the nationality debate is always going to be a touchy one... I'm personally at a point in my clubbing life where I don't have the patience for dickheads anymore, so I can understand why people are wary of certain nationalities, esp if they have had negative personal experiences in the past.
Based on my own experiences in September 2019, I'd say that
(to take 3 examples)
- Pacha was probably 50% Spanish, 30% other European 10% British and 10% Asian
- Pikes was probably 80% British 20% Spanish whereas Pikes dancefloor was more even. The Spanish were going for it inside whereas the Brits were mostly sat around in the garden (I found this interesting and totally different to previous years)
- Malanga was maybe 60% Spanish 30% British with 10% random people from everywhere (met some cool Brazilians there)
obv all crude approximations which could vary wildly on any given week, but I think a lot of people probably do factor in these things (whether through snobbery, prejudice at one end or common sense at the other..)