ibiza 2012 season


Hotel occupation on the island hit 91.9 percent during the month of July,
only 0.7 percent below the level reached in 2011, which was the best result for a decade

Roberto Hortensius, President of the Hoteliers Federation, expressed his satisfaction
with the results claiming that July had been better than initially anticipated,
especially in the light of the fact that other tourist destinations, s
uch as Egypt and Tunisia have recovered some of the appeal
which was previously lost due to political unrest.

He is also optimistic about August;
although he does not expect a figure similar to last year, which was 95 percent,
he does not think it will drop below 90 percent

However, Formentera continues the downward spiral experienced so far this summer,
with 9.4 percent less beds occupied than the previous year
and, as feared,
it is the Italian market which has shown the highest decrease.

Hortensius commented that the situation in Formentera was worrying and suggested
that the Tourist Board should be looking to develop other markets and not rely
almost exclusively on tourists from Italy and mainland Spain.

Over the three months from May to July the decrease in occupation in Ibiza
was 2.19 percent, whereas in Formentera it was 15.7 percent.

He also pointed out that Ibiza is not being affected by the economic crisis as much
as the other Balearic Islands, with occupation in Mallorca during August not expected
to exceed 80 percent.

Meanwhile passenger figures at the airport are up once again in July with the Airport
Authorities, AENA, reporting that the island's airport handled a total of 1.7 million passengers,
0.2 percent up on the same period last year,

while Palma's Son San Joan airport handled 3,435,939 passengers, one percent up on July,
and 501,681 passengers passed through Menorca terminal,
a two percent increase on July, 2011.

Legend ... Pete Tong
It's all gone... Saint Tropez!

Published: 21st August 2012
... PETE TONG fears Ibiza could turn into the new Saint Tropez
as punters are being priced out of the White Isle

Tong, who was part of the BBC station's weekend in the Balearic island earlier this month,
admits the number of party-goers has dropped off this season.

He said: “It's probably not as busy as everyone was expecting
after the record breaking summer of 2011.

“The economy has taken its toll, especially in Spain.

“The VIP end of the market is getting serviced bigger and better than ever,
but nobody wants Ibiza to end up like Saint Tropez ...

Fortunately the underground scene is in rude health too.
We can only hope that reduced numbers will lead to cheaper parties in the future to bring people back on side.
:lol: .. I'd like to say I was staring down the barrels of her guns ... but they're not even making it into my peripheral vision :spank:
An interview with one of the men behind Pacha - Mark Netto

How has the season gone?

The season has gone well.
It's been a different season in the respect that for years gone past
there's always been a consistent order.
If you're looking at it on a graph, you know where you're going to have your busiest time
and when you're going to have your crisis time.
But I think with the advent of low cost flights, the ease of booking hotels and getting to
and from the island quicker, people are booking their holidays and trips to Ibiza based on
when they're off or who's performing, so it's consistent and it's good.
But it's not like before when June was quiet, then July then August (got busier).
Now you can have a huge week in the beginning of July that compares to the middle of August.
I think it's good that it's not all condensed in a three-week space in the middle of August

What trends have you noticed this season?

From what I've seen, minimal and dirty is becoming funky and deep, which is great.
Especially in our space, in our club, it's good to have something that has a groove,
or something that has that little bit of soul or disco vibe, or something that is more
than just a broken down set of sounds.
I think it's a trend that's quite infectious, and it's working well.
I think it's opening the doors, and crossing genres as well.
Five years ago you could easily say, "this DJ plays this and this DJ plays that,"
but those lines are becoming more and more intermixed
and it's only good for the scene as a whole.
Granted, some are going to be deemed "commercial" and some deemed "underground,"
but just listening to the records that are getting played day in and day out,
it's got more feeling.
No matter what genre or sub-genre of house it is, there seems to be more feeling
and more of a memorable factor.

How busy is it this season compared to other seasons?

