Jehovah Witless Dies For Faith

The woman and her family (including her husband) are idiots. It's the baby twins I feel sorry for. What tragic stupidity:evil:
I was gobsmacked to read this :eek::eek:

When I see how my sister's two little 'uns are coping without their mum and how the oldest one misses her desparately I can't imagine why anyone would behave in this way or that you would put yourself in any way of harm that you would not be able to bring them up.

Grrrrr :twisted::twisted::twisted:
I was gobsmacked to read this :eek::eek:

When I see how my sister's two little 'uns are coping without their mum and how the oldest one misses her desparately I can't imagine why anyone would behave in this way or that you would put yourself in any way of harm that you would not be able to bring them up.

Grrrrr :twisted::twisted::twisted:

Indoctrination is a terrible thing.
Whilst this is all as abhorrent to me as it is to you (as is pretty much the whole principle of religion), though where do we stop at chastising people for not havign beliefs aligned to our own?

Whilst I am too unquestionably sorry for the surviving family, I fell I understand this more than I do when it happens in other circumstances, notably it's popularity in Japan in the early Forties, and with certain extremist Muslim groups recently.

A sad day all round. I can only stress upon people (without wanting to sound like Jeremy Springer) that there's bad a LOT sh1t going on in the world, though is you search enough you'll find a lot of good stuff too. Focus on the latter ;)
Whilst this is all as abhorrent to me as it is to you (as is pretty much the whole principle of religion), though where do we stop at chastising people for not havign beliefs aligned to our own?

The problem isn't with it not being aligned to our beliefs but with it being preposterous and destructive.

Those kids are without a mother because she was lied to from an early age.
The problem isn't with it not being aligned to our beliefs but with it being preposterous and destructive.

Those kids are without a mother because she was lied to from an early age.

But then there are a few beliefs that you and I have or do that may be equally (well, perhaps not 'equally' but...) destuctive to a happy and lengthy life.

I'm just trying not to "'should' people to death" (c) Brad Goodman.
I remember a case a few years back when it was a child, whose parents denied a bloood transfusion on his behalf..

While I don't understand an adult doing it, i think in no way can a parent make this srot of decision for a child!
But then there are a few beliefs that you and I have or do that may be equally (well, perhaps not 'equally' but...) destuctive to a happy and lengthy life.

Such as? And are they unproven beliefs taught to me as incontrevertible fact when I was too young to know any different?
All kinds of misfortune are done and perpatraited in the name of belief. ie Trying to take children to a better life in your country from the country in which they were born.:eek:
Such as? And are they unproven beliefs taught to me as incontrevertible fact when I was too young to know any different?

I suppose you've had your "Arsenal is the anti-christ" awakening, but you weren't always so wise, were you?

How's about going out and shortening your life every weekend in using artificial 'pleasure enhancers'?

And this is even before I start on the "so then, religion only does bad then, does it?" arguement!?
I don't know if zoe's ark has a religon behind it. My point is that they thought taking the children from the country of origin to France was better for the children.:spank: It is a belief system that led them on this trip religous or other wise.
I don't know if zoe's ark has a religon behind it. My point is that they thought taking the children from the country of origin to France was better for the children.:spank: It is a belief system that led them on this trip religous or other wise.

I guess there's a similarity but to me the difference is that religion is basically superstition, whereas these people seem to have just made a really bad decision.
How's about going out and shortening your life every weekend in using artificial 'pleasure enhancers'?

Indeed. Some are unfortunate but I don't believe they actually think it's going to kill them whereas not having a blood transfusion that you are told will save your life will. No more pleasure enhancers for me from now on ;)
I suppose you've had your "Arsenal is the anti-christ" awakening, but you weren't always so wise, were you?

How's about going out and shortening your life every weekend in using artificial 'pleasure enhancers'?

And this is even before I start on the "so then, religion only does bad then, does it?" arguement!?

1. I'm now getting back into Arsenal

2. Most people who take recreational substances do so in the knowledge it is not entirely safe, not because they've been taught they'll be damned for eternity if they don't. Where's the parallel?

3. So if I give money to charity and slaughter newborns, that's ok then? The good organised religion does is mirrored by many secular organisations. You don't have to pretend the big sky-pixie definitely exists to get people to be good to each other.
On a lighter note of JW as a religion - imagine my embarassment when many years ago I went round to my boyfriends house on Christmas Day with beautifully wrapped Christmas Presents and cards for the family...

Nobody told me that they didnt celebrate Christmas....:oops::oops::oops:
On a lighter note of JW as a religion - imagine my embarassment when many years ago I went round to my boyfriends house on Christmas Day with beautifully wrapped Christmas Presents and cards for the family...

Nobody told me that they didnt celebrate Christmas....:oops::oops::oops:

Guffaws all round when you're haemophiliac (sp) JW mother-in-law unwrapped the pint of blood you'd bought her for Xmas hey?:lol:
1. I'm now getting back into Arsenal

2. Most people who take recreational substances do so in the knowledge it is not entirely safe, not because they've been taught they'll be damned for eternity if they don't. Where's the parallel?

3. So if I give money to charity and slaughter newborns, that's ok then? The good organised religion does is mirrored by many secular organisations. You don't have to pretend the big sky-pixie definitely exists to get people to be good to each other.

1. I would ask you not to, though I know that would just spur you on even further. :rolleyes:

2. You don't see how some cultures would look down on you for wanting to lose your mind every weekend?

We all have our 'gods', and 'faiths' that make us do really silly things. Just because mine isn't some old chap with a beard, and whilst perhaps not making me make such life changing decisions, doesn't mean it's less unfathomable to other people and cultures.

Going back to this case, whilst the media will report it like the poor mother held a gun to her own head, from my understanding it was a consent form that she refused to sign (or not sign) before the procedure. It wasn't a sure thing that she'd need the transfusion.

I don't want to get all morbid, though what if one if us was the next Leah Betts - would you be so nonchalent abnout the risks you take every weekend?

3. What has religion (and the blind faith thereof) ever done for us etc.
1. I would ask you not to, though I know that would just spur you on even further. :rolleyes:

2. You don't see how some cultures would look down on you for wanting to lose your mind every weekend?

We all have our 'gods', and 'faiths' that make us do really silly things. Just because mine isn't some old chap with a beard, and whilst perhaps not making me make such life changing decisions, doesn't mean it's less unfathomable to other people and cultures.

Going back to this case, whilst the media will report it like the poor mother held a gun to her own head, from my understanding it was a consent form that she refused to sign (or not sign) before the procedure. It wasn't a sure thing that she'd need the transfusion.

I don't want to get all morbid, though what if one if us was the next Leah Betts - would you be so nonchalent abnout the risks you take every weekend?

3. What has religion (and the blind faith thereof) ever done for us etc.

1. Spur(s) me on. Ha ha

2. They might well do, but I haven't been indoctrinated to think my behaviour is anything other than the mindless pursuit of pleasure so there's still no link. (Also my 'every weekend' or 'even every other weekend' days are years ago.)

3. What it did for less developed civilisations when we knew less about the world and rulers of men needed an agent of social contol is history. We're not that dim now, are we?