*** ibiza gossip 2019 ***

so tonight pacha opens for the first time after its break. I've heard rumours about slight changes inside the venue. don't think I'm gonna go tonight but curious to see if there were any changes made in the end.
Raised catwalks,more platforms and v neck shaped tiles..all black of course..?
I might be wrong though..
so tonight pacha opens for the first time after its break. I've heard rumours about slight changes inside the venue. don't think I'm gonna go tonight but curious to see if there were any changes made in the end.
Their terrasse would need a little level-up.
Hey everyone! So one question, according to the party calendar Ushuaia parties will be finishing at 11PM this year, is this totally true ?
there are also stricter rules in san jose, where ooshywooshy is situated, which do not allow live musical performances outside after 23h, for the sake of the neighbours. i suppose its only fair that this should apply to the big boys with recorded music as well.