Just wondering what pets do Spotlighters have?....

I need to visit this place at least once before I die

Meet Bob and The Captain:


Currently enjoying life on my balcony.

Not sure how they're going to take the move though!
Meet Bob and The Captain:


Currently enjoying life on my balcony.

Not sure how they're going to take the move though!

Rabbit and a :?: Is he/she a guinea pig?

I gave my rabbits away, when I split up with someone a couple of years ago:cry:. I loved those little blighters.
Rabbit and a :?: Is he/she a guinea pig?

I gave my rabbits away, when I split up with someone a couple of years ago:cry:. I loved those little blighters.

Yep, guinea pig (The Captain). Lovely boys and very good friends - Captain often spends his time lay on top of Bob's head.



AKA - Mr Coops, Sir Cooper, Lord Cooper of Hanwell.
That's a great photo.

We have 3 cats. The eldest one, Sunny Jim, was about 4 weeks old and in a very poor state when our very own forum admin, Stephen and his wife found him covered in grime just over a year ago. They already have plenty of cats and Marli the Dalmation so we adopted Sunny Jim.

When Sunny was found

All grown up.

Our other two cats are kittens and both were found by the missus. One of them (Dolly) had been put in a drain in a wall with a stone in front so she couldn't get out. This was near the San Jose post office. She was making a lot of noise because she couldn't get out. El Ste had a hand in this rescue too! The missus was on her way to Barcelona and I was too far away to get there in time so El Ste came to the rescue to look after Dolly until I could pick her up later. Dollys tail is a little on the short side and has a twist near the end.
Our newest kitten, Masie is a Siamese and was found a few weeks ago in the road just outside of the town. The missus thought it must have been dumped there so she pulled up and walked over to the kitten. The kitten approached her and looked in a poor way. It was covered in mange. We took it to the vets for treatment and then kept her quarantined in the spare bedroom for a few days. We are certain she was dumped because she wouldn't even wander out onto the veranda if the door was left open all day so there's no way she wandered away from her original home and even if she did then it was the best thing she could have done. She's doing great now.


Dolly and Masie.
There's also several feral cats that come to visit us. We think these two are brothers. Both have blue eyes. The two cats don't get on at all though and our always having a grumble at each other.


Above is Wicki. He befriended our kitten Masie. He played with her and cleaned her but suddenly took no interest in her. We then noticed that Dolly was getting a big belly so we are sure Wicki had impregnated her. We were just about to get Dolly and Masie neutered but Wicki had got in there just before. We had Dolly's kittens aborted and now Dolly and Masie are neutered.


This is Jordi. He's a bit mean to our cats so we don't allow him in the house any more. He's a little cross eyed.
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Oh and the missus has a 3 year old German warmblood horse on it's way down in a couple of weeks. She bought him in England a few weeks ago. It had only just got there from Germany the day before she first saw it. He hasn't got a name yet, only a number (suggestions on a postcard...). She's going to be doing dressage with him. If you are into dressage and in Ibiza then send me a pm. This is the best pic I have of him at the moment I'm afraid.

if all goes according to plan, we'll have two dals by tomorrow.


The one on the left is called floppy and i saw him on the duo website needing a home. he'd been taken to the vets to be put to sleep 'because he was 9' but luckily a german lady from duo was in there and rescued him. marli seems to like him.
My tiger Bruna!

She is the cuttest cat in the world but too posh: I got her a catflap but there's no way she is using it and I have to open and close the door all the time :rolleyes: Considering in leaving her outside for a whole night :lol:

if all goes according to plan, we'll have two dals by tomorrow.

The one on the left is called floppy and i saw him on the duo website needing a home. he'd been taken to the vets to be put to sleep 'because he was 9' but luckily a german lady from duo was in there and rescued him. marli seems to like him.

:evil: What sort of twat does that? I presume he survived because the vet refused?