ibiza 2012 season

stivi´s ibiza-2012-season-summary
but i miss stuff like thumbs up/down for whatever not clubbing-related,
flops/disasters of the season (plan b, etcpp) ...

Very diplomatic I would say....but comprehensive and a well written read.
sven väth´s 2012 review (excerpt)



... Right at the beginning of the year, I had to face a surprise, namely the fact that two of our Ibiza resident DJs said goodbye to us! One of them did it with open and honest words and ENTERed the Space, the other one – without saying a word – chose the backdoor and settled himself in a well-feathered nest! This was rather disappointing, to be honest!

I can understand that you want to become independent at some point, in order to go your own way. Also, everybody is responsible for himself and his own decisions, but you should always keep a certain attitude and respect, especially when you can look back on a good and successful collaboration.

I know I'm a romantic, you can also call it "Old School", but still my values and my actions have always proved themselves. It's about togetherness and solidarity, because this was the only way for us to lay the basic structures for our music in Ibiza! Profit and pompous "VIPs" have never been the motivation for our work. Focus on the dancefloor and free after parties, this was and is what we stand for!

I'm also aware of the fact that successful pioneering always attracts imitators, for good and for bad, and this is an honour for us! All the clubs, the promoters and also the DJs including their managers will experience a different Ibiza in the upcoming years, charged with scene-riving frictions and hungry, success-oriented egos – hopefully not to the detriment of the music's quality, the vibes and the guests!

Despite the competitive situation never seen before, we are very satisfied with the result of this year's season: "Cocoon Heroes – Into The Magic" really did rock! The quality of our parties has been praised frequently, and we have to thank the dedicated team and YOU ALL!

After we manoeuvred the Ibiza ship safely through the storm, we unfortunately ran aground in Frankfurt.

First off: the closing of the Cocoonclub has left its mark on me! It's been exactly ten years from the planning phase to the closing. Those were thrilling and exciting times, to conceive the club from the scratch, to design and plan it, and we have, from the very beginning on, of course been totally aware that the Cocoonclub with its restaurants was a brave and exceptional concept!

Nevertheless have we tried everything to keep the club alive – and I would particularly like to thank my partners and especially our team!

This club with its design, sound and light is the most beautiful one I know. We have spent so many epic nights there, and when everything was perfect, the club was simply unbeatable!!!

Thanks to everybody, you have brought this club to life!
We had eight years to live the dream,
but all good things come to their end, too,
and that's how it should be ...
