Dos beach clubs de Ibiza, denunciados por tener habilitadas pistas de baile con gente de fiesta
El Consell de Ibiza ha denunciado ante la Dirección General de Emergencias del Govern balear a dos establecimientos turísticos que funcionan como clubes de playa por tener habilitada una pista de baile, «a pesar de ser una práctica prohibida en el Decreto Ley 11/2020, de 10 de julio». Este...www.noudiari.es
Muy bien![]()
El Consell de Ibiza elabora una norma para limitar la entrada de vehículos como en Formentera
El volumen de tráfico en las carreteras ibicencas durante el pasado mes de julio se situó en los 41.875 vehículos al día en los tramos de vía controlados por el Consell, un 18% por debajo de las cifras de 2019.www.periodicodeibiza.es
OB and.... ?
I didn't look for any dancefloor, but from the beach you could hear that Nassau was reeeally loud and played banging party music, when I went last week. But that was just my impression, mind you.Hmmm
Which one has sound for dancing at PdB ? Not soooo much ( 4 or 5 )
Can’t be Ushuaia right? I’m sure them and Cova Santa paid off the right people to enable them to do the unthinkable…..dance by their tables without masks. Gasp, fine them all into oblivion.Hmmm
Which one has sound for dancing at PdB ? Not soooo much ( 4 or 5 )
Bora Bora? seen some vids and looks quite hecticCan’t be Ushuaia right? I’m sure them and Cova Santa paid off the right people to enable them to do the unthinkable…..dance by their tables without masks. Gasp, fine them all into oblivion.
Got a lot of time for this
Watching live on fb and really enjoying it. Tell ya something my arse wouldn’t be glued to a seat if i was thereAlan fitz @ Mambo tonight
Enigma reopens this weekend!A video surfaced of people dancing on the tables at Enigma on social media and the Police got wind of it. So no music/parties at Enigma for now. I thought they would continue showing the football by the pool outside, but I guess not