Isn't it great being single!

fatphilb said:
Theres ups and downs with being single, but for the most I'm enjoying my new found freedom. Not too happy to learn that my ex is moving in with some guy after just 6 months though. But then, I wanted the split so its something I need to live with. Besides, theres all those unplucked women out there waiting to be, er, plucked :p

Plucked???? :confused:
I've tried both.. and I must say...

my life right now as single is F :D A :D N :D T :D A :D S :D T :D I :D C!!!

I love it! I never want to change it.. I want to be single til I'm 40.

No nagging and bitching.

No stupid/ridiculous/meaningless arguements.

More money for myself.

The freedom to do anything I want - when I want it (without getting anyones approval first).

The freedom to go/travel anywhere - totally spontaneous.

I never want a girlfriend ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I forgot - I totally love one night stands (and all other meaningless sex without obligations)

:D :D :D 8) 8) :eek: :eek:
solask said:
I've tried both.. and I must say...

my life right now as single is F :D A :D N :D T :D A :D S :D T :D I :D C!!!

I love it! I never want to change it.. I want to be single til I'm 40.

No nagging and bitching.

No stupid/ridiculous/meaningless arguements.

More money for myself.

The freedom to do anything I want - when I want it (without getting anyones approval first).

The freedom to go/travel anywhere - totally spontaneous.

I never want a girlfriend ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want a girl. There is this natural desire to be with a female I can't overlook. I've been single approx. 19-1/2 of my 20 years, but the above statement makes me happy for what I have!
lol chewie, i was gonna send you this porn-a-like of yvonne (3gp) but she said she would kill me if i did. the similarity is amazing tho :D
fatphilb said:
lol chewie, i was gonna send you this porn-a-like of yvonne (3gp) but she said she would kill me if i did. the similarity is amazing tho :D

what she dont know wont hurt...

chewie_oo7 said:
fatphilb said:
lol chewie, i was gonna send you this porn-a-like of yvonne (3gp) but she said she would kill me if i did. the similarity is amazing tho :D

what she dont know wont hurt...


...But it could get you arrested. Then your anus will be hurting after you become some bad man's girlfriend when you're serving 3-7 in the clinky. They don't sell lube in prison!
chewie_oo7 said:
mambobirdette said:
When you are single tho, it does help if your also getting some on a regular basis! ;)

does paying for it count...hypothetically speaking?

I've noticed all the posters that are quoting its great to have 1 night stands seem to be male. Therefore it seems to indicate that a mans brian is rules by his dick & a womans brain is ruled by her heart.
Does anyone beg to differ :?:
small jinx said:
chewie_oo7 said:
mambobirdette said:
When you are single tho, it does help if your also getting some on a regular basis! ;)

does paying for it count...hypothetically speaking?

I've noticed all the posters that are quoting its great to have 1 night stands seem to be male. Therefore it seems to indicate that a mans brian is rules by his dick & a womans brain is ruled by her heart.
Does anyone beg to differ :?:

yeah i do because alot of girls these days are the same as us lads and sl*g it about so therefore making it hard to find a nice respectable girlfriend but its quality and easy if your single ;) dont get me wrong if i came across the perfect girl for me id snap her up without a doubt...but until i do im enjoying being single
i agree about snapping up the rite person if they came along, but happy being single until then. however, on the female 1 nite stand thing, i must admit iv had a few in my time n yea, they r gud, but only 4 a short quick fix solution. now if i only i cud find sum1 2 help.........................
small jinx said:
I've noticed all the posters that are quoting its great to have 1 night stands seem to be male. Therefore it seems to indicate that a mans brian is rules by his dick & a womans brain is ruled by her heart.
Does anyone beg to differ :?:

errr. id rather have a steady stream of sex with the same woman thanks.

anyone offering? :lol:
jen.west said:
i agree about snapping up the rite person if they came along, but happy being single until then. however, on the female 1 nite stand thing, i must admit iv had a few in my time n yea, they r gud, but only 4 a short quick fix solution. now if i only i cud find sum1 2 help.........................

Wow Synch's really slow on this one...
I know a girl here who has slept with over 150 guys, I'm sure you can have her number, just book a flight to Finland :lol: :lol: .
Laura1 said:
I know a girl here who has slept with over 150 guys, I'm sure you can have her number, just book a flights to Finland :lol: :lol: .

Now that's just too cheap! :eek:

I totally respect girls with 4-6 o.n.s/year (hell, I'm a cheap maleslut myself! :) ) As long as I can be one of them of course! :D

I've had several 2-3 month "relationships" too.

All the sex, no nag and not too serious!

Just great!