Isn't it great being single!

about 90% of the people i know in relationships are unhappy/stressed all the time


Happy (for now)
I've been single off and on for the best part of 7 years now. I'm totally dedicated to my work (which doesn't help), work awkward shifts (early's that start at 7am, lates that finish at 10pm and night shifts thrown in for good measure), being called in at a moment's notice in an emergency. It gets crushingly lonely at times, but I still have hope (even at 35 years old!), so I guess that's the main thing :confused:
I know a girl here who has slept with over 150 guys, I'm sure you can have her number, just book a flight to Finland :lol: :lol: .

where where?? No need to book a flight bcos I'm already here so can I have her number plz?

Just kidding, wouldn't touch her 8)
I'd completely forgotten about the members forum!

Not as good as it used to be etc ;)
Singledom is great. If I wasn't with the current, who is 100% perfect, then there's no way I'd give up the freedom I had for the two years before I met here.

alas, as time moves on and **** changes... we can drag up the old threads for reminders of our past and think wtf was i thinking!
Singledom is fantastic, if your not single. Being in a relationship is fantastic, if your not in a relationship. Life's a bastard.