CircoLoco said:
ibiza_lou said:
Hi there chaps and chapesses!!! :lol: I'm Lou and I've worked 2 summers in Ibiza and spent this winter there too! Craaaayyyzeeeee! :twisted: Having a supa fly life in Ibiza and hopefully see some of you crazy bods there this year! Muuuaa! :p

What are u doing there in the wintertime? Workwise I mean...I have been thinking bout moving there permanently myself... I can't stand going home again at the end of the season :(

Be prepared CircoLoco :rolleyes: -it is very different from the crayzeeee summers but none the less - an absolutely amazing place in the winter. :lol: Loads of people tried to put me off staying the winter with things like - its boring, nothing to do, blah blah!!! WRONG!!! :lol: I'm soooo glad I didn't listen to them and now happily living in my little paradise!!!
Ive PMed you 2 hun!!! :lol:
How Do !

Im Rick im 18 work as a bar Tender / Dj im an ibiza virgine me n m8 booked aholiday to San Antonio in the Aprt Hotel Rosamar in San Antonio Bay.

Single at the moment so gonna be a mad one in Ibiza i arrive on June 25th and im there till 3rd July !! AV IT !!

Sorry i ment July was in a hurry to post that had to make Jan is the month were in now :oops:
hi im kelz,
i live in liverpool (UK) but im from south africa
ima student ova here and have lived here for 4 years.
im a single bunny and i have a very big obession with playboy.
x :)
hey I'm tom. 26 living in Washington DC. Lived in italy for a few years beforethat. This July will be my 3rd trip to Ibiza and my 6th to the balearics. Can't wait to get back.
iya kiddies!! im all iccle n new to the board well not that iccle like lol but neva mind!! ma name is rachel n am at uni in newcastle but finish in may and am gonna be a primary school teacher wooo cant wait!! :) so comin ova to ma favourite place in the world this summer to work before i have the responsibilities ov a class of 30 lil'uns!! favourite dj's are jules, tiesto, adam sheridan, oakey (when he actually decides to play trance!!) matty harwick armin, PVD etc etc etc!!! love ma trance and bouncy hard house and can handle laa laa tri hard funky house in small doses lol!! may see some ov u this summa!! mwa!! xxx
^ Wish i had teachers that were into trance ect when i was at skool :rolleyes:

Top djs there Lord Of The Trance me :D check link out in sig v
tis only the lil nuresry and reception ones so dont fink they reeli appriciate it bless em!! still gonna play it for em 2 tidy up 2 tho cos they're allowed to listen to random music 4 stuff like that!! just bin n ad a luk on ya website!! trance is the bestest aint it!! xxx
It is indeed 8) hehe little kids exposed to trance just have to make sure they keep them selfs straight and away from the chemicals :lol:

My brothers now mad on it hes only 8 hehe.
Hiya Rachel

welcome :D when u off to ibiza? me 22nd june for a whole 2 weeks
(can't wait!!). :D :D

hi im J from New York City....i do club promtion, free lance A&R work, and record producing-cheers
Saucy Chick said:
Hiya Rachel

welcome :D when u off to ibiza? me 22nd june for a whole 2 weeks
(can't wait!!). :D :D

iya darlin!! amgoin at te start ov june me finks cos am workin ova there 4 summer all bin well!! but just found out 2day that schools mite still be recruiting teachers well into june n fin ma degree in may so need to get a job sorted b4 i bugger off 4 th sumer!! but hopefully will av got a job by end ov may so will be able to come ova 4 1st week ov june as planned!! me mite see some ov ya's ova there!!! :) xxx