Ibiza Blues

I actually didn't cry this time when leaving the island - although I welled up as Es Vedra came into view on the flight in and I couldn't wipe the grin off my face for about 3 hours after we landed :D

The blues weren't that bad this year but that might be because *unashamed boasting* I have got loads to look forward to over the next 12 months until next years trip.
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I didnt feel so bad this year coming back. I still had a good few days off work when we got home so I was still in holiday mode. Me and the mrs just went for somethin to eat at our local and a few drinks the first night we got home then went for a meal and went out afterwards on the Sat. Its been just over 2 weeks ive been home now and im coming towards the final stages of the Ibiza Blues. Im at the point were when I look at my pics and not get too depressed. We are booking in a couple of weeks for 10 nights next year
last thursday when we left Ibiza I must admit I was rather upset....

having waited a few hours, delayed in departures thanks to the French strike we were then told on entering the plane we would have to sit on the tarmac for another 1 1/2 hrs and wait for a slot!

strikes, you gotta love em !
I started reading this thread and thought "ohhh these Ibiza Blues....that won't happen to me!" and it most certainly did! I've been back home now for a week and a half and I still want to hop on a plane and go back. :(

I guess back to reality but there is always next year, right? Already planning a trip to Europe and will have to include another couple days in Ibiza!
The blues I got last year after coming home lasted for months lol. Im already dreading them this summer. I went for 4 nights though that were pretty full on from start to finish and am going for a week this time. Do you find its harder to recover from a short trip because its over so quick?
Interesting read this thread. Been going to Ibiza for years and definitely get the blues every time. Never cried on the island itself but have broken down a few times after getting back. Not about Ibiza itself but about life in general, its futility, the fact that we're all going to die one day... obviously it's just the brain crying out after having its chemistry relentlessly assaulted for a week, but it feels more profound than that. The flashbacks of glorious moments in the clubs, strobe lights on beaming faces, high fives with strangers, all of that - in those moments you would give anything to bring them back to life.

A few things have helped (sort of). First, going at the end of summer rather than earlier - if you (I) come back and autumn is already setting in then I find that easier to take than coming back with two months of summer to go and the knowledge that thousands of people are flying out there every day for their holiday on the island while I'm sat at home. Second, for each of my last three visits I've been convinced that it would be my last one (or at least my last clubbing holiday there). This feeling of resignation made it harder to come home, but once I was home I started thinking about my new life post-Ibiza. Somehow this feeling of "drawing a line" helped. (Obviously, I have been back twice and will again this year, so things don't always work out the way you planned...). Thirdly, football - throw yourself into the football season (watching and playing) and this can take your mind off things. If you're not a fan this won't help I guess. Fourthly, taking up skiing/snowboarding gave me a winter holiday that is very nearly as exciting and physically exhausting as summer holidays in Ibiza. Truth to tell I look forward to both equally, except in my circles a snow holiday is more "respectable" than a week of chemicals and dance music. Other than that, all I can suggest is feeling proud and privileged that you get to experience something that the majority of the human race never does, and never even has any idea about. The comedown is only a measure of how high you've climbed.
Its been a year since I got
i got back from paradise 2 days ago now.had already booked for 2 weeks for the closings. so when the plane was taking of i jus said to myself see you in two months (sounds abit sad that lol) been having some well messed up dreams etc, was just drifting of to sleep last night and all of of sudden i was trying to gasp for air but not moving or anything. (don't know if anyone has ever done salivia before but it was kind of like that) was watching a program with my girlfriend yesterday afternoon an felt like i was going to cry for no apparent reason! that was my 6th time to ibiza. the 3rd and 4th trips i weren't that bad after. went for a big run today to try and get all of the chemicals out of the system and had a load of fruit and water. Hopefully tonight won't be as bad, not looking forward to coming back after the closings!
Its been a year since I got
Its been a year since i came back and ive been so utterly miserable.. I cry as soon as i open my eyes in the morning and can't think of anywhere but Ibiza. The reason I haven't gone back is that we are selling our house and buying over there so saving as much as we can for the trip. I know when i go back i wont come back to this dead monotony of life in the uk.... Its not all about the clubs and parties- Ibiza has got into my heart, my head and my soul and i feel every day im not there Im wasting life. Went to my gp who thinks im stipid but its so hard to explain the feelings. This hamster wheel of life in the uk is a waste of my time, theres nothing here for me. I need to get away from here for my own sanity!! Some people are a bit low for a few weeks but Ive had a year of this and I can't even look up at a plane going over without crying.. im sad for all of you here who are lonely with their feelings, Love to you all xx
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2 things help me get over the Ibiza bluse.

