I watched a podcast on YouTube not long back and the question was asked about the youth of today. The reply was “18-25 year olds are doing just fine, they certainly aren’t looking at 35+ year olds thinking I wish I was going out back in their day”. I think that’s true for every generation, we all like to think we had it the best, but did we really? The generation before us would claim the same thing.
Prior to 2008 there were always arguments which generation was better, and it was mostly subjective and surrounded around the music. The general consensus is that it was all pretty damn good.
That’s different post 2008. There are quantifiable reasons why things have gotten worse - earlier closing times, phones, less dancing. I mean, I don’t think I’ve met anyone who thinks Ibiza is better now than it was pre 2008, regardless of age. Having that said, it’s still pretty good.