I think it's as busy as any season before.
I mean, we've seen constant growth here for almost the last decade,
and considering the rest of Spain is in crisis and times are tough
for people, I think it's been a resounding summer.

If we look at it in retrospect at the end of the season, there may have been some days
that have been good or quieter than others, but then the following week it's twice as busy
compared to the last, so I think we're probably onto another one of our best years at Pacha,
and what's nice is it seems to be more spread out across the months and the days of the week,
so it's been consistently solid
, which you can't knock at all.

If you look at a Monday night or a Thursday night, the amount of people that are actually out
in discos and after parties, spending money to party, it's phenomenal
I don't think you could get many major cities that have this volume of people going out
and spending money, having a good time, and walking out having had a good time
feeling like they got value for their money.
Ibiza's not a cheap place to come and have a holiday.
It's not cheap to come and go out, and yet people keep coming back, spending the money
because they do feel they're having value for their money and they're having a good time

Domenico, promotion manager for Privilege.

How has Privilege been this year?

I honestly think that it's the best season ever.
I've been here for seven years, and I've never seen such a successful season
We have three really strong nights and the others are very good.
We have a new sound system in both rooms;
we have a brand new room, The Vista Club.
We have also the restaurant, The Blue Box, and the lights in the main room are completely new.
We have a new screen of 140 square meters, and we have a company that takes care
of just the FX this year…we are much stronger.
I have to say that I am proud of Privilege.
It was a huge investment this winter,
but now we see the fruit
It's not all gold, there is a lot of stress and complications,
but that's the nightlife. It's good.

Exclusive interview:
Johannes Goller - head promoter of Cocoon's night at Amnesia

How's it going this year?

Very, very well.
You know, when you come to the island, and Amnesia was closed for such a long time,
there are always some [issues].
You need two or three weeks until the whole thing really, really rolls.
From Amnesia's side, it's things like the soundsystem and the door.
They had some new people, we had some new people—two big teams.
Before you really get into a workflow, it takes like two or three events before you can say,
"OK, now we have the sound equalized."
But yeah, then [a] perfect fusion of Cocoon and Amnesia is done,
and now we are ready to roll until October.

How's the crowd been?

Super good.
I mean, we have a little bit less than last year, which is, I think, a general fact on the island
this year, that there are less tourists from Italy and Spain because of the crisis.
We can see this everywhere, not only Ibiza.
So we have a bit less people, but in general, I'd say it's nothing compared to the situation
we are really facing. It's like five percent less.

And I'd have to say that 2011 was an extraordinarily good year on the island.
Last year in August we had 98 percent of all hotels rented,
and this is something that has never happened to Ibiza before.
So I would consider 2011 to be the best season since (I've been) here,
which is 15 years now.
And of course, after such an amazing peak, [this year] there's a bit less.

On top of this there is so much competition as well this year.
I mean there are techno parties everyday somewhere.
At Amnesia we have two, we have one at Privilege, we have four techno nights at Sankeys.
Richie Hawtin launched his own night, Marco Carola launched his own night,
DC-10 is for the first time open four times a week.
And I think all this is also due to the amazing 2011, that now suddenly everybody thought
"wow, in Ibiza the clubs are full, the parties are full, wow, wow, wow.
We want our own night—let's try it."

Do you think there are too many parties?

You can do Steve Angello and Swedish House Mafia parties here three times a week,
this is no problem, because it's mainstream, commercial dance music.
But when we are talking about techno, this is still a niche.
This is not a product where suddenly 4,000 21-year-old ravers come in and say,
"that's hot ****, we are in."
Techno is something that's happened here [for], many years.
We attract people from 19 to 40.
Sven has been DJing since 30 years [ago].
And so, it was always good to have techno under one roof.
It was Monday at DC-10, it was Carl Cox at Space,
it was Cocoon at Amnesia with Hawtin, Vath, Carola, Dice.
Of course, it brought us into a very comfortable spot.

