thursday 13th currently nothing
friday 14th dystopia
My bad, meant the 13th. Got to be doing something... you’d think.
thursday 13th currently nothing
friday 14th dystopia
Poor old Bob Masters. Doesn’t sound too happy on FB...
He was dealing with snakes. Hopef Cro will treat his event with more respect.
Any more news on what’s going on with the Ants date 29th September?
Cheers, thanks for that. Looking forward to a bit of Joris!it‘s going ahead as per line up. by the looks of it it simply might not be the closing of ants but this is TBC
Ryan O Gorman played very well at Sankeys yesterday. The best set of the evening for me. He is a good selector, keeping things funky and interesting. Seemed like the crowd felt it, very few phones and everybody dancing. Only the Lab was open, half full or less.
Will there be a Sankeys next year?This is the first year I probably won't pay the place a visit - a shame, as I've had some great nights there in the past and I think it has a lot of potential.
After a summer where bigger spaces and lower visitors have left some dance floors empty, Sankeys might prove an attractive option to promoters next year.
Plus it's another 8-months for the animosity and mistrust from the previous Sankeys regime to die down.
The Bars and Restaurants in the streets around it will be praying all Winter that this is the case, never seen it so dead around there.