*** ibiza gossip 2019 ***

Hi, does anyone know roughly how much a taxi from Bossa > Destino is? Or if there's any other cheap/more convenient way at all? Thanks
If youre going to an event there i think they do a free shuttle from Ibiza town and possibly PDB. I may be wrong but sure someone will correct me

Here it is...
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I've realized I'd rather deal with twenty lookie-lookie guys than one late night hooker. The guys are usually pretty easy going when I say "no thanks", but the women who still grab my ass after I say I'm not interested make me feel dirty (and not in a good way).
Anything happening Bora Bora el patio this Sunday? They seem to have took all events off FB and I know there have been some cancellations.

Surely they have something on DJ wise?
Elrow announced full line up and theme for closing... originally planned to give elrow a miss this year but got tempted by this new fancy art theme.. also eats in the club room is going to be juicy hmmm

I always thought the main room didn't have the elrow production, does that change fir the closing and both rooms have it?
I always thought the main room didn't have the elrow production, does that change fir the closing and both rooms have it?

terrace is the proper 'circus', I'm not sure if the club hasn't got anything at all though?
I've not been this year, but last year the club room did have decoration - just not the circus-like confetti drops or actors. "Elrow City" was dressed up like NYC
the gossip thread is usually the most viewed thread on the entire spotlight forum. the 2018 gossip thread got 270 pages long and had over 400K views (!!!). because of that, I'd like to request a few things. I'm sure people will forget about them, but I'd still like to put them here so I can periodically remind us all about them hehehe :)

- it's called a gossip thread because it is gossip. as most people on here know, we do not put any gossip out on our website as such (in the form of articles), so anything you read in this thread is speculation, possiblilities, maybes, could be's etc....but NOT CONFIRMED. once something is confirmed, that is when it's going on our website and into the confirmed parties section of the forums or wherever applicable.

- because of the popularity of this thread, please try to stay on topic as much as possible. if someone is away from the forums for a few days and then comes back to check them (and especially this thread), if there is a lot of off-topic stuff, this thread just gets unneccessarily long and not concise to check.

- keep in mind our forums are open to read for anyone. and even though I just did say that this thread is gossip and thus its content shouldn't be taken as gospel, a lot of silent readers will still take lots of things very seriously. plus, more importantly, a lot of people won't understand if someone's joking. so for the forum jokers on here, please refrain from the usual jokes in this thread. as literally everyone (people that work for the clubs) reads these forums, and especially this thread, you will save me some angry calls if you do adhere to these rules. so thanks in advance for that.

- lastly, as usual, in a lot of cases I (or any other spotlight staff) won't be able to reply to a lot of the questions popping up in this thread until much much later in the winter. sometimes the fact I don't say anything actually says a lot, but that won't be the case that early in the off-season. I shall actually try to remain rather silent for a while now when it comes to gossip; I need a break from all of this for a while before picking all the season prep up again.

over to you guys...

Welcome to page 271 of this thread, breaking the 2018 record ... you bloody gossipers ?
with 5 hours of osuna you can‘t go wrong musicwise.
Elrow closing not on minds unless somme djs i followed
with this name as headliner, Opposite effect, even on vip free guestlit, a NO GO 200% ? (even saw him in paris along Marvellous festival , got some nice mix cds from him, but early 00 ? )
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