ive done a bootleg, but...


I totally agree.

Problem is some people (mostly young men from major Brit cities I'm afraid) are just SO "in the know".

It seems like everything needs to be criticized and/or made fun of with sarcastic remarks.

If everyone likes it, you can be damn sure some of them sticks their heads out to say it's rubbish.

A great example is the essential mix reviews @ bbc.co.uk. No matter how good a set is there is always some smart asses writing something "clever" like "Really poor", "Boring" or some sh*t like that.

Who are these people that always needs to come down on other people and be so fu*king negative?

It's ok not to like or get really fed up with a song played way to much on the radio, but to criticize everything that is not "underground enough" just because that's the "cool" thing to do is nauseating.

F*cking idiots - you really piss me off!

Must have some really sad lives.

I'm from Norway btw.
i'm not the kinda person to like something one minute and hate it once its become commercial. I still like the dub of 'the weekend' even though its had commercial success, whereas I've always regarded stupidisco as dale winton on speed.

I dont mean that people shouldnt be able to enjoy these songs but on the polictics side of it, the amount of sampling pisses me off.
Mate of mine done that happy clappers n paul johnson booty a few years back and nealry had a can of legal whoop ass opened up on him.

Do it if thats what u wanna do geez.

Tis V hard to write and produce original tunes so I reckon bootys are a cool way to start of plus it can be fun. ;)