Well-Known Member
So, if one wanted to find out lineups for Ushuaia - is that even a thing?
ask us privately for example…?
So, if one wanted to find out lineups for Ushuaia - is that even a thing?
Unclear which day from his post, but according to his social media, Jaden Thompson (the guy behind Closer) is in Ibiza to play at Ushuaïa alongside... TMB & Seth!
Whats the deal with Cova Santa website? Loads of dates show fully booked except Restaurant even 3-4 weeks out? That legit or do you need to email them to book?
Great news!
the 'extending the season' thing seems to be taken serious by the government
Govern y Reino Unido trabajan para alargar la temporada turística hasta otoño en Ibiza y Formentera
El cónsul general británico valora la iniciativa del Govern y apunta que las Islas son 'un destino fantástico para estar en otoño'
would be fantastic if this came to pass
Just got sent a video from Ushuaia from last night. Those tables further back have no way of seeing the DJs with all of those trees in the way.
I get that they would have needed to fill some of the space so it doesn’t seem ‘empty’, but just seems a bit much. Maybe their way of making people pay more to get up front?
here comes the real clubber in me. when was seeing the DJ actually, like really, important?
I get that - if you’re able to dance. But if you’re seated… what are you supposed to look at?
My thoughts too. Also depends on the genre, if it is say Guetta doing an EDM set the on-stage production is a major part of the showPersonally i'm cool sitting down with a dj playing background lounge fodder but seems a bit daft if they bang it out.