This is a very very sore point on this website!!
before you should make any judgements it really depends on what type of crowd you are looking at.
Yes the beerboy was down this year noticeably
no the clubbers were not down, pacha, space, el divino, dc10 were always packed.
the families were slightly down.
the beerboy presence was down because through the world of t.v. they have seen that there is a sopposedly 'new ibiza', Faliraki!! they realise that they can get battered and have a quick shag for half the price!!! but most people may agree that it is good that the beerboy presence was down.
if you went to eden on any night or es paradis you would have noticed this.
the 'clubbers' were steady if not on the increase as i said space was full most days, pacha was certainly full, dc10 was always packed etc. this is good news. however these clubbers tend not to venture into san an cos of the beerboy presence, but if you ventured out of san you would notice that playa den bossa, ibiza town etc were banging.
As roger sanchez said in this months controverisal ministry mag, there are more upper class people coming.by this he just simly means no beerboys.
ibiza is going through a 'flushing out period' apparently the same thing happened in 91/92 season and looked what happened after that.
is ibiza dead........i think not, not for a long time yet!!!!