Arabia with arms. Its like one big crazy circle. Enough of the politics chat though, i'm out of this thread.
Awful. But this seems like a vicious cycle. Bomb goes off - show solidarity - wait a few months - repeat.

Alot more can be done to prevent it i'm sure of it.