Back `int day`, if Fabi Paras disliked a track he would smash it to bits on the wall behind him.
Theres a million videos of nina losing it and dancing to the music, there might not be a smile on her face but you can very much see she is feeling it.
Back `int day`, if Fabi Paras disliked a track he would smash it to bits on the wall behind him.
There was a dj in dublin used to do that when a tune is after being rinsed for to long.. I witness him doing it with Nightcrawlers and later Stardust music sounds better,he used to just snap them after he play it one last time..Back `int day`, if Fabi Paras disliked a track he would smash it to bits on the wall behind him.
Sorry but I think this is a very naive and unfair comment if I’m honest and is exactly part of the problem with this divide at the minute.Nothing new (and i dunno if it’s just because im getting a bit older) but there was alot of youngins at sunset tonight purely there for instagram getting lots of photos took then spending ages editing them
Sign of the times eh
Whatever happened to Fabi Paras?
You went to Nervo FFS? What were you expecting, moody techno?Nervo leaped up and down so much I thought i’d wandered in to an aeorobics class, i’ve heard better music down my local leisure centre too.
Wtf was that
Sorry but I think this is a very naive and unfair comment if I’m honest and is exactly part of the problem with this divide at the minute.
It’s simple young people have grown up with phones their whole lives so to them it is completely normal to take pictures and videos and looks a phones. Older people find it strange because they didn’t have that when they was young.
Yes it does ruin abit of atmosphere but this doesn’t mean young people don’t care about music! I can’t comment for this specific crowd you saw but I personally love my music and so do all my mates and we are 21-24 and will all take a few pictures and videos over the course of a night but this doesn’t meant we don’t go out for the music! Yeah I’ll upload something to Instagram but that’s for my memories and doesn’t mean for one moment I don’t love the night I’m attending!
Just think it’s unfair to brand all young people who use phones as fake music/Ibiza lovers tbh as I know you’d probably look at me and put me straight in the “young English phone using crowd who should be at Paradise” but in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth so personally this whole debate comes down to the fact of people getting older and I’m sure I’ll have this problem in about 10 years.
This is not a preach for allow phones everywhere but just cut some slack here and there because simply this is how the majority of younger people will to out
I think its brilliant.. just shows what you can do behind the decks these days...Wtf was that. Ive no idea who he is but im guessing he earns more per gig than i do in a year..... HOW!?
Aye, shouldve put his time to better use and got his self assessment tax return doneI think its brilliant.. just shows what you can do behind the decks these days...
You went to Nervo FFS? What were you expecting, moody techno?![]()
Back from a week last Friday, mozzies were a nightmare! Worst I have ever known....g/f got bitten so bad ruined a couple of days of the trip. I never get bit, but I also got attacked....be preparedThanks, I always stay in San An, every time I've been this season I've been bitten, I mean these things hound me. Their bites are ferocious....huge red welts.
Sounds like the super SAS pure deet bad boy Spray will have to go in hand luggage.