1 End of season.
I know it is a beautifull place to visit out of seson but knowing everywhere is closed or very quiet after the end of the season helps with the bluse...

2 Booking the next trip to Ibiza.
It may be 8 or 11 months away but booking your next trip alleviates the pain of the blues.

My 2 top tips,

Have you been out of season?
Gave me worse blues then in summer ffs it feels even better then in summer. The fact the locals are chilled because they're not yet stressed make them much more friendly. I have only been in spring but will make a winter trip soon hopefully.
Its been a year since i came back and ive been so utterly miserable.. I cry as soon as i open my eyes in the morning and can't think of anywhere but Ibiza. The reason I haven't gone back is that we are selling our house and buying over there so saving as much as we can for the trip. I know when i go back i wont come back to this dead monotony of life in the uk.... Its not all about the clubs and parties- Ibiza has got into my heart, my head and my soul and i feel every day im not there Im wasting life. Went to my gp who thinks im stipid but its so hard to explain the feelings. This hamster wheel of life in the uk is a waste of my time, theres nothing here for me. I need to get away from here for my own sanity!! Some people are a bit low for a few weeks but Ive had a year of this and I can't even look up at a plane going over without crying.. im sad for all of you here who are lonely with their feelings, Love to you all xx
I'm struggling with depression currently, Ibiza still features more in my thought process then anything bar my daughter. My mrs won't move :mad: I won't leave my daughter, can't.
Life :rolleyes:
I dont know what to do. Ive liedin bed fortwoyears wanting to bein Ibiza- forever.. I sufferfrom eratic heartbeats and im terrified to move. I want to be there again- all my days werehappy. I have 22,000£ but nothing is for sale at that low price. ihate the UK n people here. Hypocritical and corrupt government. I am starving myselfto death. Ive nomore tears tocry. I dont drink but buy valium online. My pets havegradually died( my only friends), imin cornwall and sosad i feel nothing is worth getting up for or smile fir. Id go now but my bloke who i love wont retire early so im torn between him n happiness. Im so sad and want to be in Ibiza... Anyone else got this or am i going mentally insane as it feels like it. Oh god i want to be there. Even spain would do for now- its a step nearer xx
Could you nip over on a late break for a few nights on your own with your stash of cash? Would cost much, and a few days might recharge the soul, scratch the urge of being there and you can at least come back and feel good you've had a few nice days of your favourite surroundings? Got to be better then your current mind set.
Could you nip over on a late break for a few nights on your own with your stash of cash? Would cost much, and a few days might recharge the soul, scratch the urge of being there and you can at least come back and feel good you've had a few nice days of your favourite surroundings? Got to be better then your current mind set.
Had rap Easter. Sat n did nothing. Im probably the saddest freak on here as my onlyfriend was a pheasant whoused to come n see meinthegarden. Tried talking to my bloke over the weekend nit was pointless. He is happyinthat dead end jobn cominghome n watchin tv. I want more from life. Ive given up any hope now of ever getting out of this utter misery. Ivegot this heart thing that gives me palpitations but its allegedly harmless. It terrifies me. Im just lying here feeling utterly desolate. Hope things are better with you? Im glad u got the job sorted ✈️
Heyhowslife. Im worse than ever. Rang docyest n they wernt muchhelp. Spend my life inmy bed looking atibiza pics n watching benidorm. Myheart palps have trebled. My blokes just had a week offn spentit wTchin footy n cycling- he promisedfaithfullyhe would book us a hol forhis next week in june n never even mentioned it. I think hehas f***ing mental issues!!!! Hes not short of a few quid. I know its coshe wanted to take the tart daughter awY forhis 50th whichfalls on his week off. I cantlive like this anymore.