Isn't it great being single!

Knifey_Spoony said:
Just waking up this morning and seeing nobody asleep next to me brought a big smile to my face. :D :D

me too.

no nagging.

no arguements.

so much wallet friendly too.

if i wanted a companion id buy myself a pet.

Theres ups and downs with being single, but for the most I'm enjoying my new found freedom. Not too happy to learn that my ex is moving in with some guy after just 6 months though. But then, I wanted the split so its something I need to live with. Besides, theres all those unplucked women out there waiting to be, er, plucked :p
:D its great im well happy ive split with my ex girl its just headache and not worth it and i can do what i want when i want now :D
Ive got a GF and although I love being with her, I have to admit if it finished tomorrow it would be a very long time before I even thought of another relationship
:) & :confused: & :cry:
:evil: Especially when I have blatantly made it clear I'm not a fly-by-nite girl and slimey men still persist in trying to obtain some of "hows your father"
i reckon you can tell if your meant to be with someone because it'll be when you get a partner that doesnt cause you head blag! from now on if my head gets blagged im out of it! :lol:
Singledom is great. If I wasn't with the current, who is 100% perfect, then there's no way I'd give up the freedom I had for the two years before I met here.

Here's the showstopper: one night stands are ACE! :lol:
lee w said:
i reckon you can tell if your meant to be with someone because it'll be when you get a partner that doesnt cause you head blag! from now on if my head gets blagged im out of it! :lol:

HEAD BLAGGED :?: :confused:
I enjoyed being single for about 7 months before Joey. I didnt even want to think about getting into another relationship with one after being so hurt by the previous.

I had a lot of fun until i felt ready to commit to someone again.

It took Joey for me to realise it too, i knew it would only take the right person to come along before i stopped getting the nervous paniky feeling i had around men.

Enjoy yourself while you can, being single has its perks just like being in love/with someone does.

When you are single tho, it does help if your also getting some on a regular basis! ;)