Lost - Season 6

Maybe... but no one is ALWAYS that intense.
Once occurred to me that maybe he always talks that way to hide his accent :lol:
On eztv this morning there were 2 torrents. One was just ep1 and the other was eps 1 and 2 combined.

I left the latter downloading when I came to the office. I've got a birthday party to go to tonight but all I'll be thinking about is getting home to watch! :lol:
On eztv this morning there were 2 torrents. One was just ep1 and the other was eps 1 and 2 combined.

I left the latter downloading when I came to the office. I've got a birthday party to go to tonight but all I'll be thinking about is getting home to watch! :lol:

i;ve got a 1&2 torrent on the go
but its not looking good for the lunchtime watch :cry:
thats what i thought but what wednesday got to do with it? starts on friday does it not?

or is it something to do with being able to download it?

highly exciting. That's the next 24 weeks sorted then :-D (how long are they dragging it out for?)