ibiza 2012 season



more, less or same amount of people - compared to 2011 - so far ??
Busy in June. The uniform of choice the this year though by the young ones is poor, muscle man vest, back to front cap and ****e high hair styles from the eighties.
I ventured in to the West End briefly 2 weeks ago and it was as busy as August. San An was as busy as i've seen it in June tbh
^^ Agree on San An - it was very very busy... but found PDB, the little bit of Ibiza Town I saw and the rest of the island about normal for June.
Many hotels in San An were closed in May it was that quiet. I suppose its who you talk to but im told June is quieter than last year.

A local business man told me that all the people in San An were mostly workers looking for jobs! Some taking €20 a day wages.

The Spanish recession is definitely biting and having an effect on the non clubbing/family market.

An incredible thirty percent of all tourists who spend their holidays in Ibiza and Formentera
do so in unlicensed establishments
according to a study undertaken by the Hoteliers' Federation,
with up to 600,000 holidaymakers accommodated in illegal hotels, apartments
and private homes each year

Although the number of passengers passing through the airport terminal every year increases,
the amount of licensed accommodation has not varied significantly for many years,
with more or less 80,000 beds available in Ibiza and 7,700 in Formentera.
Although there have been some new hotels inaugurated (mainly luxury five-star establishments),
this number has been offset by the closure of a handful of premises or others which have been
converted into residential accommodation.
Over the years the hoteliers have complained repeatedly about this illegal offer,
as these places do not pay taxes and are therefore seen as unfair competition.

... the Airport Authority reported that there was a very slight decrease
in the number of passengers during May, by only 0.5 percent, in comparison
with the previous year, although those arriving on international flights had risen slightly,
by 0.2 percent.
In other words, the amount of transit at the airport was very similar to that registered in 2011,
whilst the official hotel occupation for the same month fell significantly.

However the president of the Federation for small and medium sized businesses on the island
(Pimeef), Juan Ripoll, had a different view claiming it was now time the authorities allowed
tourists to legally stay in any property which has an occupancy certificate (cedula de habitabilidad).
He continued that this type of tourist is far more likely to use local businesses,
#and is more beneficial than a tourist who stays locked away inside an all-inclusive hotel.

I visited last week for a few days. Ibiza was busy, huge cruise liners docked. Went to cala comta, wich was really busy. All loungers (beds?) were booked at cbbc (great ink paella).

Went to cipriani and it was quiet busy. great food.
And really worth it. Menus at 70/80 euros. Romantic place.

There was a long wait at the fish shack/talamanca. Went twice.Good swim and "normal" food, soaked with a cafe caleta.

As Icey posted, the main concern was the non official rentals in ibiza.
This has to be dealt with, as the rental money does not profit to ibiza, in most cases.

Going back saturday. The best way to keep the island going!
The Pitiüses lost in the month of May almost 25,000 Spanish and Italian tourists
The PIMEEF this data yesterday branded "regrettable", while the Regional Minister of Tourism said
it is due to the economic situation of the two countries

Maria Jose Real | Eivissa | 27/06/2012
The drip of bad news in the tourism sector continues.
According to recent data from the Observatory of Tourism of the Government,
through the Institute for Tourism Studies (IET), Ibiza and Formentera
lost in the month of May a total of 24,731 Spanish and Italian tourists from May last year.

Specifically, 16,372 Spanish stopped visiting the Balearic Islands in May
8359 against Italians less,
representing a fall of 33% for the Spanish (in May 2011 came to a total of 49,674 Pitiüses Spanish)
and 33, 3% for the Italians (in May 2011 the figure was 25,114).

To the Councillor for Tourism, Carmen Ferrer, these data match the economic situation
in both countries
and that affects the issuance of tourists.
"Both the national and the Italian market are reflecting the state of the economy,"
said Ferrer, who noted that, for the moment,
"I don´t know if tourists maintain this reduction can be activated or sales
with the latest deals time.
" He also assured that it is "unpredictable" the reaction of the domestic and Italian.
Ferrer is clear that the "problem" is not the target (of the Balearic Islands),
but "home caused by the current situation."

