Jehovah Witless Dies For Faith

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, no one knows really.

It's a bloody big co-incidence though, no?!

Targeting the vunerable? Offering inclusion? Requiring donations from believers? Co-ercing non-believers?

Which have been done by religions and which by cults?
So you're against the sentiment off indoctoring little kids into a belief system without them knowing any better?

Could you not see it as a means of giving the little blighters a sense of belonging and welcoming and set of morals and ethics in alignment with the society they will grow up in such that they have the chance to escape that belief system as and when they are old (or clever) enough to beleive better?

Let's face it, there's a lot worse things you can (want kids to) believe in from Day 1 than the Bibles teachings of being good to your fellow man, do not steal, f*ck your next door neighbours missus etc.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for for a tooth?

We only lied to you for your own good?

You can teach to kids to be good to their fellow man without lying to them.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for for a tooth?

We only lied to you for your own good?

You can teach to kids to be good to their fellow man without lying to them.

Maybe. Thought shirley they aren't being lied to? The guys who preach this believe in it?

And maybe x2, though why hasn't it been tried before then? Maybe religion doesn't do such a bad job. Kids question everything. maybe it's best they're afraid of this bogeyman for a few years.

Maybe the bogeyman idea works?
Let's face it, there's a lot worse things you can (want kids to) believe in from Day 1 than the Bibles teachings of being good to your fellow man, do not steal, f*ck your next door neighbours missus etc.

All good points mate. But the Church has been responsible for more deaths than any one else! Fair enough this century they have started to clean up their act but they are still behind the equality of a modern society. Being Gay can still damm you to hell, as can using contraceptive, How many Women priests are there? Thats just the Catholics. It Church of England was started so Henry the 8th could get a divorce

There are some schools that the story of Noahs Ark get taught in Science classes as fact. Ill admit its a good yarn but its no where near fact.

If I was religious id join a Gospel church as at least they look like they enjoy going!
Targeting the vunerable? Offering inclusion? Requiring donations from believers? Co-ercing non-believers?

Which have been done by religions and which by cults?

Id suspect the older ones by religions and the newer ones by cults. It is indeed their age that seperates them from the cynical cults. I still stand that's of no basis to either disprove they exist or doubt their net beneficial impact.
If I was religious id join a Gospel church as at least they look like they enjoy going!

It's not all Jocelyn Brown and Two Tonnes of Fun singing Backfired or whatever mate!

All good points mate. But the Church has been responsible for more deaths than any one else! Fair enough this century they have started to clean up their act but they are still behind the equality of a modern society. Being Gay can still damm you to hell, as can using contraceptive, How many Women priests are there? Thats just the Catholics. It Church of England was started so Henry the 8th could get a divorce

Again, you're focussing on the negatives :lol:

There are some schools that the story of Noahs Ark get taught in Science classes as fact. Ill admit its a good yarn but its no where near fact.

Leave it out, I've seen you talk about Star Wars! :lol:
Happy existence? Fear of eternal damnation? Guilt?

Historically, it was an agent of social control, now it's definitely the anti-dote to cohesion. The major religions are fundamentally contradictory - hence they divide the human race. Not to say, we won't find other reasons to be at loggerheads with out fellow man - but we should cross that bridge when we get there instead of blindly accepting fairy tales.

Atheist fundamentalism and human nature contribute to division just as much as other fundamentalists. Atheist fundamentalists under the spell of some 150 year old pile of dross thats been spoon fed to the masses are just as guilty of wrong as others.

Mans stupidity, pride, greed and lust for control are responsible for the ills of this world.
But hey, I guess the solution for this problem will come from nothing just like the chicken did...or was it the egg.:rolleyes:
Ah, Mr Coley....I've been expecting you.

I've definitely come to believe that Dawkins et al are as rabid as religious fundamentalists.

My issue is with people including athesist, who claim to know because they don't. And they contradict each other, so if one theory is right the rest must be wrong. So each group should agree with me that the others are wrong.
Ah, Mr Coley....I've been expecting you.

I've definitely come to believe that Dawkins et al are as rabid as religious fundamentalists.

My issue is with people including athesist, who claim to know because they don't. And they contradict each other, so if one theory is right the rest must be wrong. So each group should agree with me that the others are wrong.

Could it not occur to you that as a facet of "religion"'s existence is that some people just don't understand/see it?

I mean, not everyone understand house music etc