€56 via Dice (who are only online outlet for DC10What's the price for Trick entrance (if DC10 rides their most recent trouble out!) I can't see anything on Spotlight calendar?
Friend wants to see some of the warm up djs at Trick then head to Pacha for Music On.
It’s a joke.is the normal limit 100dB? from videos behind the booth it seems to be around 95-100dB from what ive seen but that doesn't seem to much higher but i don't quite understand the dB scale
It’s a joke.
A regular concert during summer in whatever city of Spain is over 100DB, and most times ends around 2 or 3am.
Is there not more modern audio technology so that instead of a few big speakers clusters booming to fill the space and thus loads of leakage, instead keep it more contained.
Or anti sound type system that cancels the noise outside the club so the base doesn't travel.
Yeah might work.Focus on sound insulation may not be such a crazy idea.
There is also a type of hi-do speaker called “line source” which literally fires the mids & tops in a contained direction.
LINE SOURCE - Wisdom Audio
Eliminating floor and ceiling reflections, Line Source Speakers are especially valuable for large rooms, theaters, or those with architectural challengeswww.wisdomaudio.com
I’m not sure if this is possible for commercial applications.
Maybe a redesign of the layout with all the speakers pointing towards the airport could help??
Not working proper at low frequencies.Yeah might work.
I remember from my uni days many moons ago a bunch of engineering students building noise cancellation tech into a car so you couldn't hear the engine. They had to detuned it as was so good you couldn't hear the engine running when started the car lol.
Basically if a club had microphones outside and speakers pointing outwards a little further out, you could play the inverse wave of the sound the microphones pick up to cancel most the sound externally. Or at very least kill the base enough so less travel.
Bit like the tech in noise cancelling headphones
Active noise control - Wikipedia
Or just physical acoustic deflectors to bounce sound upwards.
Think would be a _sound_ investment
Clubs run louder and residents get peace
Something has to change/improve