The president of the Association of Hoteliers d'Eivissa i Formentera (FEHIF), Juanjo Riera
believes the information of the Government show that domestic tourism will come
this season "with last minute bookings and looking much the price, that is,
looking for offers very cheap
. " To this we must add, as Riera, the handicap
"the price of bunker."
The president of the employers pitiusa hotel has "increasingly clear
that this season will not be like the past

Joan Tur Ripoll, president of the Company Mitjana Petita d'Eivissa i Formentera (PIMEEF),
said yesterday that the loss of nearly 25,000 Spanish and Italian tourists in the month
of May over the same month of 2011 is "outrageous."

"It's unfortunate, but these data reflect reality.
And trying to climb over the VAT ', said Tur Ripoll, who said that the loss of Italian tourists
in May 8359 was noted "a lot" in Formentera.
"Until this year in Formentera not know what was the crisis
," he said.

For the president of the PIMEEF, the accumulation of "bad news" will be noticed in the results
of the summer. "Between labor disputes [referring to the negotiation of hotel and transportation
arrangements discretional] and the Government's proposals, which could start something
more productive to propose that not only cuts and taxes are spoiling the little time we have."


less spanish and less italian -
but read somewhere that instead there are way higher numbers
of some other nationalities this year ?!

aha, people looking for "good prices"
that´s interesting - who´d have thunk this ?
Yes the above is the feedback im hearing from businesses on the ground.

People are most definitely looking for value and deals, thats why A/I Hotels are doing better than others.

Plus prices in Ibiza are still at non-recession rates. The Island is gone too expensive for the ordainery punter. The best thing that could happen for Ibiza and the Spanish economy is for Spain to come out of the Euro and revert back to the peseta.
First half of June
Hotel occupancy fell by 4.4% in Ibiza and Formentera

Ibiza and Formentera reduce their employment by 2.5% and 17.8% respectively
over the same period of 2011, according to data from the FEHIF

Ibiza Hotel occupancy in the Pitiusas is down 4.4% in the first half of June compared to 2011,
according to data from the Association of Hoteliers in Ibiza and Formentera (FEHIF).

Specifically, the island of Ibiza has reduced its employment by 2.5% over the figures
of last season, while Formentera has reduced its by 17.8% over the previous year.

Formentera first recorded occupation worse Eivissa
In the first half of June reached 67.94% against the 73.37% of Ibiza,
according to FEHIF

The latest data from the Association of Hoteliers in Ibiza and Formentera (FEHIF) show
that hotel occupancy in the first half of June in Formentera was for the first time
in eight years lower than in Eivissa
In this sense, Formentera reached 67.94% in the first 15 days of this month
compared to 73.37% occupancy of Ibiza which is a fall of 17.8%
compared to 2011
when Formentera reached 82.6% .

"The truth is that it is real, we touch and live everyday.
These last two summers we were surprised that there was the influx of tourists in June
after the first half of July and was later softened up until the first half of September, "
said Juan Costa Cardona, president of the company Mitjana Petita i Formentera.

In this sense, Costa Cardona said the start of the tourist season "began on 20 this month.
Until last week we could not say 'feels like summer'. "
Thus, the beginning of the season in Formentera this year has been characterized
as being "slow, very slow
," said the manager of PIME Formentera.

President FEHIF, Juanjo Riera, said yesterday that the average occupancy "normal" for Eivissa
is between 70 and 72%, while the percentage for Formentera be between 69 and 71%

"Last year we had a number of factors in our favor, as the riots in the Arab world,
strikes and problems in Greece and there was no European Championship or Olympic Games
said the president of the hoteliers, who recalled that last season was "exceptional"
for the Balearic Islands with an average hotel occupancy (from May 1 to October 31)
to Ibiza from 78% and 74.75% for Formentera.

In this sense, a season "good" would be like 2010 with an occupancy rate of 70.62%
to 69.9% and Ibiza to Formentera.

Despite the start to the season which has seen, Riera Formentera have stressed that
in the months of July, August and September "good occupation".
And he said that on the island remain "available to encourage the arrival of tourists
to know the true Mediterranean paradise."

The president of the hoteliers is clear that Ibiza and Formentera are
"exceptional and complementary destinations."
To this must be added the famous "world" of the Balearic Islands.
"They also tend to better withstand economic downturns than other Spanish destinations,"
stated the president of the FEHIF.

Even Ibiza and Formentera have to acknowledge that there is a terrible economic situation in Europe which is squeezing increasing numbers of people. Revelation after revelation outing institutionalised market manipualtion and theft by money men who I still hope will be banged up for their actions and their assets seized... but nonetheless, Europe has been living on non-existent money and spending the projected wealth of future generations up-front.