This was '99 as Cocoon started.
We kind of worked for this position we have, this exclusivity of the sound.
Now, it's available everyday, everywhere.
And this of course takes focus away
, but since we've been doing it for 13 years,
we've tried to adapt. We've brought new people in, signed new residents.
I don't know if you were here last week with Ricardo and RPR,
but there were people coming and saying, "this was the best Cocoon in the last five years.
This was an absolutely outstanding night, music-wise, vibe-wise, people-wise, the dance floor."
People were crying on the dance floor saying, "****ing hell, this is the best music
I have heard in Ibiza."

And so I'm really happy that we've made the right steps to bring people in like
RPR and Mathias Kaden and Cassy. The important thing is to find the right balance between
the headliner that makes the club full, but bring fresh people in to spice the whole thing up,
and I think we did this very well.

Do you think there's a solution to the oversaturation of parties?

Yes, the solution is already happening, because this cake is simply not big enough.
Maybe last year it would have been big enough, but this year it's definitely not big enough.
And next year we'll see who has the strength, and also the financial background to say,
"OK, we do it again."
Not all nights are ENTER. with the treasure in the pocket.

After parties. Are things a little bit more relaxed with after parties?

Yes. Especially in Playa d'en Bossa, with the new situation with Ushuaia,
things are a little bit more relaxed.
It's still not the same rights for
all, but there are a couple of locations at Playa d'en Bossa
next to Ushuaia where there are possibilities to host after parties.
To start at 12, from 12 to 12, that's the deal.


What do you think of the scene in the island in general?

I see a change due to the fact that the clubbing generation of the last ten years
is not so present as in previous years
There are a lot of younger tourists who may have never been here before.
I mean, the main attraction is Ushuaia with Avicii, with Swedish House Mafia.

Do you think this is a good thing?

I think it is a good thing because every year there are new people coming, new tourism,
new ravers, new generations;
and it's important to keep Ibiza on the top of electronic dance music—new DJs, new followers.
What I'm a little bit, I don't want to say scared, but what I see with different perspectives
is this whole new VIP market, with tables getting more expensive, and it's all about
who has the best table.

Yesterday I walked up and down Playa d'en Bossa, I checked all these venues,
and everywhere you go you see big beds, big bottles of champagne, magnums of Rose…
this is not Ibiza...the clubbers were first; the VIPs came and joined.
The attraction is the dance floor, the music and the party, not the VIPs,
and this year, in my opinion, they get too much attention

Domenico, promotion manager for Privilege.

How has Privilege been this year?

I honestly think that it's the best season ever.
I've been here for seven years, and I've never seen such a successful season
We have three really strong nights and the others are very good.
We have a new sound system in both rooms;
we have a brand new room, The Vista Club.
We have also the restaurant, The Blue Box, and the lights in the main room are completely new.
We have a new screen of 140 square meters, and we have a company that takes care
of just the FX this year…we are much stronger.
I have to say that I am proud of Privilege.
It was a huge investment this winter,
but now we see the fruit
It's not all gold, there is a lot of stress and complications,
but that's the nightlife. It's good.


Strange I heard the place was half full at best all season.......
Strange I heard the place was half full at best all season.......

Seems like they at least had a half decent strategy for this year though. Reckon it could take a few seasons to take off.

Don't Let Daddy Know - commercial hip-hop demographic
LMFAO Party Rock Island - commercial electro demographic
ASOT - Trance demographic
El Row in Vista Club - local, Spanish house & tech savvy demographic
Face of Ibiza - caters for the gay demographic and is different night to La Troya, Matinee

And they have chosen to close nights where they know they can't compete.

If they tweak that line-up slightly each year I think it could work out for them. Guess it just depends if there's enough money left in the coffers for them to survive that long.
Elrow was heaving when I went in August. Only the little 'bar' with the extra DJs (can't remember what it was called) was empty.
Thing is, even if it is only half full. For a club the size of Privilege that's pretty good going in this economic climate.

I bet Eden & Es Paradis would give their right leg to be a 1/3 full!