As the bottomless pit of debt to repay mounts and the number of bankrupt mouths to feed grows, the margins of excess available for consumption are squeezed through rising costs plus mounting direct and indirect tax burdens. We are all being bled dry by it and in the end, something's got to give.

Astronomic prices (especially restaurants and clubs) cannot be sustained indefinitely in these circumstances... eating out in Ibiza is still on average double the price of Madeira (a high-end tourist destination attracting wealthy tourists) or even Menorca, and drinks 2-3 times the price in similar venues. Quality is no better. Numbers are one thing - but I wonder what the real impact will be this year on tourist expenditure per capita on the island this year.
not much worse can happen to ibiza-tourism -
possibility of even less flights (and even higher prices !?):


The air connectivity could be further reduced this winter
by the economic crisis
The lack of profitability could influence airlines to reduce frequency

Maria Jose Real | Eivissa | 29/06/2012
The Airline Association (ALA), which are integrated over 20 domestic and international airlines,
said that the economic impact in reducing operations this summer
and could affect connectivity coming winter

"This summer there are 100,000 fewer flight operations at Spanish airports
and this is because companies do not have good expectations with its results.
What will happen this winter ?
Specifically do not know, but the truth is that there is international economic situation
that can lead to probably difficulties in the tourism business
, "
said Juan Luis bourgeois, manager of ALA.

These difficulties in the tourism sector, as bourgeois, can lead to fewer people
who want to fly:
"If there are fewer people there will be more seats to fill.
Therefore, more companies will say 'if I leave out my seats have to work
on frequencies or routes. "
In this sense, bourgeois said that in general and in the case of the Balearic Islands, "
I know not what may happen," but specified, "The logic of the process said that
the economic pull towards the reduction of flights not to the increase. "
On the declaration of public service of Ibiza-Madrid route, bourgeois said:
"If it fails the mobility of residents, someone has to solve the problem
through public service or by the resident discount."

On the possibility of eliminating frequencies or flights for lack of profitability,
Ramon Cisquela, president of the IBZ citizen connectivity platform, said that
"anything can happen because we are at the mercy of the free market."

Busy in June. The uniform of choice the this year though by the young ones is poor, muscle man vest, back to front cap and ****e high hair styles from the eighties.

I concur. This is what I have seen in San an anyway.

Doubtful that its the same in Bossa.
Police fear a rise in thefts and violent robberies at beaches
Experts call for tourists to follow the recommendations to increase security

J.M.A. | Ibiza | 30/06/2012
The tourist areas are fresh grass as Eivissa to the burglars.
The main danger is the theft, ie, theft by neglect, but also robberies, or robberies.

This year, because of the growing economic insecurity that is being installed in the country,
the Security Forces fear an upsurge of all property crimes, burglaries and thefts .

In fact, only in the first quarter
robberies have increased by 60% over the same period last year

Why doubtful? The knob to normal ratio is far higher in PDB these days. Certainly was in June anyway.

you've been slating playa d'en bossa for years already so that comment is no surprise. but i still haven't been able to figure out the reason for you hatred against it.
Why doubtful? The knob to normal ratio is far higher in PDB these days. Certainly was in June anyway.

I'm surprised you even went to PDB?

you've been slating playa d'en bossa for years already so that comment is no surprise. but i still haven't been able to figure out the reason for you hatred against it.

PR's don't tout, slate as hard as Dirk does, makes you wonder what the deal is?
"In this sense, Formentera reached 67.94% in the first 15 days of this month
compared to 73.37% occupancy of Ibiza which is a fall of 17.8%
compared to 2011 when Formentera reached 82.6%.

Having just looked for a room on Formentera for a night this week, and come out with a minimum price of nearly 200Euros a night for one person in a pretty average place, I am not surprised in the least that occupancy is down :!:
no idea if actually there aren´t other reasons behind this decision,
but here we go =>

Unfortunately, it is with deep regret that we have to announce that Es Paradis
have decided to cancel the rest of the Summer Season 2012 TwiceasNice events.
This is due to
the fact that Ibiza has been greatly affected by the poor economy
and therefore, TwiceasNice events will no longer be held this year.

We send our sincere apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause you,
but this is out of our control ...
